Dr Foyzul Rahman

Foyzul Rahman

Lecturer in Psychology

School of Visual Communication
0121 331 7320

Dr Foyzul Rahman completed his PhD in 2021 on the topic of social cognition and neurocognitive ageing under the supervision of Drs Charlotte Hartwright and Dan Shaw and Prof Klaus Kessler, at Aston University. Specifically, the PhD involved collecting neuroimaging (MRI) data from older adults and mapping this onto their behavioural theory of mind abilities.

After his PhD, Foyzul worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Human Brain Health (University of Birmingham) on an international project investigating the effects of both aerobic exercise and bilingualism on healthy ageing, focusing on cognitive, linguistic, and neural outcomes.

Since May 2023, Foyzul has been working as a Lecturer in Psychology at Birmingham City University, teaching and supervising both on undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision