Dr. Volkan Cakir
Dr. Volkan Cakir received his B.E. in 1992 from the Turkish Air Force Academy. He started serving as a lieutenant at the 5th Air Base, Merzifon after completing the Logistics Branch School in Izmir, in 1993.
He received his Master of Science in industrial engineering in 2001 from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. He then began working as an instructor at the Turkish Air Force Academy before completing his Ph.D. in engineering management at the Old Dominion University (ODU) in Virginia, USA. He completed his degree in 2011 while continuing his service at the Turkish Air Force. In his last year, he served as R&D office team leader at General Staff HQ, Ankara. He retired from the Turkish Air Force as a lieutenant colonel in 2012.
He began teaching at the Department of Industrial Engineering at Istanbul Arel University in the same year, soon becoming head of the department and then vice director of the Institute of Sciences. During that period, he gave classes at different universities including the University of Salerno in May 2018 with the ERASMUS teaching mobility program. From 2018 to 2022, he worked at Lebanese American University’s (LAU) Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department as an Assistant Professor of Practice. In the fall of 2022, he joined Birmingham City University and currently working as a Senior Lecturer of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. He is the Team Leader of the Engineering Management graduate programs since October 2022.
Areas of Expertise
- Discrete-event simulation
- Supply chain management
- Quality systems
- System dynamics
- Multi-criteria decision analysis
- Risk Management
- Quantitative risk analysis.
- BE in Electronics Engineering (Turkish Air Force Academy, Istanbul, Turkey)
- MS in Industrial Engineering (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey)
- PhD in Engineering Management (Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Turkish Air Force Branch School, Izmir, Turkey)
- Quality Coordinator (Turkish Air Force Branch School, Izmir, Turkey)
- Ecctis Certificate of PhD Comparability – UK Qualification Level: Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD)
- 12/2021 - present - International Renewable Energy Conference-IEEE, IREC, Technical Program Committee Member
- 09/2018 - present - Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, ISSN: 1304-0448, e-ISSN: 2148-1059, Editorial Board
- 09/2018 - present - International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, ISSN: 1475-3219, e-ISSN: 1741-8038, Reviewer Board
- 09/2018 - present - System Dynamics Society Conference, Reviewer Board
- 09/2017 - present - Recent Advances in Space Technologies, Technical Program Committee Member
- System Dynamics Society, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals,
- MS in Project Management
- MS in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- BS in Manufacturing Engineering
- BS in Industrial Engineering
Dr Cakir’s research work is mainly focused on decision making processes using different engineering tools like simulation, MCDA, optimization in the fields of Supply Chain Management, Risk Management, Project Management and Sustainability.
Postgraduate Supervision
Master Thesis/Project Supervised
- Marwan Bou Ghanem, “Reducing Work-In-Progress through the Application of Simulation Modeling and Lean Tools in a Natural Stone Manufacturing Setting”, Lebanese American University, 2019
- Ugur Hosyilmaz, “A System Dynamics Approach Model for Quitting Smoking Behavior and an Analysis in Turkey”, Istanbul Arel University, 2019
- Oktay Buyukikiz, “Measurement of the Compliance of the R&D Unit Strategy with the Business Strategies by Establishing Balanced Scorecards Using AHP Method”, Istanbul Arel University, 2019
- Esra Sahin Kutlugun, “Fault Tree Analysis of Information Technology Systems, A Case Study Aerospace Industry”, Istanbul Arel University, 2018
- Ali Firat Elci, “Analysis of Project Profitability and Schedule Overruns Using System Dynamics, A Case Study of Trigeneration System”, Istanbul Arel University, 2018
- Fethi Ata, “Data Mining Application In An Insurance Broker”, Istanbul Arel University, 2018
- Sinan Coruk, “Preliminary Energy Study and Transition Analysis to Renewable Energy Using the Fuzzy AHP Method”, Istanbul Arel University, 2018
- Selma Akkok, “A Multiple Regression and Clustering Study on Academic Performance Using Health and Business performance Indicators”, Istanbul Arel University, 2018
- Utku Keskin, “Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Based Risk Assessment Methodology For Satellite Solar Arrays In Geo Environment”, TurAFA Hazerfan Institute of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, 2018
- Tolga Kudret Karaca, “Production Process Evaluation and Improvement by Using Method of Discrete Event Simulation, Case Study of Etisan”, Istanbul Arel University, 2015
- Okan Ozyesil, “Agent Based Simulation and Reliability-Availability-Maintainability (RAM) Analysis of Helicopter Weapon System of Turkish Army”, TurAFA Hazerfan Institute of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, 2016
SCI, SCI-Expanded Journal Papers
- Volkan Cakir and Adrian Gheorghe “Longitudinal Academic Performance Analysis Using a Two-Step Clustering Methodology” International Journal of Engineering Education 33, No. 1(A), pp. 203–215, 2017
- Seyma Colakoglu, Turan Bayhan, Betul Tavil, Ebru Yilmaz Keskin, Volkan Cakir, Fatma Gumruk, Mualla Cetin, Selin Aytac, Ergul Berber, “Molecular genetic analysis of the F11 gene in 14 Turkish patients with factor XI deficiency: identification of novel and recurrent mutations and their inheritance within families” Blood Transfusion 2018; 16: 105-13 DOI 10.2450/2016.0098-16
Book chapter(s)
- Volkan Cakir and Utku Keskin “Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process-Based Risk Assessment Methodology for Solar Arrays of GEO Satellites” Space Infrastructures, From Risk to Resilience Governance, Volume 57, 166 – 180, IOS press, Amsterdam, 2020, 978-1-64368-073-6 (online), DOI: 10.3233/NICSP200018
Selected articles in conference proceedings
- Volkan Cakir and Jana Hilal “Developing a framework using SWARA and TOPSIS to rank local municipalities according to their current management of single use plastics”, World Sustainability Forum WSF2021, September 13-25
- Volkan Cakir, Myriam Baddour, Jose Lameh and Mariella Mansour, Romy NEHME and Nicolas KARAM “Risk Assessment of Solar Energy Projects in Lebanon using Reference Ideal Method”, International Renewable Energy Conference-IEEE, IREC 2021, Amman, Jordan, April 14-15, 2021
- Volkan Cakir and Ugur Hosyilmaz, “The Behavioral Model for Quitting Smoke Using System Dynamics”, The 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Bergen, Norway, July 19-23, 2020
- Volkan Cakir and Hakan Kaya, “The Development of Servitization in Operations Management and Its Effect on Production Companies,” 12th International Conference on Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management-NCM12, Ankara, Turkey, September 11-12, 2018
- Fethi Ata and Volkan Cakir, “A Big Data Analysis to Determine Customer Profile of An Insurance Broker”, The 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business Management and Social Sciences-ICEBSS 2018, Skopje, Macedonia, August 07-11, 2018
- Volkan Cakir and Sait Oguz, “Forecasting Air Passenger Demand with System Dynamics Approach”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management-IEOM, Paris-France, July 26-27, 2018.
- Ali Firat Elci and Volkan Cakir, “Analysis of Project Profitability and Schedule Overruns Using System Dynamics, A Case Study of Trigeneration System”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management-IEOM, Paris-France, July 26-27, 2018.
- Ugur Hosyilmaz and Volkan Cakir, “A System Dynamics Approach Model for Quitting Smoking Behavior and an Analysis in Turkey”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management-IEOM, Paris-France, July 26-27, 2018.
- Tolga Karaca and Volkan Cakir, “Production Process Evaluation and Improvement by Using Method of Discrete Event Simulation”, 31st European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, October 25-27, 2017
- Volkan Cakir, Yavuz Selim Ozdemir, Ezgi Kececi, “Supplier Selection by Using AHP and TOPSIS Techniques and an application in a Turkish Textile Company”, 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Industrial Engineering, Dubai, UAE, November16-18, 2015
- Volkan Cakir, Ahmet Pirlanta, “System Design of Recycle Management Usıng AHP and TOPSIS in Buyukcekmece Municipality” 18th International Academic Conference, London, UK, August 25-28, 2015
- Evren Guney, Volkan Cakir, Y. Selim Ozdemir, Irem Duzdar, “Budgeted influence maximization in social networks with independent cascade diffusion model”, 4th International Symposium & 26th National Conference on Operational Research, Chania, Greece, June 4-6, 2015.
- Volkan Cakir, Idil Ekiz and Ozge Sahin, "Implementing Balance Scorecard Using ELECTRE Method for Revenue Management", 20th Conference of the IFORS2014, Barcelona, July 13-18, 2014.
- Evren Guney, Irem Duzdar, Volkan Cakir, Abdullah Ozdemir, "An Efficient Pricing Method to Determine the Network Value of Influentials in Social Networks", 20th Conference of the IFORS2014, Barcelona, July 13-18, 2014.
- Evren Guney, Irem Duzdar, Volkan Cakir, Abdullah Ozdemir, Ozge Sahin, "An Efficient Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic For The Influential Selection Problem", Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization -2014 (OPT-I 2014), Kos, Greece, June, 2014.
- Sami Ercan, and Volkan Cakir, “Decision Making in Learning Organizations” ATINER 2013, Athens, Greece, 2013
- Sami Ercan, Volkan Cakir, Evren Guney, Irem Duzdar, and Deniz Efendioglu, “Developing And Analyzing The Strategic Plan For Mado Company”, EDULEARN13, Barcelona, Spain, 2013
- Evren Guney, Volkan Cakir, Sami Ercan and Irem Duzdar, “A Mathematical Model and Solution Techniques for the Influencer Selection Problem”, ISERC-2013, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2013
- Sezgin Kilic, Volkan Cakir and Tuncay Sari, “UCAV Fleet Routing Problem with Split Deliveries”, OR 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, 2011
- Tuncay Sari, Volkan Cakir, Sezgin Kilic and Enver Ece, “Evaluation of Scatter Search and Genetic Algorithm at Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems” INES 2011, Hoprat, Slovakia, 2011
- Asim Furkan Demir, Tayfun Karadere, Volkan Cakir, “Simulation Model Of The Solar Powered Solid Waste Compactor Management” CERC 2010 Students’ International Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 2011
- Volkan Cakir, Adrian Gheorghe, “Undergraduate Education Performance Analysis Using Clustering With EM Algorithm” IETC 2010, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010
- Berna Eren Tokgoz; Volkan Cakir; Adrian V. Gheorghe, "Handling Emergency Management in Object Oriented Modeling Environment" Modsim World Conference & Expo 2009, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, 2009
- Berna Eren Tokgoz, Volkan Cakir, Adrian V. Gheorghe, "Managing Hampton Roads Resiliency with an Object Oriented Paradigm" HRA INCOSE Requirements, Management & Analysis Seminar, Newport News, VA, USA, 2008.
- Berna Eren Tokgoz, Volkan Cakir, Okay Isik, Ghaith Rabadi, “Weapons Systems Performance Evaluation Using Discrete Event Simulation”, Research Expo 2007, Norfolk, VA, USA, 2007
National Conference Papers (In Turkish)
- Mustafa Taha Bayri, Yavuz Selim Ozdemir, Volkan Cakir, “Choosing a Motorcycle Fleet with Multiple Decision Making Methods for Courier Companies”. X. Industrial-Management Engineering Congress (Endüstri-İşletme Muhendisligi Kurultayi-EİMK), Yayin No: 2270916, Istanbul, December 25-26, 2015.
- Seda Soysal, Volkan Cakir, Irem Duzdar, " Re-Planning And Modeling Of Textile Cutting Services For Capacity Increase ", YA-EM 2015, Ankara, September 09-11, 2015
- Ezgi Arin, Volkan Cakir, "Performance Analysis Using Facility Layout Improvement and Simulation Applications in a Production Factory ", YA-EM 2015, Ankara, September 09-11, 2015.
- Volkan Cakir Zuhal Olcar, "Process and Quality Improvement Using Work Methods And Simulation (In English)", YA-EM 2014, Bursa, June 25-27, 2014.
- Sezgin Kılıç, Tuncay Sarı, Volkan Cakir, “Unmanned Air Combat Vehicle Fleet Routing Problem”, UHUK, HHO, Istanbul, 2012.
- Sami Ercan, Okay Isik, Volkan Cakir, “Investigation of Factors Affecting Academic Achievement of Turkish Air Force Academy Students by Multiple Regression Method”, Istanbul Commerce University, Istanbul, 2005.