Journal Papers (leading/corresponding authors*)
- X. Dai*, S. Welch, A. Usmani, ‘A critical review of “travelling fire” scenarios for performance-based structural engineering’. Fire Safety Journal, 91C (2017) pp. 568-578, (Awards: one of most cited Fire Safety Journal Articles in 2017-2020, by Scopus)
- X. Dai*, S. Welch, O. Vassart, K. Cábová, L. Jiang, J. Maclean, C. Clifton, A. Usmani, 'An extended travelling fire method framework for performance-based structural design', Fire and Materials, 44 (2020) pp. 437-457, (Awards: top 10 cited in Fire and Materials journal in 2020-2021, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc)
- X. Dai*, A. Gamba, C. Liu, J. Anderson, M. Charlier, D. Rush, S. Welch, ‘An engineering CFD model for fire spread on wood cribs for travelling fires', Advances in Engineering Software, 173 (2022) 103213,
- Dai*, L. Choe, E. Fischer, C. Clifton, ‘Thermal and structural response of beam-end shear connections during a large compartment fire experiment’, Fire Technology, (2023),
- Dai*, N. Alam, A. Nadjai, C. Liu, D. Rush, S. Welch, ‘“Scaling-up” fire spread on wood cribs to predict a large-scale travelling fire test using CFD,’ Advances in Engineering Software,189(2024)103589,
- D. Rush*, X. Dai, D. Lange, ‘Tisova Fire Test – fire behaviours and lessons learnt’, Fire Safety Journal, 121 (2021) 103261,
- Z. Nan, X. Dai*, H. Chen, S. Welch, A. Usmani, ‘A numerical investigation of 3D structural behaviour for steel-composite structures under various travelling fire scenarios’, Engineering Structures, 267 (2022) 114587,
- Q. Guan, X. Dai*, J. Ye*, S. Huang, I. Burgess, ‘Modelling of composite fin-plate connections under fire conditions using component-based method’, Engineering Structures, 264 (2022) 114451,
- J. Jiang, Y.L. Lu, X. Dai*, G.Q. Li, W. Chen, J.H. Ye, ‘Disproportionate collapse of steel-framed gravity buildings under travelling fires’, Engineering Structures, 245 (2021) 112799,
Journal Papers (co-authors)
- M. Charlier*, A. Gamba, X. Dai, S. Welch, O. Vassart, J. Franssen, ‘Modelling the influence of steel structure compartment geometry on travelling fires’, Proceedings of the ICE - Structures and Buildings, 174 (9) (2021) pp. 739-748, (Awards: Frederick Palmer Prize, by Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE))
- M. Charlier*, A. Glorieux, X. Dai, N. Alam, S. Welch, J. Anderson, O. Vassart, and A. Nadjai, ‘Travelling fire experiments in steel-framed structure: numerical investigations with CFD and FEM’, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 12 (3) (2021) pp. 309-327, (Awards: Emerald Literati Awards, by Emerald Publishing)
- J. Anderson*, J. Sjöström, A. Temple, M. Charlier, X. Dai, S. Welch, D. Rush, ‘FDS simulations and modelling efforts of travelling fires in a large elongated compartment’, Fire and Materials, 45 (6) (2020) pp.699-707,
- L. Choe*, S. Ramesh, X. Dai, M. Hoehler, M. Bundy, ‘Experimental study on fire resistance of a full-scale composite floor assembly in a two-story steel framed building’, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 13 (2) (2022) pp. 145-161,
- A. Nadjai*, N. Alam, M. Charlier, O. Vassart, X. Dai, J. Franssen, and J. Sjöström, ‘Travelling fire in full scale experimental building subjected to open ventilation conditions’, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering (2022),
- N. Alam*, A. Nadjai, M. Charlier, O. Vassart, S. Welch, J. Sjöström, X. Dai, ‘Large scale travelling fire tests and their effect on the surrounding steel structure – the second fire test’, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 188 (2021), 107032,
Research Reports
- D. Lange, D. Rush, X. Dai, L. Boström, ‘The Tisova Fire Test, part 1: test report’, RISE Report (2018), p.93, Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Boras, Sweden, ISBN: 978-91-88695-56-7
- L. Choe, S. Ramesh, X. Dai, M. Hoehler, M. Bundy, R. A. Bryant, B. Story, A. R. Chakalis, A. A. Chernovsky, ‘Fire resilience of a steel-concrete composite floor system: full-scale experimental evaluation for U.S. prescriptive approach with a 2-hour fire-resistance rating (Test #1)’, NIST Technical Note 2165, (2021),
- L. Choe, S. Ramesh, M. Hoehler, M. Bundy, R. A. Bryant, X. Dai, B. Story, A. R. Chakalis, A. A. Chernovsky, ‘Fire resilience of a steel-concrete composite floor system: full-scale experimental evaluation for influence of slab reinforcement (Test# 2)’, NIST Technical Note 2203, (2022),
- M. Charlier, A. Glorieux, O. Vassart; J.M. Franssen, A. Gamba, F. Dumont; A. Temple, J. Sjöström, J. Anderson; S. Welch, X. Dai, D. Rush; A. Nadjai, N. Alam, ‘Characterization of TRAvelling FIRes in large compartments (TRAFIR)’, Final Report, Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, European Commission, Technical Group: TGS8/TGA4, Grant Agreement 754198, (2022)
Throughout his career, Xu has worked closely with both the steel industry (e.g., ArcelorMittal), and fire engineering consultancies (e.g., Ashton Fire) to deliver joint research projects and consultancies on the appropriate application of sustainable design for structural resilience under fire hazard.