Dr Chinny Nzekwe-Excel

Associate Professor – Enterprise and Corporate Development
- Email:
- chinny.nekwe-excel@bcu.ac.uk
- Phone:
- 01213316668
Dr Chinny is a distinguished academic, consultant/ practitioner, and research expert in the broad areas of Management/ Business Development Initiatives & Repositioning Strategies; International Business; Leadership Concepts; Teaching & Learning Innovations; Work-based Learning; Operations Management Research, and Construction Management. She is a Statistics Expert; Senior Fellow (Advance Higher Education); Certified Management & Business Educator; and a Leadership and Management Professional.
Dr Chinny leads, manages, and delivers Management and Leadership, International Business, Strategy, Professional Project, & Innovation Programmes/ Modules in the UK and overseas (Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and North America) to different categories of students/ learners from undergraduate to doctoral level. In addition, her diverse educational qualifications and cross-disciplinary professional/ teaching practice enables her to work and collaborate with a range of Corporates/ Businesses & SMEs as well as with colleagues (and learners) from lots of different educational backgrounds (e.g. Audiology, Business, Engineering & IT, Mathematics, Public Health, Psychology, and TESOL).
Being a champion for equality, diversity, and inclusion, Dr Chinny contributes to several academic networks & developments, and internationalisation initiatives. Dr Chinny has strategic involvements with global Higher Education platforms and has published several research outputs in leading academic journals & conference/ scholarly networks. Chinny’s research outputs have continued to gain wide attention/ recognitions including the Highly Commended Emeralds Literati Networks award. She serves as an editor/ reviewer in various peer-reviewed journals.
Areas of Expertise
- Management Development Initiatives;
- Repositioning Strategies;
- International Business;
- Leadership Concepts;
- Operations Management Research;
- Teaching & Learning Innovations;
- Work-based Learning; and
- Construction Management
- PhD: IT in Construction Management
- MSc Engineering Business Management
- BSc (Hons): Computer Science and Mathematics
- Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Professional Practice in Higher Education
- Staff and Educational Developers Association (SEDA): Leading and Embedding Technology Enhanced Learning (Digital Transformation)
- Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
- Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS)
- Senior Fellow, Advance Higher Education, UK
- Certified Membership: Association for Learning Technology (CMALT)
- Member, Institute of Leadership and Management
- Editorial Board Member of Research & Development, Science Publishing Group, USA
- Lead Guest Editor of Special Issue - Creating Real-life and Workplace Atmospheres for MBA Students During Their Learning Journey: The Journal is American Journal of Management Science & Engineering
- Editorial Board Member: Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences
- Editorial Board Member: Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media
- Editorial Board Member: SCIREA Journal of Economics
- Business Developer/ External Consultant, Excelon Sports E-Trader Network
- Expert Member/Adviser, Society for Education & Training
- Member, Association for Learning Development in Higher Education
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Learning
- Member, London Mathematical Society database
- Member, American Real Estate Society (ARES), USA
- Senior Leader Apprenticeship: Strategy and Risk Management; Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Unlocking Business Values
- Help to Grow: Management: Strategy and Innovation; Internationalisation and Winning New Markets; Developing a Marketing Strategy; Implementing Growth
- Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Programme
- DBA Programme
- Management Development Initiatives
- Teaching and Learning Innovations
- Construction Management
- Work-based Learning
- Repositioning Strategies
- International Business
- Leadership Concepts
- Operations Management Research
Postgraduate Supervision
Dr Chinny has several past and current PhD/ DBA and MBA supervisions and completions.
- Nwaneri, S. and Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2021) Information and Communication Technology in Healthcare. ISBN: 978-978-991-3350
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2012a) The Postgraduate Dissertation Process Made Easy. 102pages. ISBN-13: 978-1480295377
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2024) Embedded Teaching Practice in HE Curriculum: An Evaluation of the Perceptions of different Groups of Students. Paper Accepted for Publication
- Alshihre, F. Chinyio, E., Nzekwe-Excel, C. and Daniel, E. (2023) Client satisfaction: Pursuing alignment of clients’ and contractors’ perceptions of client satisfaction in Saudi Arabian projects. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/BEPAM-05-2022-0065
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2022) A Qualitative Study on MBA Students’ Experiences and Challenges of Conducting Business and Management Research Projects. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 14(1), pp.46-62; DOI: 10.1108/JWAM-08-2020-0040
Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2022) A Qualitative Study on MBA Students’ Experiences and Challenges of Conducting Business and Management Research Projects. 14(1), pp.46-62; DOI: 10.1108/JWAM-08-2020-0040
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2021) Equipping MBA Graduates for the workplace: The MBA Program with Professional Practice. Change Management: An International Journal, 21(2), pp.21-29
- Alshihre, F., Chinyio, E., Nzekwe-Excel, C. and Daniel, E. (2020) Improving Client Satisfaction in Construction Projects: the case of Saudi Arabia. BEPAM, 10(5), pp.709-723
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. and Pope, E. (2014) Response of STEM Students to Academic Writing Sessions: A Case Study, American Review of Mathematics and Statistics, 2(1), pp.19-31, 2014.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2014a) Academic Writing Workshops: Impact of Attendance on Performance, Journal of Academic Writing, 4(1), pp.12-25, 2014
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2014b) Enhancing Students Learning Experience: Study-Techniques and Learning Development, International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 20(1), pp.45-53, 2014
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2012b) Satisfaction Assessment in Construction: A Conceptual Framework, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 2(1), pp.86-102.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2012c) An Exploratory Study on the Learning Needs of Foundation Degree Students, International Journal of Learning, 18(6), pp.199-214
- Nzekwe-Excel, C., et al. (2010) An Integrated Framework for Satisfaction Assessment in the Construction Sector, Journal of Engineering, Design & Technology, 8(2), pp.168-188.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2010a) Addressing Students’ Referencing Errors, Issues in Education, Emerald Journal
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2010b) The Role of Mathematics Learning Development Centres in HEIs, International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles In Press/ Under Review
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. Embedded Teaching Practice in HE Curriculum: An Evaluation of the Perceptions of Different Levels of Students. Int’l Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, Under Review/ Upcoming
Book Chapter
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. and Ladwa N. (2017) Curriculum Alignment: Opportunities for Cross Sector Collaborations. In New Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Libri Publishing: Oxfordshire, pp. 387-412. ISBN 978-1-911450-14-6
Peer-reviewed Conference Publications and Presentations
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. and Pongvikrant, C. (2022) Is Digital Transformation Critical for Business in Thailand 4.0 Era: An Exploratory Study. International Conference on Financial Technology and Business Analysis (ICFTBA), 16th Dec 2022: Oxford, UK
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2022) Supporting the Learning Experience of International Students: Cross-Team Collaboration and Integrated Practice. The Twenty-ninth International Conference on Learning, University of Valencia, Spain, 13-15 July 2022
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2022) An Evaluation of Student Engagement and Success through Cross-Team Collaboration and Integrated Practice. Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success, Advance HE, 5-7 July 2022
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Author and Conference Co-Chair) (2018) Anxieties and Challenges of conducting a Business Research Project: Developing an inclusive Business Research Module on a Postgraduate Level, 21st Annual Dilemmas for Human Services International Research Conference, University of Northampton, United Kingdom, 10-11 September 2018.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2018) Student Transition and Success through Cross-Sector Collaboration, 25th International Conference on Learning – Education in a Time of Austerity and Social Turbulence, University of Greece, Athens, 21-23 June 2018.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C., De, D. and Pope, E. (2016) Using Data to enhance the Quality of Student Learning Experience: Aston University’s Learning Development Centre. HEA Surveys Conference 2016: Linking Enhancement and Excellence, The Studio, Birmingham, 13 July 2016.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2016) How can Mathematics Students become confident Communicators through Writing? Annual STEM HEA Conference 2016, Inspire to Succeed: Transforming Teaching and Learning in STEM, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK, 28-29 January 2016
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. and Singh, M. (2014) Enhancing the learning culture of Mathematics UGs Researching Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE): 4th Annual Conference, Student Engagement: Opportunities for All, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, 11-12 September 2014
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Invited Contributor/ Author) (2014c) Academic Writing: Do we ‘all’ have similar perceptions on what it really is? Writing Development in Higher Education (WDHE): Future Directions in Academic Writing, Coventry University, UK, 9-11 July 2014
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2013) Alleviating the Negative Learning Experience of Work-based Learners. Flexible Learning Conference: Can we do it? Yes we can! Recognising, Promoting and Developing Flexible Learning in HE, University of West Minister, London, UK, 22-23 July 2013
- Murray, J., Pope, E., Nzekwe-Excel, C., & De, D. (2012) Learning Development: Connecting through Skype, 9th Association for Learning Development in HE: “Learning Development in a digital age: emerging literacies and learning spaces”, University of Leeds, UK, 2-4 April 2012.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2012d) Promoting Study-Techniques and Learning Development, 19th International Conference on Learning: “Learning and Education: Their Breadth and Depth”, University of London, UK, 14-16 August 2012
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2012e) The Postgraduate Dissertation: Making the Research or Dissertation ‘Journey’ a satisfying and inspiring one. The Macrotheme Conference: Education and Training, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 7-8 August, 2012
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2011a) An investigation of the Learning Needs of Work-based Learners, 18th International Conference on Learning: “Education Today”, University of Mauritius, 5-8 July 2011.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2011b) Impact of Academic Writing Sessions on the performance of Mathematics Students, 6th European First Year Students Conference (EFYC): "Rethinking the First Year Experiences", the University of Manchester, 19-20 June 2011.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2010c) Foundation Degree and Learning Development Strategies, 17th International Conference on Learning, 6th-9th July 2010, Hong Kong.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2009a) Using Fault Tree Analysis Strategy to Evaluate Satisfaction in relation to Time. 9th International Postgraduate Research Conference 2009 of the Research Institute for the Built & Human Environment (BuHu), Edited by Dr Vian Ahmed, Prof Mustafa Alshawi, Prof Charles Egbu, and Dr Monty Sutrisna, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK, 29th-30th Jan 2009
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2009b) Investigating and improving upon Students’ Perceptions on Mathematics, CETL-MSOR Conference: Continuing Excellence in the Teaching & Learning of Maths, Stats & OR, The Open University, Milton Keynes, 7th -8th Sept 2009
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2009c) The Role of Study Skills and Learning Development on the Student’s learning experience. 4th Int’l Conference IPED (Inquiring Pedagogies) 2009: ‘Researching Beyond Boundaries’, Academic Communities without Borders, Coventry University, 14th-15th Sept 2009.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C., Nwagboso, C., Georgakis, P. (2008) An Approach for Evaluating the Satisfaction of a Construction Project Team, ARCOM Conference, The 24th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management, University of Glamorgan Wales UK, 1st -3rd Sept 2008
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2008a) An Integrated Framework for Satisfaction Assessment in the Construction Sector, American Real Estate Society (ARES) Conference, The 24th Annual Meeting, April 16-19, 2008, Captiva Island, Florida; A Joint Meeting with the International Real Estate Society (IRES)
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2007) Improved Client Satisfaction: A Strategic Approach in the Construction Sector PROBE Conference, Third Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment; Edited by Prof Charles Egbu & Michael K.L.Tong; ISBN-13 978-1-905 866-17-5; ISBN-10 1-905 866-17-8, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK, 20th-22nd Nov 2007
- Nzekwe-Excel, C., Nwagboso, C., Georgakis, P (2007a) Achieving High Client Satisfaction in the Built Environment, 2nd Built Environment Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 17-19 June 2007
- Nzekwe-Excel, C., Nwagboso, C., Georgakis, P., Nawar, G., (2007b) Review on the Role of ICT in the Development of a Sustainable Environment Obafemi Awolowo University Annual International Conference, Nigeria, Edited by Prof S. Fadera, 17th-19th Jan.2007
- Nzekwe-Excel, C., Nwagboso, C., Georgakis, P (2006) ICT Deployment to construction SMEs, World Conference on Accelerating Excellence in the Built Environment (WCAEBE) 2006 International Conference, Millennium Point Birmingham, 2nd-4th Oct
Keynote and Guest Speaker Invitations
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Guest Speaker) Strategies for Effective Project Management: Degree Apprenticeship Programs. University of Exeter, From April 2023 to date
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Keynote Speaker) Corporate Strategic Management: Fostering Innovative Business-degree Structures. 7th Int’l Conference on Economic Management & Green Dev, Aug 2023
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Keynote Speaker) Soft skills development is crucial in HE Learning: The essence of Critical Writing. 4th Int’l Conference on Educational Innovation & Philosophical Inquiries, Aug ‘2023
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Keynote Speaker) (2023) Corporate Partnership and Enterprise Engagement. International Conference on Business and Policy Studies (CONF-BPS), 26th Feb: Oxford, UK
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Guest Speaker) (2022) Conducting a Professional or Work-based Project. Int’l Conference on Financial Technology and Business Analysis (ICFTBA), 16th Dec: Oxford, UK.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Guest Speaker) (2021c) Senior Leadership Apprenticeship MBA: Managing Stakeholder Relationship: Stakeholder Satisfaction in Project Mgt, 19th Jan 2021: Wolverhampton UK
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Guest Speaker). (2020a) Society for Education & Training: Supporting Apprenticeships to Complete Work-based Projects when Working Remotely, 28th May 2020: UK.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Keynote Speaker) (2020b) Elegant Face of Grand Mega Tournament (Excelon Sports E-Trader Digital & Social Media Marketing): Becoming and Staying a Talented Career-Focused Woman in Uncertain Times, 8th Sept 2020: Nigeria
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Invited Contributor) and Ladwa Neil (2016a) Supporting Vocational and BTEC students through their studies. 21st Annual Admissions & HE Guidance Conference 2016, Admissions Conference for Teachers and Careers Advisers Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 7 January 2016
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Guest Speaker) (2011c) Learning Development: Enhancing Student Learning. Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching & Professional Practice Course. Aston University, UK.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Guest Speaker) (2011d) Pedagogic Research for the PGCPP. Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching & Professional Practice Course. Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Other Outputs
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2023) Using a Mixed-Methods Approach to evaluate the significance of an Integrated Academic Writing Protocol on Student Learning/ Success. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
- Collaborative Project/ A Comprehensive Report for University Exec: Nzekwe-Excel, C., Horton, M. and Gibson, C. (Oct 2022) Evaluation of the Academic Coaches & Student Transition Teacher Schemes and their Impact on Student Continuation & Attainment, University of Wolverhampton
- Invited/ Participatory Delegate (Oct 2022) Education Strategy Forum - UK’s leading FE & HE event that brings together industry’s key decision makers to share best practice initiatives in driving greater revenues, building sustainable education system & delivering service excellence in the sector.
- Initiator/ Facilitator (2020-2022) Enriching teaching, learning and support for our international students. University-wide CPD Sessions, University of Wolverhampton.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. and Horton, M. (2022) Fostering the satisfying learning experience of our diverse and ‘disadvantaged’ students. Annual Research Conference (ARC): Inclusivity in Research. University of Wolverhampton, 20th June 2022.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2022) An Adaptable Model of Good Practice designed to support the academic learning and success of different levels of Int’l Students. Inclusivity Conference: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion; Decolonising Research & the Research Degree- University of Wolverhampton, 21-22 June
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2020c) Business Engagement Support for Local Businesses in the West Midlands: Developing a Business School’s Response to COVID-19: Undertaking Work-based Projects with confidence. 21st July 2020.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (Aug 2020) Targets, Practical Steps, and Monitoring/ Performance Indicators on ‘Consistency Counts’ on how to address what the University of Wolverhampton’s International students struggle with and concerns/ work of Academic Teaching Staff and Support/ Professional Services Staff. Document/ insights shared with the International Students Education Group (chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor – Global Opportunities).
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. and Ladwa, N. (2016b) Student Transition and Retention in HE Study: Supporting Students through their studies, HEA CPD Event on Student Retention, Progression and Success, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 11 Oct 2016.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2014d) Revision Techniques and Exams Strategies. Year 12 and Beyond 6th Form Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 10 January 2014
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2010d) Module Specification and Delivery Approach, AimHigher West Yorkshire Retention and Transition Symposium: What is Transition - How Do We Meet the Challenges of Transition?, University of Leeds, July 2010.
- Nzekwe-Excel, C. (2008b) A Satisfaction, & Team Integration Assessment Framework, Built Environment and Engineering Researchers Seminar, University of Wolverhampton, 16th Jan 2008
Work With Industry
Chinny worked with the West Midlands Centre for Constructing Excellence (WMCCE), UK from 2006 to 2009. While with WMCCE, she was involved in different best-practice/business-assist projects where she was involved in liaising and collaborating with the different Stakeholders and Partners in the UK Built Environment Sector.
Using robust IT and engineering business techniques, she successfully developed a quantitative integrated tool for monitoring and evaluating the delivery of projects. The tool, which involves five underlying principles, encapsulates the identification, link and integration of the different stakeholders (and their requirements and capabilities) for the purpose of improving satisfaction and performance. The tool, known as the Satisfaction Assessment Integrated Framework (SAIF) was designed and put into operation using process mapping approach, and integrating adequate software tools; consequently, Chinny was hired to use the concept behind SAIF IT tool to design mystery shopping portals for banks/financial institutions across different cities in Africa.