Ehsan Ahmadi
Ehsan is currently a lecturer in Civil Engineering at Birmingham City University and a Visiting Fellow at University of Southampton (UoS).
Prior to his current position, Ehsan was a Research and Teaching Fellow within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at UoS. From 2014-2018, and worked as a PhD Researcher and Teaching Associate in Structural Engineering at Monash University, Australia.
Following Ehsan’s undergraduate and Master studies, he was a Freelance Structural Designer, designing and analysing a wide variety of civil structures. Dr Ehsan Ahmadi also contributed to important engineering projects for VicRoads, Australia, on Assessment, and Structural Health Monitoring of Road Bridges during his PhD studies.
- Member of Editorial Board of Shock and Vibration
- Professional Reviewer of a large number of journals
- Professional Structural Engineer, Engineers Australia
- IAPS, International Association of Protective Structures
My research interests and areas are around dynamic effects of extreme environmental loadings and resilience-based design of structures including both experimental testing and robust finite element modelling. Particularly:
- Earthquake Engineering
- Vibration serviceability of bridge structures
- Accelerated concrete bridge construction
- Dynamic soil-structure interaction
Published journals papers
Shadlou M., Ahmadi E., Kashani M.M. 2019 Micromechanical modelling of masonry structures: a review of recent developments, Structures, |
Ahmadi E., Kashani M.M. 2019 Numerical investigation of nonlinear static and dynamic behaviour of self-centring rocking segmental bridge piers, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 10.1016/j.soildyn.2019.105876. |
Ahmadi E., Alexander N.A., Kashani M.M. 2019 Lateral dynamic bridge deck-pier interaction for ultra-high-speed Hyperloop train loading, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), DOI: 10.1680/jbren.19.00011. |
Ahmadi E., Caprani C., Zivanovic S., Heirdapour A. 2019 Assessment of human-structure interaction on a lively lightweight GFRP footbridge, Engineering Structures, 199(2019), |
Kashani M.M., Ahmadi E., Gonzalez-Buelga A.A., Zhang D., Scarpa F. 2019 Layered composite entangled wire materials blocks as pre-tensioned vertebral rocking columns, Composite Structures, 214(2019), |
Ahmadi E. 2019 On the Structural Energy distribution and cumulative damage in soil-embedded foundation-structure interaction systems, Engineering Structures, 182(2019), |
Ahmadi E. 2019 Concurrent effects of inertial and kinematic soil-structure interactions on strength-ductility-period relationship, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 117(2019), |
Ahmadi E., Kiani M., Paytam F., Khoshnoudian F. 2018 Equivalent linearization parameters of soil-MDOF structure systems subjected to pulse-like earthquakes, Soils and Foundations, |
Ahmadi E., Caprani C., Zivanovic S., Heirdapour A. 2018 Vertical ground reaction forces on rigid and vibrating surfaces for vibration serviceability assessment of structures, Engineering Structures 17(2018) 723-738, |
Ahmadi E., Zivanovic S., Caprani C., Evans N., Heirdapour A. 2018 A framework for quantification of human-structure interaction in vertical direction. Journal of Sound and Vibration 432 (2018) 351-372, |
Ahmadi E., Caprani C., Heidarpour A. 2017 An equivalent moving force model for consideration of human-structure interaction, Applied Mathematical Modelling 51 (2017) 526-545, |
Caprani C., Ahmadi E. 2016 Formulation of human-structure system models for vertical vibration. Journal of Sound and Vibration 377 (2016) 346-36, |
Ahmadi E., Khoshnoudian F. 2015. Near-fault effects on strength reduction factors of soil-structure Systems, Soils and Foundations, 55(4) 841-856, doi:10.1016/j.sandf.2015.06.015. |
Khoshnoudian F. Ahmadi E., Kiani M., Tehrani M. H. 2015. Dynamic instability of soil-SDOF structure systems under far-fault earthquakes, Earthquake Spectra, 31(4) 2419-2441, |
Khoshnoudian. F., Attarnejad R., Paytam F., Ahmadi E. 2015. Effects of forward directivity on the response of soil-structure systems, Buildings and Structures, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), SB9 (168) 664-679 |
Khoshnoudian F., Ahmadi E., Sohrabi S., Kiani M. 2014. Higher-mode effects for soil-structure systems under different components of near-fault ground motions, Earthquakes and Structures, 7(1) 83-99, |
Ahmadi E., Khoshnoudian F., Hosseini. M. 2014. Importance of soil material damping in seismic analysis of soil-MDOF structure systems, Soils and Foundations, 55(1) 35-44, doi:10.1016/j.sandf.2014.12.003. |
Khoshnoudian F., Ahmadi E., Kiani M., Tehrani M.H. 2014. Collapse capacity of soil-structure systems under pulse-like earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 44(3) 481-490, 10.1002/eqe.2501. |
Khoshnoudian F., Ahmadi E. 2014. Effects of inertial soil-structure interaction on inelastic displacement ratios of SDOF oscillators subjected to pulse-like ground motions, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 13(6) 1809-1833, |
Khoshnoudian F., Ahmadi E., Imaniazad A. 2014. Damping coefficients for soil-structure systems and evaluation of FEMA 440 subjected to pulse-like near-fault earthquakes, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 61-62 124-134, |
Khoshnoudian F., Ahmadi E., Abedinik F. 2013. Inelastic displacement ratios for soil-structure systems, Engineering Structures, 57 453-464, http://dx, |
Khoshnoudian F., Ahmadi E., Sohrabi S. 2013. Response of nonlinear soil-MDOF structure systems subjected to distinct frequency-content components of near-fault ground motions, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 43(5) 701-716, 10.1002/eqe.2367. |
Khoshnoudian F., Ahmadi E. 2013. Effects of pulse period of near-field ground motions on the seismic demands of soil-MDOF structure systems using mathematical pulse models, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(11) 1565-1582,10.1002/eqe.2287. |
Hosseinzadeh H., Kazem H., Ghahremannejad M., Ahmadi E., Kazem, N. 2013. Comparison of API650-2008 provisions with FEM analyses for seismic assessment of existing steel oil storage tanks, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26(4) 666-675, |
Conference Papers
Ahmadi E., Kashani M.M. Dynamic Amplification Factors For Ultra-High-Speed Hyperloops: Vertical and Lateral Vibration. EURODYN 2020, XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Athens, Greece, 2020. |
Ahmadi E., Kashani M.M. A New Approach to Modelling Rocking Motion of Post-tensioned Segmental Columns. EURODYN 2020, XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Athens, Greece, 2020. |
Ahmadi E., Kashani M.M. Seismic Behaviour of Precast Post-tensioned Segmental Columns Using Incremental Dynamic Analysis. 17WCEE, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2020, Sendai, Japan, 2020. |
Ahmadi E., Kashani M.M. Resilience-Based Design of Biologically Inspired Columns for Next-Generation Accelerated Bridge Construction. Institution of Structural Engineers' Young Researchers' Conference, London, UK, 2019. |
Ahmadi E., Kashani M.M. 2019 Nonlinear dynamics of pre-tensioned rocking rigid single block. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1264(2019) 012006, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012006. |
Ahmadi E., Kashani M.M. 2019 On the use of entangled wire materials in pre-tensioned rocking columns. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1264(2019) 012007, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012007. |
Ngan J.W., Caprani C., Ahmadi E., Bai Y. Dynamic performance assessment of a novel pultruded fibre-reinforced polymer footbridge. 24th Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM), 1523-1528, CRC press, 2016. |
Caprani C., Satasivam s., Ahmadi E., Ngan J.W., Zhang S., Bai Y. Static and dynamic performance of an orthotropic-deck pultruded fibre-reinforced polymer footbridge. 39th IABSE Symposium - Engineering the Future September 21-23 2017, Vancouver, Canada. |
Ahmadi E., Caprani C. Damping and frequency of human-structure system. Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, EVACES 15.17-21 October 2015, Zurich, Switzerland. |
Caprani C., Qu J., Zivanovic S., Evans N., Ahmadi E. Quantification of human-structure interaction. Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, EVACES 15.17-21 October 2015, Zurich, Switzerland. |
Ahmadi E., Khoshnoudian F., Hosseini M. Contribution of soil material damping to the demands of soil-MDOF structure systems, CSCE2014, 28-31 May 2014, Halifax, NS, Canada. |
Ahmadi E., Khoshnoudian F. Evaluation of maximum displacement factor for soil-structure systems, CSCE2013, 29 May-1 June 2013, Montreal, Canada. |
Ahmadi E., Khoshnoudian F. Strength reduction factors of multi-story building including soil-structure interaction, CSCE2013, 29 May-1 June, Montreal, Canada. |
Ahmadi E., Hosseini, M. 2013. Response of soil-structure systems to pulse and high-frequency components of near-fault motions, Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development Conference, Tabriz, Iran, |
Ahmadi E., Paytam, F., Zamanian, R., and Attarnejad, R. 2013. Near-fault effects on inelastic displacement ratios of soil-MDOF structure systems, Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development Conference, Tabriz, Iran, |