Frequently Asked Questions: Apprenticeship Employers

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Frequently asked questions for prospective apprenticeship employers looking to work with Birmingham City University.

What is an apprenticeship?

An Apprenticeship is a work-based learning qualification that combines practical experience with formal learning.

What is a Degree Apprenticeship?

Degree Apprenticeships develop knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) required for a specific job role and combine this with academic learning at the appropriate level. Degrees offered as part of the apprenticeship are aligned to the qualification descriptors and relevant subject benchmarks.

Degree apprenticeships are available at the University at levels 6 and 7, equivalent to a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree respectively. They combine work with study, and apprentices will typically work full-time and study part-time. The programme tests both occupational competence and academic learning and is set up in one of two ways:

  • Integrated degree apprenticeship: this type of degree includes an end-point assessment (EPA), that marks both the end of the apprenticeship and degree programmes, and the student must pass this to achieve both (i.e. the EPA is credit bearing);
  • Non-integrated degree apprenticeship: this has a separate EPA, which tests the occupation’s duties, along with the KSBs and is separate to the assessment of the degree. Any degree apprenticeships developed must align with the apprenticeship standards. You can find the apprenticeship Standards that are approved for delivery, in development or proposed on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website.

How is an apprenticeship different to a degree?

A higher or degree apprenticeship combines the academic study of a degree with work-based learning. Apprentices will develop their skills and apply them in a real, working role while working towards a nationally recognised academic qualification.

What does an apprenticeship involve?

An apprenticeship will involve daily duties as required of the role they are undertaking and the business they work for. In addition, apprentices undertake on-the-job training and some self-study supported by either 1-1 or group learning sessions that are attended in person or virtually. Each BCU apprentice is assigned a Skills Coach and a workplace mentor to support their learning and progress

What is Off-the-job training?

Off-the-job training is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of day-to-day work duties and leads towards the achievement of the apprenticeship. This training takes place within the apprentice’s normal (contracted) working hours.

The off-the-job training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship.

The minimum off-the-job training for a full-time apprentice is an average of 6 hours per week. The off-the-job training provides the time to focus and develop the required skills, knowledge and behaviours to achieve the apprenticeship. There are lots of activities that can contribute to off-the-job training. The key thing to remember is that it must be relevant to the apprenticeship.

What is On-the-job training?

On-the-job training is training received by the apprentice from their employer. This is to enable them to perform the work for which they have been employed to do.

This training allows the apprentice to carry out their job duties but is not the teaching of the apprenticeship which is carried out by the training provider.

The learning around the knowledge, skills and behaviour of the apprenticeship is taught by the training provider. These can then be applied on the job.

Hiring an apprentice

Can I use an apprenticeship to upskill current staff?

Yes, you can use degree apprenticeships at BCU to upskill your current staff. These programs offer a valuable opportunity for employees to gain advanced skills and qualifications while continuing to work. This not only enhances their expertise but also benefits your organisation by fostering a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce.

Can I hire a new member of staff onto an apprenticeship programme?

Yes, you can hire new employees directly into a degree apprenticeship program with BCU. This approach allows you to bring in fresh talent who can develop their skills and qualifications while contributing to your organisation from day one. It's an effective way to build a workforce tailored to your specific needs and standards.

How will employing apprentices benefit my business?

Employing an apprenticeship can bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to your business. 92% of companies that have taken on apprentices believe this leads to a more motivated and satisfied workforce ( Find out more about the benefits of employing an apprentice.

Apprenticeship funding and pay

What is apprenticeship funding?

Apprenticeship funding is the financial support provided by the government to employers for the training of apprentices. This funding covers the costs associated with apprenticeship training and assessment. The UK government currently funds apprenticeships in England through the apprenticeship levy.

What’s the apprenticeship levy?

The apprenticeship levy refers to a tax UK employers have to pay if their annual pay bill is over £3 million. The tax is set at 0.5% of their annual pay bill. These funds are then collected through the levy and are used by employers to cover 100% of the costs associated with apprenticeship training and assessment.

How do non-levy paying employers get funding?

Non-levy employers are eligible for substantial apprenticeship funding support from the government. They can receive 95% of their apprenticeship training fees funded by the government if their annual wage bill falls below £3 million.

If they have over 50 employees and hire an apprentice aged 16 or above, or if they have fewer than 50 employees and hire an apprentice aged 19 or above, they qualify for this level of funding.

Non-levy employers can access 100% funding for their apprenticeship training fees from the government if they meet the wage bill criteria and hire an apprentice aged 16 to 18, regardless of their employee count.

Is there a cost to the individual on an apprenticeship?

No. Employers are liable for the costs of apprenticeship training and assessment. Apprentices get paid for their on-the-job training and off the job training.

Do apprentices get paid?

Yes! In the first year, an apprentice is entitled to at least the National Minimum Wage for apprentices. If an apprentice is 19 or over and has completed their first year, they are entitled to either the National Minimum Wage or the National Living Wage for their age. Some employers choose to pay more than the minimum wage. 

You can find full details about apprenticeship pay rates on

Does the government pay the apprentice's wage?

No, employers are responsible for paying the apprentices. This includes wages for time spent at the workplace or with BCU as the training provider.

Apprentices are entitled to at least the apprentice minimum wage for 16–18-year-olds and for 19+ year olds in their first year of the programme. Since apprentices are considered employees, they have rights to holiday and sick pay, along with other staff benefits. Depending on factors such as age and income, apprentices may also qualify for pension auto-enrolment. Employers don’t need to pay Class 1 National Insurance contributions for apprentices earning less than £967 per week. Many employers choose to pay above the minimum wage to reflect the value apprentices bring to their businesses and to attract high-quality apprentices.

Apprenticeship eligibility

Who is eligible to complete an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship training is for anyone 16 or older that have not already completed a qualification in a similar type of work.

The eligibility requirements for an apprenticeship are relatively simple. It is important that anyone undertaking an apprenticeship spends at least 50% of their working hours in England over the duration of the apprenticeship, has the right to work in England, is an employee as defined by HMRC and is paid at least the national minimum wage

If someone has a Degree already can they do an apprenticeship?

Yes, as long as the apprenticeship is in a different subject.

What are the entry requirements?

The entry requirements will vary depending on where you live and what level of apprenticeship you want to do, but there are usually options whether you have very few qualifications or already hold a degree. Our expert team at BCU will provide advice and guidance on this.

Combining work and study

How much time does an individual need to commit to an apprenticeship?

Apprentices must commit a minimum of 6 hours a week towards their apprenticeship. These hours are referred to as off-the-job training. Off-the-job training includes the teaching of theory, practical training within the workplace, time spent writing any assignments and any learning support the apprentice receives. It is any time that the apprentice is learning new knowledge and skills relevant to the apprenticeship standard.

How long does an apprenticeship take?

An apprenticeship lasts at least a year but it will depend on what level of apprenticeship and what previous experience an individual has. Higher and Degree level apprenticeships are longer in duration and will take on average between 2 -3 years.

How does Birmingham City University deliver its apprenticeships?

The University delivers its apprenticeships in a variety of ways such as day release, block release and blending learning.

Will I get a qualification by completing an apprenticeship?

Yes! Apprenticeships are nationally recognised qualifications that are highly regarded by employers and industry bodies across all sectors.

How often am I on a University Campus?

Apprenticeships at Birmingham City University follow a blended learning delivery model. Depending on the apprenticeship being studied, this could range from either day release, monthly attendance, or block release. All apprenticeships require a minimum of 6 hours per -week ‘off the job’ training.

Will I have the same student experience?

Apprentices don't have to miss out on student experience. Apprentices are a part of our vibrant community where you can join us on campus, meet new friends, and explore all that BCU has to offer. 

Take a virtual tour of our facilities and find out what life is like on campus

Still have questions?

Get in touch to find out more about hiring an apprentice.