Find out all you need to know about what Clearing is, when it starts, and how to prepare and apply.

What is clearing?

You may not have achieved the grades you hoped for, changed your mind about the course or university you've already applied to or decided to go to university at the last minute. Either way, Clearing offers you a chance to find a full-time undergraduate course starting in September.

How to prepare for Clearing

  • You need to make sure that the course you pick is something you’ll enjoy doing for three or more years, and that it could lead to a career that you’ll find fulfilling! So, whether you’re looking at courses for the first time or if you’ve had a change of heart, it’s important to do your research.

  • Your course is important, but it’s just as important to study at an institution where you feel supported and encouraged in your studies. Don't rush into applying to any university that has spaces available, instead, think about where you can see yourself studying.

  • Make sure you have the phone numbers of the universities you want to call, their opening times and the names of the courses you want to apply, so you're all good to go. Plus, make sure you know when and where you can collect your results on the day.

Clearing FAQs

What is Clearing?

What is Clearing?

Clearing offers you a chance to find a full-time undergraduate course to start in September, if you didn't get an offer from your firm or insurance choice, or if you haven't applied yet. Clearing for 2025 entry opens on the 5th July for those that already have their results, although most students will enter Clearing on A-Level results day on the 14th August 2025.

When does Clearing start?

Clearing starts from the beginning of July each year. If you have your exam results you can apply straight away, however, if you don't, you will need to wait until A Level Results Day to be able to apply. We advise you to research your course options early though so that you are prepared when A Level Results Day arrives.

When does Clearing end?

Usually, Clearing closes around the middle of October or when the courses in Clearing are full.

How does Clearing work?

A university will publish a list of the courses which have places available to start in the coming September. We list our Clearing courses from the beginning of July. As soon as you have your exam results, you can apply for the course either online or by calling the university’s Clearing hotline which opens on A Level Results Day.

If you have the required exam results for the course, you can be made an offer in Clearing. Once you have been made an offer, you will receive an email from the university which explains what you need to do next to accept your offer and make arrangements for student finance or accommodation if you need it.

Am I eligible?

Who can apply in Clearing?

There are many reasons why you might want to apply for university in Clearing.

  • Your exam results are worse than you expected
  • You decide to apply at the last minute
  • You change your mind about the course you’ve already applied for
  • Your exam results are better than you expected and you want to explore other options

Can the University tell me what my exam results are or if I'll get my place before results day?

No, we can't discuss your application with you as there is a UCAS embargo period. If you do contact us during the embargo period, we will only be able to tell you that we cannot discuss your application at that time and that you will need to contact us again once the embargo period has lifted on results day.

Can I confirm my place using Clearing if my offer is showing as conditional?

No. As you already hold an offer for that course, you shouldn't use Clearing to confirm your place on it. You should provide us with proof of your results as it is likely that we may not have received them from UCAS, or you have taken a qualification which UCAS don’t provide results for, and we need you to provide them to us instead.

Can I use clearing to change to a different course?

No, if you have a firm or insurance offer from Birmingham City University but want to change to a different course, you’ll need to submit a request to the Admissions team through an online form.  

Can I apply for a part time or postgraduate course through Clearing?

Clearing is only for full time undergraduate course applications.

Can international students apply through Clearing?

Yes! If you’re an international student who is looking to start a course with us this September, you may be able to get a place through Clearing.

How do I apply?

How do I get my A-Level results?

A Level exam results come out on Thursday 14th August 2025. You may have to go into your school or college to collect your grades, or you might receive them in the post. Your school or college will let you know how to access your grades prior to Results Day. 

How do I find out if I've got my place or not?

Log into your UCAS Hub on results day to find out whether your status has changed and if you have met your offer. 

How do I know which courses are available?

Not all university courses have places in Clearing as they may already be full. Once you've found a course that you’re interested in, you'll need to check that you have the UCAS tariff points stated and any other specific entry requirements for the course. Sometimes the UCAS tariff points for Clearing are different to the main UCAS entry requirements. Take a look at the courses we offer through Clearing.

How do I apply?

You will need to have your exam results before you can apply. Once you have your results, you can apply online from the 5th July. Our Clearing hotline will then open on results day.

Is it possible to apply through Clearing with an offer from another university?

Yes, it is possible, but you will need to self-release first through UCAS. This process allows any applicant who already holds a place at university to release themselves into Clearing in order to apply elsewhere.

What happens after I get an offer?

If we are able to offer you a place, you’ll receive an email telling you what to do next to accept it. You’ll also get some more information with details of the important things you need to do before joining us – like online enrolment, accommodation and student finance.