Ruth Roberts
Ruth is course lead for the BSc Psychology and Counselling programme. She is a BACP senior accredited counsellor / psychotherapist and a qualified supervisor. She has been in practice since 2004 and has worked as a full-time lecturer in counselling since 2017. Ruth has worked in a variety of settings including private practice and renal counselling. However, most of Ruth’s clinical work has been with students in Higher Education and she was Educational Counsellor at the University of East Anglia between 2006 – 2015.
Ruth is particularly interested in the connections between education and counselling and in helping students to find their own intrinsic motivations and meanings for learning. Ruth is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is currently a PhD candidate at Lancaster University on the Higher Education Research: Evaluation and Enhancement programme.
Ruth’s research interests are in critical qualitative approaches to Higher Education practice.