Journal papers:
1. Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Boer, E., Romano, R., Paschalidis, E., Wei, C., Solernou, A., Forster, D., Merat, N. (2021). Effect of Environmental Factors and Individual Differences on Subjective Evaluation of Human-like and Conventional Automated Vehicle Controllers. Manuscript submitted for publication to Transportation Research Part F.
2. Peng, C., Merat, N., Romano, R., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Paschalidis, E., Wei, C., Radhakrishnan V., Solernou A., Forster D., Boer, E. (2021). Drivers’ Evaluation of Different Automated Driving Styles: Is It both Comfortable and Natural? Manuscript submitted for publication to Transportation Research Part F.
3. Wei, C., Paschalidis, E., Merat, N., Solernou, A., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Romano, R. (2021). Human-like Decision Making and Motion Control for Smooth and Natural Car Following. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
4. Paschalidis, E., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Wei, C., Solernou, A., Jamson, A. H., Merat, N., Romano, R., Boer, E. R. (2020). Deriving metrics of driving comfort for autonomous vehicles: A dynamic latent variable model of speed choice. Analytic methods in accident research, 28, 100133.
5. Schneider, C., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Tainter, F., Knodler, M, Zhang, J., Romoser, M., Samuel, S., Fisher, D. (2020). Measuring the applicability of intersection-based older driver training programs. Transportation research record, 2674(9), 878-886.
6. Radhakrishnan, V., Merat, N., Louw, T., Lenné, M. G., Romano, R., Paschalidis, E., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Boer, E. R. (2020). Measuring drivers’ physiological response to different vehicle controllers in highly automated driving (HAD): Opportunities for establishing real-time values of driver discomfort. Information, 11(8), 390.
7. Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Zhang, T., Agrawal, R., Knodler, M., Fisher, D., & Samuel, S. (2018). Effectiveness of visual warnings on young drivers hazard anticipation and hazard mitigation abilities. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 116, 41-52.
8. Zhang, T., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Wang, Y., Samuel, S., Qu, X., & Fisher, D. (2018). Training interventions are only effective on careful drivers, not careless drivers. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 58, 693-707.
Conference papers:
1. Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Merat, N., Romano, R., Jamson, H., Louw, T., Li, P., & Boer, E. (2020). The Effect of Road Environments on Driving Behavior. In International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology.
2. Solernou, A., Romano, R., Souflas, I., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Paschalidis, E., & Merat, N. (2019). Integration and training of a ROS autonomous driver for human like driving style in a complex multi-component driving simulator. In Driving Simulation Conference.
3. Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Romano, R., & Merat, N. (2019, August). Drivers’ Comfort with Human-Like Automated Vehicle Systems. In Workshop Motion Comfort of Automated Driving.
4. Wei, C., Romano, R., Merat, N., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Solernou, A., Paschalidis, E., & Boer, E. R. (2019, August). Achieving Driving Comfort of AVs by Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Motion Control. In The IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (pp. 1107-1113). Springer, Cham.
5. Wei, C., Romano, R., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Merat, N., & Boer, E. (2019). Driver-centred Autonomous Vehicle Motion Control within A Blended Corridor. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(5), 212-217.
6. Paschalidis, E., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Wei, C., Crusat, A. S., Merat, N., Romano, R., & Boer, E. (2019, July). Deriving metrics of driving comfort for autonomous vehicles. A time-series latent variable approach of speed choice. In International Choice Modelling Conference 2019.
7. Louw, T., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Jamson, H., Romano, R., Boer, E., & Merat, N. (2019, February). The relationship between sensation seeking and speed choice in road environments with different levels of risk. In Proceedings of the international driving symposium on human factors in driver assessment, training and vehicle design (Vol. 2019, pp. 29-35). University of Iowa Public Policy Center.