Undergraduate Courses
Welcome to the BA/BSc page. This is a three-year undergraduate course which awards the professional qualification of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Associate teachers choose to specialise in Physical Education or Biology, qualifying them to teach in secondary schools. They will use research to develop their pedagogical and curriculum knowledge and refine teaching skills during their placement with the support of school colleagues across the BCU regional partnership.
Professional and Subject Placement Mentors in school play an essential role in engaging associate teachers in critical analysis of the application of their learning and in providing focused feedback on their classroom practice.
All information is included in the Secondary Partnership Handbook 24/25
School Mentor Briefing MS Teams Links (Undergraduate)
Phase Assessment Documentation
Phase Assessment Document (PAD) Year 1
DownloadEffective Feedback
The BCU Mentor Coach Model has been specifically designed to support you to give timely and constructive, collaborative feedback with your Associate Teacher.
ITE Curriculum
The elements of our ITE Curriculum is explored on individual course partnership pages on this area of the website. We launched our ambitious ITE Curriculum within the our ITE Partnership in October 2021.
We also have collaborative agreements with a number of organisations across the region to deliver courses.