What to do next if we can't offer you a place in Clearing

So you’ve gone through Clearing and haven’t been able to find the right course for you. Relax! It might be unfortunate but this happens a lot; it just means you’ve got some more time to get things straight.

If you’re still interested in going to uni, there are lots of things you can do with your time to make the most out of your year off and ensure you get a place next September.

Consider alternative routes with more flexible entry requirements

If you’re not entirely set on your course or there are similar courses available with lower entry requirements. Why not try taking a Higher National Diploma (HND) or foundation degree qualification in a particular subject? This could enable you to either take a top-up degree or apply for advanced entry into the second year of a bachelor’s degree in the same subject area.

Our HNDs are taught at local colleges but the courses are designed by BCU and give you a great chance to get a degree from Birmingham City University. While studying the HND:

  • You are welcome to come to BCU’s campus any time you like to access our library, sports facilities, and computer rooms and speak to any of our staff about your studies.
  • Your teaching will be based on campus at the college, which means that you will also have access to support from college tutors and advisors.
  • Lots of our students find that the additional support in college helps them build confidence and even more skills ahead of transferring to study on campus with the University.
  • You will still be incredibly close to BCU, located in Birmingham and easily able to move between the two places.

There are also Higher National Certificate qualifications (HNC), often offered on a part-time basis, which can potentially give you a more flexible way of starting to work at undergraduate level. HNCs allow you to be considered for entry onto a degree or, in certain circumstances, provide advanced entry onto a bachelor’s degree. We offer HNDs and HNCs in a range of subjects.

You can find out more about HNDs we offer by giving us a call on the Clearing Hotline.

Find a course in Clearing

See what courses are currently available through Clearing.

Do further study

If you're set on a career path and you need another crack at those grades, or you’ve had a last-minute change of direction but don’t have the qualifications to pursue it. There’s no shame in taking a bit longer to get the right qualifications for something you’re passionate about. If that means another year of college, or just a few top-up courses then at least you’ll be training to do exactly what you want.

Bear in mind that many courses share similarities so it might be possible there’s still a place in Clearing that might still suit you but has lower entry requirements.

Take a gap year

You may want to consider taking a gap year to give you more time to consider your options if you’re not sure about what route to take. This could also allow you to go travelling, gain work experience, undertake further study towards meeting entry requirements for a particular degree or work for the year to help save up additional money to fund your expenses at university.

We’ve got your back

If you’re unsure about what to do next, it’s a good idea to talk to someone about your choices before you make a decision. Talking with your family or a college tutor allows options to be explored and different ideas to be aired. There are often specialist advice services you can talk to, with many universities having their own advice staff who can help.

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