Liam McGrath
Liam is the Deputy Head of the College of Education and Social Work at Birmingham City University.
Liam was previously an Associate Professor and the Quality Enhancement Lead, where he had responsibility for all quality and compliance matters for programmes covering the initial training of teachers and social workers, cross-education professionals, and the continuing professional development of experienced practitioners in education related fields. Liam’s responsibilities include oversight of the work of our Collaborative Partnerships and quality assurance processes for all courses in the College, including the role of the External Examiners.
Before joining BCU, Liam was based at Surrey University’s International Study Centre as Head of Business, Economics, Law and Social Sciences, managing the international pathway provision. Prior to working within Higher Education, Liam spent 12 years in Further Education initially as a teacher before progressing into various Head of Department and Director of Curriculum roles within a number of different Further Education Institutions.
As well as leading and being involved in a number of Ofsted inspections as an education provider, Liam was appointed as an Ofsted Inspector during his time in Further Education. Liam was part of the inspection team on a number of inspections across the West Midlands for institutions across the Further Education and Skills sector.