Paul Purser
Having completed a Science degree, Paul undertook a PGCE and qualified in 1990. He has always led Science within school in addition to his teaching and leadership commitments. Alongside this he developed his skills in whole school leadership, leading year groups and phases within school.
This range of experience enabled Paul to become deputy head of a large three form entry primary school and children's centre. He gained the NPQH while Deputy Head teacher. Paul's last post was as a Head Teacher in Walsall, before joining the Science team at Birmingham City University in September 2012.
After joining BCU Paul taught science across Undergraduate and Postgraduate Primary courses. While at the same time he supported students in school and developed relationships with a variety of schools and their mentors.
Paul became the course leader for PGCE Primary with QTS and led this successfully for a number of years, during this time 100s of successful associate teachers joined the profession and Paul now meets them as mentors and senior leaders in their respective schools. He then became Head of Department for Primary, having the oversight of primary courses and ensuring the curriculum is vibrant and prepares our associate teachers for their future careers in school.
More recently Paul became the College Academic Lead for Primary and led the team to a good Ofsted outcome. Recent work has been around the Market Review and ensuring that working with the team we are market ready for September 2024. This work was approved by the DfE and will see its implementation in the coming year.