Main broad areas of expertise include:
- Cognitive psychology
- Mental health
Particular interests include:
- Visual attention
- Cognitive biases (e.g., attention; interpretation)
- Emotion processing
- Anxiety and anxiety disorders
- Interventions (e.g., cognitive bias modification [CBM]; compassion focused therapy [CFT]) in relation to mental health and wellbeing
MSc Psychology:
- Dissertation (Module Leader)
- Psychopathology and Individual Differences (Module Leader)
- Brain and Cognition
Supervision of postgraduate and undergraduate student dissertations.
Current research includes:
- The effectiveness of interventions in relation to mental health and wellbeing
- The effects of learning technology on student experience
- Memory for sounds/words in children
Kelly, L. C., Maratos, F. A., Lipka, S., & Croker, S. (2016). Attentional bias towards threatening and neutral facial expressions in high trait anxious children. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 7(3), 343-359.
Selected Invited Talks
Kelly, L. C., Maratos, F. A., Lipka, S., & Croker, S. (2016, May). Attentional bias towards threatening and neutral faces in anxious children. Undergraduate Psychology Students’ Dissertation Conference. University of West London, UK.
Kelly, L. C. & Iguchi, Y. (2014, September). Assessment and feedback. Academic Conference. University of Derby, UK.
Kelly, L. C., Maratos, F. A., & Lipka, S. (2014, July). The effects of anxiety on temporal attention for emotive and neutral faces in children. 35th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research (STAR) Society. Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Selected Conference Presentations
Kelly, L. C. (2019, July). The effects of Poll Everywhere on undergraduate psychology students’ lecture experience: A small-scale intervention. Festival of Learning and Teaching. University of West London, UK.
Kelly, L. C., Lipka, S., Croker, S., & Maratos, F. A. (2012, May). Anxiety, covert spatial attention and emotional face processing in children. CERE Fourth European Conference on Emotion. University of Kent, UK.
Kelly, L. C., Lipka, S., Croker, S., & Maratos, F. A. (2011, December). Attentional bias for threat faces in trait anxious children. BPS Clinical Psychology Section Annual Conference. Birmingham, UK.
Croker, S., Maratos, F. A. & Kelly, L. C. (2011, October). The effects of anxiety and emotion on temporal visual attention. Cognitive Development Society Seventh Biennial Meeting. Philadelphia, USA.
Kelly, L. C., Croker, S., Lipka, S., & Maratos, F. A. (2010, September). The effects of anxiety on the attentional blink in children. BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference. University of Cardiff, UK.
Kelly, L. C., Croker, S., Lipka, S., & Maratos, F. A. (2010, April). The effects of anxiety and dysphoria on the attentional blink in children. CERE Third European Conference on Emotion. University of Lille, France.