Simran Heer

Business Information Technology student Simran Heer spent her year-long placement as an IT Business Analyst at Domino’s Pizza UK and Ireland Ltd, where she had the chance to get involved in the work of a number of departments. We caught up with Simran to find out more about her placement and the skills she gained during her time at Domino’s.

What was a typical day at Domino's like?

My placement role at Domino’s as an IT Business Analyst (Intern) involved me carrying out work for the marketing department and Business Intelligence department. My day could vary a lot because of this, as I was working with a few different departments which meant I learned a lot of new skills.

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Why did you choose to spend your placement year working for Domino’s?

My placement had to be IT-related, but I didn’t want to apply for purely IT companies, as I wanted to learn about how IT works within business. The nature of the role helped me realise that I like doing a bit of everything, as the variation makes work more interesting.

What has been the main take away from your placement year?

I found working for Domino’s great fun and I had the most amazing time there. Everybody was so friendly and I’ve made lots of new friends. My placement has helped me plan better for my future and inspired me to be more ambitious. I am now determined to graduate from my final year with a First. After that I plan to either do a Master’s in Business Intelligence or go straight into a graduate job.