Thinking of applying through Clearing but not got your results yet?

With results day coming up on 15 August, you might be starting to think about your options – or maybe you’ve decided that the course you applied for, or the university you chose, is no longer right for you. You might think there’s nothing you can do until you get your results, but we’ve got some ideas for you! You can sign up for Clearing updates from us to get hints and tips that will make sure you are well-prepared for Clearing once you have received those results.

Applying through clearing not got results yet primary

Find the right course for you

University is a big investment, not only in financial terms but in time, too. You need to make sure that the course you pick is something you’ll enjoy doing for three or more years, and that it could lead to a career that you’ll find fulfilling! So, whether you’re looking at courses for the first time or if you’ve had a change of heart, it’s important to go for what you want.

Take a look at which courses we have in Clearing to find the right one for you. Each course page has a detailed breakdown of the modules you’ll study, so you’ll know straight away if you’ll be focusing on what interests you and will make you more employable.

Find a course in Clearing

See what courses are currently available through Clearing.

Find the right university for you

Yes, your course is important, but it’s just as important to study at a reputable institution recognised for your subject area to ensure you get the best teaching and support.

Find out why BCU is over 30,000 students’ choice and what you can expect if you study here with us!

Work out your UCAS points

If you’re looking at a new course, or thinking of studying your course at a different university, it’s worth looking up how many UCAS points you’ll need to be accepted, and that you meet the entry requirements. We’ve got a handy UCAS points calculator so you can work out roughly whether you’ll have enough! Why not go off your mock results, or the grades you think you might be awarded, and give yourself a margin either way if you do worse or better than you anticipate. You’ll then have a list of potential options depending on your final points!

Find out more about Clearing

So, you’ve worked out what course you want to apply to, and decided on your university – hopefully BCU, of course – and have a rough idea of your UCAS points. The last thing to do is get clued up on Clearing so you’re ahead of the game on results day, meaning you can secure your dream course at the right uni before breakfast time. Good luck!

Get your offer before results day

We aim to make you a provisional offer of a place while you’re waiting for your exam results. If you haven’t already applied to uni, or you know you’ve changed your mind and want to explore your options, you can apply directly to study with us. Providing you meet the terms of your provisional offer; your place will be confirmed after results day when you share your results with us. 

What should you do next?

Find your course

We have a wide range of courses still available in Clearing, browse our courses and find the right course for you.

Courses in Clearing

Calculate how many UCAS points you have

If you give us a call, you'll need to know how many UCAS points you have - so get prepared and work them out with our handy calculator.

UCAS calculator

Make your call, once you’ve received your results!

Our guide to your call explains exactly what you will be asked for over the phone and how you can best prepare.

Clearing call tips
Preparing for uni download side image

Download your guide to clearing

Not sure what Clearing is about? We've created a guide packed with tips and hints just for you

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