Casey Cox

Music Technology student Casey Cox spent his placement at The Cloud One Group working in the operations team.

What did you do on your placement?

I was part of the operations team at The Cloud One Group. My main role was as a warehouse operative, so I would assist the preparation of equipment to go out to corporate or musical events. I also acted as sound, lighting and AV engineer on small jobs as a member of crew.

Why did you decide to do a placement?

Lighting and audio is a competitive industry which can be challenging to secure a job in. I believed that working for a company before I graduated would put me ahead of competition for jobs in the future.

What did you gain from doing your placement?

I gained extensive knowledge in lighting, AV, staging, rigging and furthered my knowledge in audio. My placement also gave me experience working in difficult situations, such as equipment breaking and last minute changes in plans for the events.

What was the application process like?

It was extremely easy. I sent an email to the contact at the company and was asked in for an interview. The interview was conducted with two former Birmingham City University students who had also been placements at Cloud One, rather than the head of the company. Once the interview stage had been completed, I was asked back for a trial week, which allowed me to get used to the way that the company worked before starting my placement.

Music Technology

Gain professional skills

How did the university help you find your placement?

The university supplied a large list of contacts who had taken placements from my course in previous years. This allowed me to research the companies and see which ones to apply for.

What are your future career plans and how has your placement affected this?

I hope to become a live sound engineer, working on both music and corporate gigs. The experience and contacts gained from my placement have already benefitted me in. I am now working on multiple gigs as a freelance sound engineer and I have been offered a full time job at Cloud One once I graduate.

What advantages did your placement give you?

The main advantage that I obtained was industry contacts and learning how to talk to clients when discussing difficult work-related matters. Plus, it has improved my overall industry knowledge.

What placement advice do you have for future students?

Definitely go on a placement and take advantage of the experience. When it’s not busy, get used to the equipment that the company has. Be enthusiastic and take every opportunity given to you, no matter what the job or however difficult, the determination and commitment shown may help you obtain a job in the future.