Bayram Abassi

Bayram Abassi is a Computer Science student who spent his year in industry working as a Technical Support Specialist for SOTI Mobile device management solution MobiControl. We caught up with Bayram to find out more about how he prepared for a placement and his experiences with Careers+.

How did you first hear about the Careers+ team?

The Careers+ Team came to my attention in a number of ways. Including university emails, the website and through my Innovation Project module as part of my Computer Science course.

I decided to contact them so I could begin gaining work experience and expanding my CV. During my first year of university I got in touch regarding an internship and then to find a placement for my second year.

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How did the team help you reach your goal?

The Careers+ Team helped me to create a CV and Cover Letter. I really valued this as they taught me how to write in an impactful way and how to showcase my qualifications and skills. We worked together to create a CV and Cover Letter that would be presentable to possible recruiters. I used this to apply for jobs that were advertised on the Careers+ website.

The team encouraged me to start looking for placements very early in the academic year. They helped me to secure a work placement by continuing to inform me of placement opportunities by emailing me the latest opportunities and inviting me to the Careers Fair event where major companies would be in attendance.

What have you learnt from your placement?

Since starting my placement as a Technical Support Specialist for SOTI Mobile device management solution MobiControl, I’ve learn many skills. I have also been given many responsibilities such as dealing with customer requests, abiding to the Business's Service level Agreement (SLA) and much more.

This placement will help me in the future as job experience is crucial to any CV. Companies can be more likely to choose a candidate who has some form of work experience on their CV. Aside from this, the experience I have gained and the responsibilities I was given felt like a preview of what full time work will be like after I finish university.

Do you have any advice for international students who want to start gaining work experience?

My advice for international students who want to secure work experience is to start searching for work early. Try and secure as many job interviews as you can as its good to get interview experience. It’s also beneficial to have a few opportunities lined up as if you feel one didn’t go as planned you have more to plan for.