Birmingham-based business supporting graduate talent


A group photo of individuals from the business Brew.

Image credit: Sam Kelly

Brew, a Birmingham-based company, specialise in website builds and digital marketing support for pubs.

Located in Birmingham City University’s STEAMhouse, the company have also recruited graduates from the University.

In this blog, we caught up with the company to find out more about the work they do and how the graduates are getting on.

Brewed for success

For the last 15 years Brew has worked closely with some of the biggest names in the hospitality industry with their digital marketing requirements.

In the last three to four years, they have based themselves at STEAMhouse, an innovative hub for both businesses and students.

During this time the company has regularly recruited graduates. Reflecting on the impact graduates have had on the business, Matt Bowell, Director at Brew, says “Graduates have - and always have had - a profound impact on us as a business. We have had many graduates come through the agency, some working their way up to senior positions and/or going on to incredible roles in this country and around the world. We've been very lucky with who we've recruited over the years and Beatrice, Brithney and Jim are a casing point. A testament to the University.”

A benefit of the business being based on campus means they have been able to actively recruit students and graduates, by bringing their business to them. In return, Brew have been able to bring in fresh talent and new ideas.

Learn from mistakes

As students and recent graduates begin to navigate the world of work, we asked Matt if he had any advice.

“Firstly, be patient. I didn't secure my first digital marketing role until I was 30.”

Adding to this, Matt explained that with areas such as digital marketing changing at pace, sometimes softer skills are things employers will focus on. For example, communication, listening skills, teamwork, problem-solving, passion, respect and a willingness to learn. It is also important to show how you conduct yourself in those early exchanges, as it's your chance to make a good first impression.

Additionally, Matt added “Make mistakes - mistakes are a massive part of the learning journey and - especially in our world - everything is so granular you'd worry if mistakes aren't being made.

“It might seem uncomfortable at first, but I'd highly recommend networking. There are some incredible events in Birmingham that are extremely welcoming, a great way to learn and meet like-minded people. I'd recommend Social Circle, Marketing Meetup and Digital in Brum to begin with.”

From knowledge to practice

For students and graduates, it could feel overwhelming entering the world of work or knowing where to start. Gaining experience during your studies can help to prepare you, provide you with valuable insights and put your knowledge into practice.

“Personally, taking on those roles were pivotal to me landing anything with Brew as the prior experience I had gave me insight into what working within an agency is like. Also, working with different clients in those roles gave me understanding on managing client expectations and executing what they want/need from you” says Brithney, BA (Hons) Digital Marketing graduate.

Beatrice, who studied BA (Hons) Marketing, said the experience with Brew itself helped to prepare them for their full-time role with the company, adding “it gave me an insight into how agencies work, how to work with clients and form relationships with colleagues/clients/third parties.”

Experience during your degree can also help you to learn to work with a variety of different people. During campaign work aimed towards male mental health in Northern Ireland, Jim, BA (Hons) Visual Communications graduate, was able to gain “vital knowledge in how to work within a team that wasn’t made up just from designers but creative people from all backgrounds and roles."