Things to read before accepting your offer

Most people think the stressful thing about Clearing is securing an offer, but having two or more offers can be just as stressful. There's so much to think about in a short amount of time, and if you're looking at a different university or course than the one you originally intended you're probably undertaking a mammoth amount of research right now.

Students outside Seacole

To help you out, we've compiled links to all the important information you need to know about our university and courses (as well as a couple of helpful articles), all in one place. Easy!

1. Will you be able to get here easily?

When you're dealing with calling a bunch of different Clearing hotlines and trying to find the right course for you, it's easy to lose sight of some of the simpler things. One of the little things that will affect you in a big way is the distance of the campus from where you live. If you're living in university accommodation this won't matter too much but if you're commuting or planning on making a lot of trips back home you need to know exactly how long it's going to take. We have details for each campus so you can idea of your travel requirements. 

2. What are the facilities like? 

You might have only been able to scan a few course pages and get a general idea from your conversations on the Clearing hotline, so make sure you know what equipment you'll get the chance to use at uni. For a lot of professions, university is a great chance to use facilities and equipment that you wouldn't be able to access otherwise. Check out our full list of facilities.

3. Will the university I'm choosing make me more employable?

This is one of the most important questions you'll be asking yourself before you accept your offer! This is why we've made all our employability information really easy to find. Read more details about placements, employability rates, average graduate salary, how our employability teams can help and more!

4. Have you chosen the right course?

Don't make any rash decisions! It's okay if you're not 100 per cent on your course, that's bound to happen if you've had to suddenly change your uni, course or even changed your mind about going to uni in the first place. But you should be fairly certain you'll enjoy the course and it will help you achieve your goals. 

5. What's student life like in the uni city? 

If you've changed your mind on a university or just started looking at alternative university options you may have no idea what student life is like in your uni city of choice.  Does it have a good music scene? What's the cost of living? What's the nightlife like? You can find the answers to all this and more in our Life in Birmingham section, which details just some of the things you can get up to in the city. 

6. 10 reasons to study at BCU

If we're one of your options and you want a quick round-up of the facts, we've compiled a few reasons why BCU could be right for you! This list includes information about employability, investment in our facilities and the great city of Birmingham on our doorstep.

What should you do next?

Apply for Student Finance

If you've received an offer to study with us through Clearing then you may need to apply for Student Finance or make a few changes to your application.

Find out more

Sort out your accommodation

Get the lowdown on how to apply for student accommodation after getting an offer from us through Clearing.

How to apply

Get ready for university

If you've received an offer to join us this September, you're bound to have loads of questions. We've put together some handy info so you can start your uni experience in the best way possible!

Start preparing now