46 courses found

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46 courses found, showing results 41 to 46

  • Management and Finance

    Postgraduate Taught - MSc - 2024/25 entry

    Want to study a Master’s in finance management? Our MSc Management and Finance degree is accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). Our Management and Finance course teaches you the fundamental skills and...

    Management and Finance, Postgraduate Taught - MSc - 2024/25 entry
  • Economics

    Undergraduate - BSc (Hons) - 2025/26 entry

    The applied nature of our BSc (Hons) Economics degree prepares you to work as an economist and a variety of other roles related to the economy and its impact on society and the natural environment. Graduates of this course have...

    Economics, Undergraduate - BSc (Hons) - 2025/26 entry
  • Business with Marketing

    Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2024/25 entry

    Looking for a business marketing course in Birmingham? Our BA (Hons) Business with Marketing degree offers the opportunity to take a year-long sandwich placement in industry. The course upholds the principles for responsible...

    Business with Marketing, Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2024/25 entry
  • International Finance (Top-up)

    Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2025/26 entry

    Want to top up your finance degree in Birmingham? Our BSc (Hons) International Finance (Top-Up) course allows you to learn from industry experienced lecturers. Global financial and business environments are becoming...

    International Finance (Top-up), Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2025/26 entry
  • International Finance (Top-up)

    Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2024/25 entry

    Want to top up your finance degree in Birmingham? Our BSc (Hons) International Finance (Top-Up) course allows you to learn from industry experienced lecturers. Global financial and business environments are becoming...

    International Finance (Top-up), Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2024/25 entry
  • Business with Marketing

    Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2025/26 entry

    Looking for a business marketing course in Birmingham? Our BA (Hons) Business with Marketing degree offers the opportunity to take a year-long sandwich placement in industry. The course upholds the principles for responsible...

    Business with Marketing, Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2025/26 entry