Student Stories

MSc Computing

Priyansha arrived at the University from India with an urge to do a Master’s in IT, and was impressed by the course content here. She has made the most of the opportunities presented by the University and the city, getting involved in various societies and benefiting from the wide range of support available for international students.

Computing Courses

Birmingham City University

“I always wanted to study abroad, and I chose BCU because it offered me the course I wanted to do, gave me the option to start my course from January, and also offered me a scholarship. The modules also attracted me, as I had a background in computer science so I knew I wanted to do an MSc related to that.

“I’ve enjoyed all of my modules. The coursework was challenging, as the way assessments are graded here is very different to India, but I worked hard to get the best results I could. The faculty staff and tutors were very helpful and supportive, and everyone has been so welcoming, with amazing introduction events for international and EU students.

“Now I’ve been here for a year, I feel I’ve settled into my surroundings. I was well informed about the places to shop for groceries, clothes and so on from the start, but now I also know more about the temples in Birmingham where I can celebrate all the Indian festivals and can just go and worship, as it’s not feasible to go home for every festival.

“I love my life in Birmingham. It has entertainment at the cinemas, theatres and library, and food including Indian, European, British and others. It also meets my spiritual needs through so many Sikh and Hindu temples. It pretty much feels like home now. I’m in the Bollywood Society, Write Club and Hackathon Society, and have briefly been part of the Rock Climbing and Bhangra societies. Studying in Birmingham has broadened my experience in life, as I’ve had the chance to witness different cultures which has enriched my knowledge base about people from all over the world and made me a better person.

“Members of staff are very helpful and they never get annoyed when I ask them the most basic questions. Also they’re very supportive in getting problems solved with the help of other staff if they don’t know the answer. The careers advisers have been extremely supportive with improving my CV and advising me on finding a good job in the UK.

“After I graduate, I’m going to look for a job in the UK, and also apply for PhD opportunities at different universities. Depending on where I get a response, I’ll plan my career from there.

“My advice to other students would be, don’t be shy to try different things that are happening around you and take up as many opportunities as you can. Don’t feel left out if your studies or anything else are not working out as you want; arrange a one-to-one meeting with your tutor, the Centre for Academic Success or the Students’ Union to get your queries resolved. Develop yourself enough so that you have courage to go to places and events alone if you like. Also be aware of all the services and resources that you can get help from while you’re studying.”