- BSc, Level 5, Python Programming (BBC students, WUST China)
- BSc, Level 5, Object-Oriented Programming
- BSc, Level 5, Advanced Programming
- BSc, Level 6 Final Year Project
- MSc, Level 7, Introduction to the Semantic Web and Knowledge Engineering (Course taught in both English and French Language)
Research Supervision
Currently supervising two PhD students:
- A Knowledge-based Framework for Network Attack Intention Recognition - Akinola Siyanbola
- Neuro-Symbolic Spiking Concept Learning towards Neuromorphic General Intelligence - Ahmad Wahab
Abdel-Rahman supervised research students in the areas of eHealth, adaptive learning, Big Data, homecare coordination, and data mining including:
- Semantically-Enabled Sensors networks of Homecare Alert eServices for Patients with Dementia - Semantic Safety
- A Semantic Rule-Based Approach for Supporting Personalised Adaptive Learning
- Personalised Adaptive elearning for patients with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
- The coordination of homecare between various actors involved in the care of elderly people at their homes
- Enriching Results of Learning Process Mining Algorithm through Semantic Model Analysis
Abdel-Rahman research expertise includes artificial intelligence, semantic Web technologies, pervasive computing, intelligent information processing and their application in context-aware systems, smart environments (smart cities and smart homes), ambient assisted livings.
His specific research interests lie in the critical analytics, business intelligence, data management and knowledge engineering. These include: - Metadata and its role in the integration and interoperation of heterogeneous distributed information systems - A framework for data management and knowledge discovery - Semantic Web, machine learning, as well as NLP and Big Data technologies - Semantically-enabled sensors and recognition of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) - The enrichment of metadata with quality measures and knowledge from knowledge bases and ontologies to improve the linking of data. - Integrated application software environments/workbenches, particularly for use in medical applications. - Description logics and their application to database query and integration languages. - Agent technologies for database interoperation.
His research activities spans from inquisitiveness-driven theoretical exploration to applied problem-motivated technology and system development in the following principal areas.
- Metadata, formal knowledge representation, agent-based intelligent systems, especially the integration and interoperation of heterogeneous distributed information systems that support autonomy, learning, adaptability, personalisation and novel interactive interfaces.
- The enrichment of metadata with quality measures and knowledge from knowledge bases and ontologies to improve the conceptualisation of data semantics, especially semantic modelling, representation and reasoning that support data/information interoperability, reuse, sharing and intelligent information processing at higher level of automation.
- Pervasive computing, intelligent environment, context –aware modelling, activities representation and reasoning, especially, the developing of techniques for Activity of Daily Life (ADL) monitoring, recognition and prediction using wearable sensor systems. The modelling of ADLs, behaviour and intention analysis.
- Ambient Assisted Living, Smart Homes, especially, semantically enabled data/information sharing and reuse, ontology-based or logic-based ADL recognition and assistance, and the associated technology infrastructure with focus on proactively detection and prevention of unsafe activities before they become disastrous accidents.
- Cloud computing platforms data analytic, Machine Learning and visualisation.
Abdel-Rahman worked on a number of projects related to his research interests, including :
- Homecare alert eServices, personalised care delivery and intervention.
- Coordination of care for elderly patients with chronic diseases.
- ADLs recognition to support the independent living.
- Applications for sensor networks in Tele-health and Tele-homecare applications
- Exploiting the semantics of resources and activities descriptions available in a patient surrounding environment.
- Adaptive learning and care actors profiling.
- Assistive technologies to support independent living for the elderly community
- Smart home areas of pervasive/ubiquitous wearable sensors environments.
- Behaviour analysis and activities detection & recognition.
- Ontological modelling and its application for Activity of Daily Life (ADL) recognition.
- Event-driven notification and reactive rule processing
- Recognition of Interleaved Activities within Smart Environments
Publication list can be viewed here
Ahmad Najiy Wahab, Khaled Mahbub, Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil:
Neurosymbolic Spike Concept Learner towards Neuromorphic General Intelligence. ICAART (2) 2021: 1168-1176
Lida Ghahremanlou, Abdel-Rahman H Tawil, Paul Kearney, Hossein Nevisi, Xia Zhao, Ali Abdallah, A Survey of Open Data Platforms in Six UK Smart City Initiatives, The Computer Journal, Volume 62, Issue 7, July 2019, Pages 961–976, https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxy081
Isibor Kennedy Ihianle, Usman Naeem, Syed Islam, Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil:
A Hybrid Approach to Recognising Activities of Daily Living from Object Use in the Home Environment. Informatics 5(1): 6 (2018)
Adel Taweel, Lina Barakat, Simon Miles, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil, Ioan Salomie: A service-based system for malnutrition prevention and self-management. Computer Standards & Interfaces 48: 225-233 (2016)
Usman Naeem, Rabih Bashroush, Richard Anthony, Muhammad Awais Azam, Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil, SinWee Lee, Dennis Mou-Ling. Activities of daily life recognition using process representation modelling to support intention analysis. Int. J. Pervasive Computing and Communications 11(3): 347-371 (2015).
Kingsley Okoye, Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil, Usman Naeem, Elyes Lamine: Semantic Process Mining Towards Discovery and Enhancement of Learning Model Analysis. HPCC/CSS/ICESS 2015: 363-370
Tao Chen, Rami Bahsoon, Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil, Scalable service-oriented replication with flexible consistency guarantee in the cloud. Journal of Information Sciences, Volume 264, April 2014, Pages 349 - 370, ISSN 0020-0255. (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.676)