Dr Deborah Wallis
Dr Deborah Wallis joined BCU in September 2018. She began her academic career after completing a PhD in 2005 on Individual Differences in the Effects of Stress on Eating at Liverpool University. She then worked as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at Loughborough and De Montfort Universities. She is now Reader in Psychology, has completed terms as Deputy and Research Director for the Department of Psychology, and is now leading REF 2029 activities for UoA4 (Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience). She is also Deputy Director of the Health and Wellbeing Research Centre after a 3-year term as Research Director.
Debbie is a Chartered Member (CPsychol) and Chartered Scientist (CSci) of the British Psychological Society. Her research follows two key strands: the psychology of appetite, eating behaviour and eating disorders, and cognitive and emotional wellbeing in cancer patients and their carers. She is dedicated to developing research-informed teaching. Overall, her research aims to advance our understanding of both theoretical and applied aspects of psychological health to develop interventions for behaviour change for the improvement of health and wellbeing.
Areas of Expertise
- Psychology of eating behaviours and disorders (including emotion recognition and regulation; alexithymia; stress and emotional eating; community interventions to enhance nutrition and exercise-related wellbeing)
- Cognitive and emotional wellbeing in cancer patients and their carers
Higher Education
MA Hons Psychology (University of Dundee)
MSc Psychological Research Methods (University of Stirling)
PhD Psychology (Liverpool University)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Professional Development
- PhD Viva Voce Chair Training (2023)
- Mental Health First Aid Awareness Training (MHFA England, 2021)
- Self-Leadership (Ken Blanchard Companies, 2021)
- Aurora Women in Leadership (Advance HE, 2020)
- SEDA PhD Supervisor Community of Practice (2020)
2012 – present: Elected member of the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS)
2009 – present: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA, reference number 36962)
2007 – present: Member of the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN)
2000 – present: Member of the British Feeding and Drinking Group (BFDG)
Associate Fellow, Chartered Psychologist and Chartered Scientist of the BPS, 29th February 2016 - present.
Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), 1996 - February 2016.
- PSY5059 Infancy
- PSY6016 Intellectual Disabilities, Developmental Disorders, and Mental Health
- PSY7062 Applications of Health Psychology Models
- PSY7063 Health Psychology over the Lifespan
- PSY7064/6 Applied Research Methods in Health Psychology 1 and 2
- PSY7067 Professional Development in Health Psychology (module leader)
- PSY7068 Health Psychology Dissertation
Appetite and eating behaviours
- Effect of stress/emotions on food choice and intake
- Alexithymia, emotion regulation, attachment style, and disordered eating
- Autobiographical memory and social problem solving in disordered eating
- Attentional biases & emotion recognition in disordered eating
- Mealtimes in the context of eating disorders
- Physical activity interventions to promote cognitive and emotional wellbeing among cancer patients
- Return to work among cancer patients and their carers
Postgraduate Supervision
- Katherine McAtamney (2023). Exploring the influence of alexithymia and emotion dysregulation on emotional eating: a mixed-methods investigation and intervention (primary supervisor/DoS, Birmingham City University)
- Maria Stalias (2016) Early maladaptive cognitive schema as a predictor of post-stroke depression (co-supervisor, De Montfort University)
- Emma Sharpe (2015). Attention, emotion processing and eating psychopathology (primary supervisor/ DoS, Loughborough University)
- Kajal Gokal (2015). Effects of physical activity on cognitive and psychosocial functioning in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a randomised controlled trial (co-supervisor, Loughborough University)
- Ceri Wilson (2013). The relationship between trait eating behaviours and food-related attentional biases (primary supervisor/DoS, Loughborough University)
- Stacey Long (2011). Mealtimes in the context of eating disorders: working towards evidence-based protocol (primary supervisor/DoS, Loughborough University)
- Robert Owen (2009). The role of nutritional information in human energy intake regulation (primary supervisor/DoS, Loughborough University)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Wallis, D.J., Moss, J., Varnam, B., Dritschel, B., & Ridout. N. (2023). Autobiographical memory specificity and restrained eating: examining the influence of priming with images of healthy and unhealthy foods. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. 28:53. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40519-023-01577-w
McAtamney, K., Mantzios, M., Egan, H., & Wallis, D.J. (2023). A systematic review of the relationship between alexithymia and emotional eating in adults, Appetite. 180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2022.106279
Wallis, D.J. & Ridout, N. (2022). Direct and indirect effects of alexithymia on eating disorder symptoms in a non-clinical female sample: determining the role of negative affect. Frontiers in Psychiatry – Psychological Therapy and Psychosomatics. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.994024
Mantzios, M., Egan, H., Wallis, D.J., & Wood, J. (2022). Advancing the assessment of mindful eating: Exploring the psychometric properties and validating the mindful eating behaviour scale in English. Nutrition and Health. 28(4). https://doi.org/10.1177/02601060221116164
Miley, M., Egan, H., Wallis, D.J., & Mantzios, M. (2022). Orthorexia Nervosa, Mindful Eating and Perfectionism; An Exploratory Investigation. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40519-022-01440-4
Van den tol, A., Coulthard, H., Lang, V., & Wallis, D.J. (2022). Are music listening strategies associated with reduced food consumption following negative mood inductions: A series of three exploratory experimental studies. Appetite, 172, 105947 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2022.105947
McAtamney, K., Mantzios, M., Egan, H., & Wallis, D.J. (2021). Emotional eating during COVID-19 in the United Kingdom: exploring the roles of alexithymia and emotion dysregulation. Appetite, 161, 105120.
Gokal, K., Munir, F., Ahmed, S., Kancherla, K., & Wallis, D. (2018).Does walking protect against decline in self-reported cognitive functioning amongst breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy? Results from a small randomised controlled trial. PLOS ONE, 13(11). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206874
Fox, G., Coulthard, H., Williamson, I., & Wallis, D.J. (2018). “It’s always on the safe list”: Investigating experiential accounts of adults with avoidant-restrictive eating behaviours. Appetite, 130, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2018.07.023
Wallis, D.J., Sharpe, E., & Ridout, N. (2018). The influence of non-clinical eating psychopathology on the recognition of emotion from static faces and realistic social interactions. Eating Behaviors, 29, 19-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eatbeh.2018.01.004
Sharpe, E., Wallis, D.J., & Ridout, N. (2016). The influence of variations in eating disorder-related symptoms on processing of emotional faces in a non-clinical female sample: An eye-tracking study. Psychiatry Research, 240, 321-327. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2016.04.065
Gokal, K., Wallis, D., Ahmed, S., Boiangiu, I., Kancherla, K., & Munir, F. (2016). Effects of a self-managed home-based walking intervention on psychosocial health outcomes for breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: a randomised controlled trial. Supportive Care in Cancer. 24(3), 1139-1136.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-015-2884-5
Ridout, N., Matharu, M., Sanders, E., & Wallis, D.J. (2015).The influence of eating psychopathology on autobiographical memory specificity and social problem solving. Psychiatry Research. 228(3). 295-303. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2015.06.030
Gokal, K., Munir, F., Wallis, D.J., Ahmed, S., Boiangiu, I., & Kancherla, K (2015). Can physical activity help to maintain cognitive functioning and psychosocial well-being among breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy? A randomised controlled trial: study protocol. BMC Public Health, 15(414). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-015-1751-0
White, H.J., Haycraft, E., Wallis, D.J., Arcelus, J., Leung, N. & Meyer, C. (2015). Development of the Mealtime Emotions Measure for adolescents (MEM-A): Gender differences in emotional responses to family mealtimes and eating psychopathology. Appetite, 85, 76-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2014.11.011
Munir, F., Kalawsky, K., Wallis, D.J., & Donaldson-Feilder, E. (2013). Using intervention mapping to develop a work-related guidance tool for those affected by cancer. BMC Public Health, 13(6). http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/6
Wilson, C., & Wallis, D.J. (2013). Attentional bias and slowed disengagement from food and threat stimuli in restrained eaters using a modified Stroop task. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 37, 127-138. DOI:10.1007/s10608-012-9451-x
Ridout, N, Wallis, D. J., Autwal, Y., & Sellis, J. (2012). The influence of emotional intensity on facial emotion recognition in disordered eating. Appetite, 59, 181-186. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2012.04.013
Long, S., Wallis, D.J., Leung, N., & Meyer, C. (2012). “All eyes are on you”: anorexia nervosa patient perspectives of in-patient mealtimes. Journal of Health Psychology, 17(3), 419-428. https://doi.org/10.1177/1359105311419270
Long, S., Wallis, D.J., Leung, N., Arcelus, J., & Meyer, C. (2012). Mealtimes on eating disorder wards: a two study investigation. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45, 241-246.
Long, S., Meyer, C., Leung, N., & Wallis, D.J. (2011). Effects of distraction and focused attention on actual and perceived food intake in females with non-clinical eating psychopathology. Appetite, 56(2), 350-356. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2010.12.018
Ridout, N., Thom, C., & Wallis, D.J. (2010). Emotion recognition and alexithymia in females with sub-clinical eating psychopathology. Eating Behaviors, 11, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eatbeh.2009.07.008
Wallis D.J., & Hetherington, M.M. (2009). Emotions and eating: self-reported and experimentally-induced changes in food intake under stress. Appetite, 52, 355-362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2008.11.007
Cecil, J.E., Palmer, C.N.A., Fischer, B., Watt, P., Wallis, D.J., Murrie, I.S.L., & Hetherington, M.M. (2007). Variants of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g- and b-adrenergic receptor genes are associated with measures of compensatory eating behaviors in young children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 86, 167-173.
Cecil, J.E., Watt, P., Murrie, I.S.L., Wrieden, W., Wallis, D.J., Hetherington, M.M., Bolton-Smith, C., & Palmer, C.N.A. (2005). Childhood obesity and socioeconomic status: a novel role for height growth limitation. International Journal of Obesity, 29, 1199-1203. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ijo.0803055
Cecil, J.E., Palmer, C.N.A., Wrieden, W., Murrie, I.S.L., Bolton-Smith, C., Watt, P., Wallis, D.J., & Hetherington, M.M. (2005). Energy intakes of children after preloads: adjustment, not compensation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 82(2),302-308.
Wallis, D.J., & Hetherington, M.M. (2004). Stress and eating: the effects of ego-threat and cognitive demand on food intake in restrained and emotional eaters. Appetite, 43(1), 39-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2004.02.001
Hetherington, M.M., Cameron, F., Wallis, D.J., & Pirie, L.M. (2001). Stimulation of appetite by alcohol. Physiology and Behavior, 74(3), 283-289.
Published conference abstracts
McAtamney, K., Wallis, D.J., Egan, H. & Mantzios, M. (2023) – Testing the efficacy of a brief writing intervention for the state sensation of feeling fat. British Feeding and Drinking Group (BFDG) annual meeting. Appetite
McAtamney, K., Wallis, D.J., Egan, H. & Mantzios, M. (2021). Self-reported emotional eating: the roles of alexithymia and emotional dysregulation. British Feeding and Drinking Group (BFDG) annual meeting. Appetite, 169.
Wallis, D.J. Moss, J., & Ridout, N. (2020). The influence of eating-related psychopathology on autobiographical memory specificity after priming with healthy and unhealthy food images. Appetite, 151, 15.
Ridout, N., Sanders, E., & Wallis, D.J. (2020). Sex differences in the relationships between disordered eating and mood, alexithymia, and facial emotion recognition. Appetite, 151, 16.
Wallis, D.J. & Ridout, N. (2018). The influence of dietary restraint on autobiographical memory specificity in a non-clinical sample. Appetite, 123, 459.
Wallis, D.J., Sharpe, E.E., & Ridout, N (2016). Do variations in eating-related psychopathology influence the efficacy of attention training to reduce biased processing of threat faces? Appetite 107, 693.
Ridout, N., Matharu, M., Sanders, E., & Wallis, D.J. (2014). Autobiographical memory specificity and social problem solving in females with sub-clinical eating psychopathology. Appetite, 71, 484.
Sharpe, E., & Wallis, D.J. (2014). Attentional biases in eating psychopathology: The role of vigilance and avoidance. Appetite, 71, 486.
Wilson, C., & Wallis, D.J. (2014). Can the dot-probe task detect food-related attentional biases in restrained eaters? Appetite, 71, 490.
Ridout, N., Wallis, D.J., Autwal, Y., Kralj, A., Sellis, J. & Taylor, E. (2013). The influence of alexithymia and mood on eating psychopathology in a non-clinical female sample. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 82(Suppl. 1), 93.
Wallis, D.J., & Sharpe, E. (2013) Attentional bias to emotional faces in sub-clinical eating psychopathology: The role of vigilance and avoidance. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 82(Suppl. 1), 125.
Gokal, K., Munir, F., Wallis, D.J., Ahmed, S., Boiangiu, I., & Kancherla, K. (2013). Physical activity intervention for cognitive and emotional functioning in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Psycho-Oncology, 22(Suppl. 3), 254, P2-86.
Kalawsky, K., Munir, F., Wallis, D.J., & Donaldson-Feilder, E. (2013). Work it Out for Carers: The development of a work-focused self-management tool for informal carers of people affected by cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 22(Suppl. 3), 65, T-5.
Munir, F., Wallis, D.J., Kalawsky, K., & Donaldson-Feilder, E. (2013). Work it Out: The six steps of intervention mapping process for designing a self-led return-to-work intervention tool. Psycho-Oncology, 22(Suppl. 3), 289,P3-16.
Wallis, D.J., Munir, F., Kalawsky, K., & Donaldson-Feilder, E. (2013). Work it Out: Development of a self-led return-to-work intervention tool using a Delphi consensus-building method. Psycho-Oncology, 22(Suppl. 3), 292,P3-22.
Gokal, K., Munir, F., Wallis, D.J., Ahmed, S., & Boiangiu. (2013). Physical activity intervention for cognitive and emotional functioning in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Psycho-Oncology, 22(Suppl. 1), 9.
Wallis, D.J, Ridout, N., & Sharpe, E. (2012). Emotion recognition in eating psychopathology: A comparison between static and dynamic stimuli. Appetite, 59(2), 636.
Wilson, C., & Wallis, D.J. (2012). Does negative mood interact with eating style to predict attention bias towards, and slowed disengagement from food stimuli? Appetite, 59(2), 638.
Ridout, N., Wallis, D.J., Autwal, A., Sellis, J., & Taylor, E. (2011). The influence of alexithymia and mood on eating psychopathology in a non-clinical female sample. Appetite, 57(2), 565.
Wallis, D.J., Ridout, N., Autwal, J., & Sellis, J. (2011). The influence of emotion intensity on facial emotion recognition in females with non-clinical disordered eating. Appetite. 57(2), 567.
Wilson, C., & Wallis, D.J. (2011). Attention processing of food and interpersonally threatening stimuli in restrained eaters. Appetite, 57(2), 569.
Wallis, D.J., Barnes, D., & Wilson, C. (2010). Attentional processing and eating behaviour: evidence from a modified Stroop task. Appetite, 55(1), 173.
Wallis, D.J., & Hetherington, M.M. (2008). Stress, food choice and restrained eating. Appetite, 51(3), 754.
Wallis, D.J., Thom, C., & Ridout, N. (2008). Emotion recognition in participants with non-clinical eating pathology. Appetite, 51(3), 764.
Ridout, N., Thom, C., & Wallis, D.J. (2008). Emotion recognition and alexithymia in females with sub-clinical eating psychopathology. Psychology and Health, 23 (Suppl 1), 223-4.
Wallis, D.J., & Ridout, N. (2007). Emotion recognition and alexithymia. British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience Conference Proceedings, 1 (1), 33.
Wallis, D.J., & Hetherington, M.M. (2006). Autobiographical memory retrieval: effects on mood and food intake. Appetite, 47, 279.
Cecil, J.E., Wallis, D.J., Murrie, I., McMonagle, J., & Hetherington, M.M. (2003). Food intake in school children: energy compensation or adjustment? Appetite, 40(3), 321.
Wallis, D.J., & Hetherington, M.M. (2003). The effects of three different Stroop tasks on perceived anxiety and chocolate intake. Appetite, 40(3),366-367.
Edited conference abstracts
Wallis, D.J. (2014). Special Section: The 37th Annual meeting of the British Feeding and Drinking Group, April 4th - 5th, 2013, Loughborough, UK, Appetite, 71, 470-490.
Pedagogical reports
Donaldson, A.J.M., Topping, K.J., Aitchison, R., Campbell, J., McKenzie, J. & Wallis, D. (1996) Promoting Peer Assisted Learning among Students in Further and Higher Education (SEDA Paper 96). Birmingham: Staff and Educational Development Association
Other conference proceedings (selected)
Wallis, D.J., Moss, J., Varnam, B., Dritschel, B., & Ridout, N. (2021). Autobiographical memory specificity and restrained eating: examining the influence of priming with images of healthy and unhealthy foods. Special Interest Meeting in Autobiographical Memory and Psychopathology, online.
Wallis, D.J. & Ridout, N. (2021). Direct and indirect effects of alexithymia on eating disorder symptoms via negative affect. Eating Disorders International Conference, Glasgow, January 2021.
Ridout, N. & Wallis, D.J. (2019). The influence of food primes on autobiographical memory specificity in a healthy female sample. 14th Special Interest Meeting in Autobiographical Memory and Psychopathology, Cambridge University, UK.
Gokal, K., Munir, F., Ahmed, S., Kancherla, K., & Wallis, D.J. (2018). Walking Protects Against Decline In Self-reported Cognitive Functioning Among Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Small Randomised Controlled Trial. 14th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine (UKSBM) Annual Scientific Meeting, Birmingham, UK.
Wallis, D.J. & Ridout, N. (2016). The influence of dietary restraint on memory specificity in a non-clinical sample. 11th Special Interest Meeting in Autobiographical Memory and Psychopathology, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Varela-Mato, V., Clemes, C., & Wallis, D.J. (2013). Association between physical activity level and disordered eating attitudes amongst an English University sample. International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium.
Munir, F., Kalawsky, K., Wallis, D. J., Donaldson-Fielder, E. (2012). The development of a return-to-work self-management tool for employees affected by cancer. In Jain, I., Hollis, A., Andreou, N., Wehrle, F. (Eds). 10th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Zurich, Switzerland, pp.176-178, ISBN: 978-0-9554365-9-8.
Ridout, N., Matharu, M., & Wallis, D.J. (2012). Autobiographical memory specificity in females with subclinical eating psychopathology. Clinical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory, Aarhus, Denmark.
Wallis, D.J., Ridout, N., Autwal, Y, & Sellis, J. (2011). The influence of emotional intensity on facial emotion recognition in females with non-clinical disordered eating. Experimental Psychology Society, Oxford, UK.
Meyer, C., Long, S., Wallis, D.J. (2010). Mealtimes: Patient and staff experiences. In Eating Disorders International Conference, London, p.321.
Meyer, C., Long, S., Wallis, D.J. (2010). Mealtime protocols in eating disorder services. In Eating Disorders International Conference, London, p.321.
Other Publications
Benton, D., Bezirtoglou, E., Cayuela, C., Dantzer, R., Deijen, J.B., Denariaz, G.,…Wurtman, J. (2001). Stress and Nutrition: A fascinating Crosstalk. Montrouge, London, Rome: John Libbey.
Media Work
- Glamour Magazine (USA)
- Wall Street Journal Research Reports