The future with a computing degree


future with computing degree primary

In the future all industries will acquire some element of tech.Technological advancements have not only changed the way we live, but are becoming more vital to a range of industries. In fact, the computer and information technology field is expected to grow by 13% from 2016-2026, which is faster than the average growth rate of all occupations (National University). 

One of the major progressions for the computing industry has been in digital technology, with the increasing demand from film production companies, the introduction of artificial intelligence and the sound production sector, a computing degree is opening many doors. Find out what the future looks like with a computing degree.

How computing has changed the film industry:

With the development of CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) and visual effects, computers have become the backbone of modern film production. On our BSc Digital Film Production course you will learn about the techniques used in modern day film making. 

This has become apparent in recent years with ‘Avengers: Endgame’ becoming the highest grossing film of all time, with 96% of it being created using CGI (Direct expose). In fact, the top 10 highest grossing movies of all time all have a considerable amount of CGI and visual effects in them.

In the ninth highest grossing film of all time, Fast & Furious 7, Paul Walker’s shocking death forced the franchise to turn to CGI to complete the film. A huge team of visual effects specialists and CGI artists were able to use the technology to CGI Paul’s face, in nearly 260 shots.

There has been a huge boost in careers within film production that involve computer science and digital media computing skills:

  • Computer Animator
  • Visual Effects Specialist
  • CGI Artist
  • VFX Artist
  • Computer Scientist

The use of 3D computer-generated animation has also become popular over the last decade, popular films such as Toy Story, Despicable Me and Frozen were all created using this technique.

Having the knowledge and understanding of computer science is important to the entire film industry and will continue to be in years to come.

How computing and AI is being used in a range of industries:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not all about robots.  In combination with computer science, it is now being used in many sectors. Hospitals are using artificial intelligence to help doctors’ experiment with new procedures, without actually causing any damage to a human.

It is also being used to assist physicians in radiology, so they can make better clinical decisions and develop more research. AI can be used in combination with X-rays, ultrasounds, computed tomography and MRI’s (magnetic resonance imaging).

The fire department are using computers and AI to create scenario’s which train firefighters in handling dangerous situations.

Computing programming and AI are being used to create ‘AI Planning’, it uses autonomous techniques to solve planning and scheduling problems that may occur during large developments, such as a new stadium. In the same way, it is also being used to create 3D models of cities, in order for planners and property developers to visualise new cities and structures.

MSc Artificial Intelligence

Find out more about the course

How computers are helping the music industry:

Now, more than ever new music is being created using digital audio work stations on computers. Songs are recorded, sequenced and even produced using computer software.

There are now a range of career opportunities, within the music industry, that require you to have skills in using computer music programs, some of these include music producer, music composer and digital audio editor. Our BSc Sound Engineering and Production course will allow you to develop skills and gain experience to get industry ready. 

Computer programs such as Audacity, Reason and Fruity loops are being used to produce music for a wide range of genres too.

How computers have impacted the gaming industry:

The UK video games industry was worth £5.35bn in sales in 2019. (industry body, Ukie) And, as the industry continues to grow, more job roles are being created to meet the demand. Some of which include computer games developer, games programmer, software developer etc, all of which require computer science skills.

Our Computer Games Technology course involves 2D and 3D programming and computer graphics, enabling you to learn the skills for a range of job roles.

The significance of computer skills within digital technology is becoming increasingly important. Now, more than ever, employers are looking for people that show multiple skills in computer programming, special effects and production. Having a computing degree can boost your career aspects and open many doors, in a range of industries.

Study a degree in Computing and Digital Technology

Take a look through our range of Computing and Digital Technology degrees and find the right one for you. Many of our degrees have Foundation Year options too. 

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