How BCU can support your career

University is a big investment so it’s important to know that it’s all going to be worth it. Here’s how Birmingham City University can help turn your passion into a career.

PGCE student working with young student playing guitar in a music lesson

1. Work placements

We understand that in today's competitive jobs market, increasing numbers of employers expect new graduates to have experience of the workplace. Our students have enjoyed placements or live projects with companies like the BBC, Cisco, IBM, NHS, Microsoft, Dolby, Selfridges, ASOS and more.

2. Gain competitive advantage

Graduate + makes sure nothing you do at university goes to waste – and tells employers that you’ve got more than your degree. The programme allows you to build up experience through a range of employment activities, building up an online portfolio of skills for your future career.

3. Earn while you learn

We have plenty of part-time, temporary roles within the university to help students fit a job around their course. By doing this, you’ll gain valuable employability skills, enhancing your prospects in the job market.

4. Courses built for your future

Our courses are designed with input from current students and industry professionals, ensuring they meet the needs of potential employers. Employability skills, enterprise and practice-based projects are built into the curriculum where relevant.

5. Careers support

We offer a wide range of support to help you develop your employability skills, plan your career and access the latest job opportunities. With mentors from a range of sectors, we aim to match you with someone who can give you that all-important industry insight.

What should you do next?

Find your course

We have a wide range of courses still available in Clearing, browse our courses and find the right course for you.

Courses in Clearing

Calculate how many UCAS points you have

If you give us a call, you'll need to know how many UCAS points you have - so get prepared and work them out with our handy calculator.

UCAS calculator

Make your call, once you’ve received your results!

Our guide to your call explains exactly what you will be asked for over the phone and how you can best prepare.

Clearing call tips