Professor Matt O'Leary

Professor of Education, Director of CSPACE & College Academic Lead for REF UoA23 (Education)
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- 0121 331 7376
Professor Dr Matt O’Leary is Professor of Education at Birmingham City University. His main research interests focus on education policy and practice in further and higher education, particularly in the context of the professional learning of educators and the development of pedagogic practice.
Professor O’Leary is one of the world’s leading experts on the topic of classroom observation. He is internationally renowned for his extensive body of work on the use of classroom/lesson observation in understanding and improving teaching and learning across colleges, schools and universities. His research has had significant impact in the UK and internationally on education policy and the thinking and practice of education leaders, practitioners and researchers working in all education sectors over the last two decades.
Matt’s expertise has also led to him being invited to deliver keynote talks, lectures, workshops and training sessions across the globe from Venezuela to Vietnam. In addition, his expertise has also been sought by regional, national and international government bodies, as well as national education associations and inspectorates on the use of observation as a tool for understanding and improving the quality of teaching and learning.
He has published over 50 academic articles, research reports and book chapters. He has undertaken research commissioned by the British Council, Department for Education, The Education and Training Foundation, Further Education Trust for Leadership, the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), UKRI Higher Education Innovation Funding, University and College Union and the World Bank.
Professor O’Leary’s original, groundbreaking research in the further education (FE) sector in England, funded by the University and College Union (UCU), has had and continues to have far reaching impact on education policy and practice nationally (UCU 2013). This body of work has been instrumental in challenging engrained orthodoxies and influencing policy and practice across education sectors. For example, it has shaped the policy of one of the largest unions in the world, with a dedicated web presence created to capture some of its outputs, along with a review of the main teaching unions’ policies on observation across colleges and schools in the UK. The findings from the UCU project report were widely reported in the national media (e.g. Allen 2014; Morrison 2015) and led to a landmark policy change by Ofsted with the removal of graded lesson observations from its inspection framework.
O’Leary’s work on observation over the last decade has also had a direct impact on higher education Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and Masters’ level programmes nationally. ITE departments (from primary to post-compulsory) have used his work to inform modular content and design on their programmes for trainee and experienced teachers.
Over the last decade, Professor O’Leary has continued to develop his work on observation more recently in higher education (e.g. O’Leary & Cui 2023; O’Leary & Cui 2020; O’Leary & Savage 2019), with his ongoing research influencing policy, practice, attitudes, awareness and understanding of observation institutionally, regionally, nationally and internationally. His research has helped to inform the development of an innovative scheme of teaching observations that has reconceptualised and reconfigured observation from something traditionally perceived in education as a narrow, performance management mechanism to an expansive, formative and supportive tool of educational inquiry (e.g. O’Leary & Savage 2019; O’Leary & Wood 2017).
Professor O’Leary has written widely on classroom observation, teaching excellence and professional development. His books include Reclaiming lesson observation: supporting excellence in teacher learning (Routledge 2016), Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework (Emerald 2017) and the highly acclaimed Classroom Observation: A Guide to the Effective Observation of Teaching and Learning - Second Edition (Routledge 2020). His newest book is Developing Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education through Observation. (Routledge 2023), co-written with his BCU colleague Dr Vanessa Cui.
Current Activity
- February 2025-May 2026 – Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) - Collaborative Enhancement Projects 2023-24. Project Title: Supporting flexible pathways and effective student transitions in college-based higher education (£10,000) – Role – Principal Investigator
- October 2023-July 2025 – Walsall College. Project Title: Unseen Observation (£10,000) – Role – Principal Investigator
- September 2023-August 2024 – London South Bank University (LSBU). Project Title: Building a collaborative culture of learning and teaching improvement through peer observation (£10,000) – Role – Principal Investigator
- January 2023-July 2024 – Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) - Collaborative Enhancement Projects 2022-23. Project Title: Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through Collaborative Observation (£10,000) – Role – Principal Investigator
- October 2020-March 2022 – Education and Training Foundation. Project Title: AP Connect – Advanced Practitioner Programme (£16,000) – Role – Principal Investigator
- October 2021-February 2022 – Department for Education (funded through Barnsley College of Further Education. Project Title: FE Professional Development Grants (FEPDG) (£2,500) – Role – Principal Investigator
- January 2021-February 2022 – World Bank/Vietnam Ministry of Education. Project Title: Enhancing Teacher Education Programme (ETEP): Research development and innovation in education science (£40,000) – Role – Co-Investigator
- July 2019 – September 2020 – Education and Training Foundation (ETF) Project Title: Evaluation of the Professional Exchange Network Programme (£29,981.10) – Role – Principal Investigator
- February 2018 – February 2019 – Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL). Project Title: The role of leadership in prioritising and improving the quality of teaching and learning in further education (£59,000) – Role – Principal Investigator
- February 2018 – January 2019 – University and Colleges’ Union (UCU) Project Title: Understanding, recognising and rewarding teaching quality in higher education: an exploration of the impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence Framework (£40,000) – Role – Principal Investigator
- 2016-2018 – HEFCE Catalyst Fund Call A: Small-scale, ‘experimental’ innovation in learning and teaching. Project Title: Improving learning and teaching through collaborative observation (£48,727) – Role – Principal Investigator
- March 2016 – December 2017 – British Council Project Title: Improving employability outcomes through student-centred approaches to learning (£65,000) – Role – Co-Investigator
Areas of Expertise
- Education research
- Further and higher education
- Classroom observation
- Teaching excellence
- Teacher learning
- Teacher improvement
- Education policy and practice
- Curriculum development
- Professional development
- Mentoring and coaching
- Lecturing and teaching
- Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)
- PhD in Education (University of Warwick)
- MA in Applied Linguistics & ELT (King's College London)
- PGCE in Spanish & ESL (UCE Birmingham)
- RSA DipTEFLA (King's College London & British Council Mexico City)
- BA (Hons) in French & Spanish (University of Southampton)
- Member of British Educational Research Association (BERA)
- Member of the International Professional Development Association (IPDA)
- Member and Track Chair of EAIR (European Higher Education Society)
- Doctorate in Education
- Master's in Education
- Master's in Teaching and Learning
- Academic Professional Learning Apprenticeship/PGCert in Enhancing Learning, Teaching and Assessment Practice in Higher Education
- Classroom observation
- Teaching and learning
- Teacher development
- Teacher identity and professionalism
- Professional learning
- Education policy and practice
- Higher education
- Further education
- Teaching excellence
Recent research projects that Professor O’Leary has led on as Principal Investigator include:
- Supporting flexible pathways and effective student transitions in college-based higher education (Funded by the QAA – £10,000)
- October 2023 - July 2025 – Walsall College. Project Title: Unseen Observation (Funded by Walsall College – £10,000)
- Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through Collaborative Observation (Funded by the QAA – £10,000)
- The role of leadership in prioritising and improving the quality of teaching and learning in further education (Funded by the Further Education Trust for Leadership – £59,000)
- Understanding, recognising and rewarding teaching quality in higher education: an exploration of the impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (Funded by the University and College Union – £40,000)
Postgraduate Supervision
Matt currently supervises 12 doctoral students (PhD and EdD) in the areas of education and health.
O’Leary, M. (2025) Empowering Practitioners’ Professional Learning Through Unseen Observation FE News, 6th February 2025.
O’Leary, M., Jones, J., Hughes, J., Cui, V. and Wright, V. (2025) Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through a Collaborative Observation – Final Report for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).
O’Leary, M. (2024) ‘Rethinking teachers’ professional learning through unseen observation’, Professional Development in Education, Vol. 50(6), 1162-1175.
O’Leary, M. (2024) What is the Role of High-Quality Teaching in Delivering the Skills of Today and Tomorrow? FE News, 28th October, 2024.
Cui, V., Giles, C., and O’Leary, M. (2024) School of Law and Social Sciences Peer Observation Pilot Project Evaluation Report. London South Bank University.
O’Leary, M; ; Cui, V; Jones, J; Hughes, J. & Wright, V. (2024) ‘Belonging and building pedagogical relationships: Keys to enhancing learning and teaching quality’, Project blog for QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project, January 2024
O’Leary, M. (2023) ‘Observation can prioritise quality improvement – but not the way we’re doing it’. FE Week, 26th April.
O’Leary, M. & Cui, V. (2023) Developing Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education through Observation. London: Routledge.
O’Leary, M., Cui, V., Tran Kiem, M., Tien Dang, D., Thi Huong Nguyen, G., Hoang Thi, K. H. (2023) ‘The role of classroom observation in the development and assessment of schoolteachers in Vietnam: a review of national policy and research’, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education.
Tran Kiem Minh, Dang Tien Dung, Hoang Thi Kim Hue, Nguyen Thi Huong Giang, Vanessa Cui, Matt O’Leary (2023) ‘Sorting or supporting teachers? An exploration of the imbalanced role of classroom observation in the development and assessment of Vietnamese secondary schoolteachers,’ PRACTICE: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education. .
O’Leary, M. (2023) ‘Linking research and teaching to benefit student learning in higher education: complexity, collaboration and a tailored approach’, chapter in the International Encyclopedia of Education, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 258-267.
O’Leary, M. (2022) ‘Rethinking teachers’ professional learning through unseen observation’, Professional Development in Education
O’Leary, M., Armstrong, T., Birmingham, V., French, A., Kendall, A., O’Hara. M. and Vigurs, K. (2022) ‘Rethinking quality and excellence in teaching and learning in higher education’, chapter in Broucker, B., Pritchard, R. M. O., Milson, C. and Krempkow, R. (Eds.) (2022). Transformation fast and slow – Digitalisation, quality and trust in higher education, BRILL, 258-277.
O’Leary, M. (2021) ‘Rethinking the improvement of teaching and learning in a virtual environment through unseen observation’, Future FE Pedagogies, Volume 1 (Autumn 2021), 7-10. Available online at: Future-FE-Pedagogies-FINAL-FOR-PUBLICATION.pdf (
O’Leary, M., Cui, V., Pressick, I., Reynolds, S., Roberts, L., Turville, N. and White, N. (2021). ‘Using innovative observation to improve teaching and learning: a collaboration between students and academic staff in higher education’, chapter in Broucker, B., Pritchard, R. M. O., Melin, G. and Milson, C. (Eds.) (2021). Sustaining the Future of Higher Education, BRILL, 98-116.
Cui, V., French, A. and O’Leary, M. (2021) ‘A missed opportunity? How the UK’s teaching excellence framework fails to capture the voice of university staff’, Studies in Higher Education, 46(9), 1756-1770.
Cui, V., O’Leary, M., Pressick, I., Reynolds, S., Roberts, L., Turville, N., & Nick White (2020) ‘Learning about learning and teaching: developing classroom consciousness and reimagining collaboration between students and staff’, PRACTICE: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education 2(2), 128-144.
O’Leary, M. (2020) Classroom Observation: A Guide to the Effective Observation of Teaching and Learning – Second Edition. London: Routledge.
O’Leary, M. & Cui, V. (2020) ‘Reconceptualising teaching and learning in higher education: challenging neoliberal narratives of teaching excellence through collaborative observation’, Teaching in Higher Education, 25(2), 141-156.
O’Leary, M. & Savage, S. (2020) ‘Breathing new life into the observation of teaching and learning in higher education: moving from the performative to the informative’, Professional Development in Education, 46(1), pp. 145-159.
O’Leary, M., Smith, R., Cui, V., and Dakka, F. (2019) ‘How Leadership Can Influence the Improvement of Teaching and Learning in Further Education’, Research Intelligence, British Educational Research Association, pp. 19-20.
O’Leary, M., Smith, R., Cui, V., and Dakka, F. (2019) The role of leadership in prioritising and improving the quality of teaching and learning in further education, Final Project Report for the Further Education Trust for Leadership.
O’Leary, M., Cui, V., and French, A. (2019) Understanding, recognising and rewarding teaching quality in higher education: an exploration of the impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework, UCU Project Report. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22769.94566.
Wood, P. & O’Leary, M. (2019) ‘Moving beyond teaching excellence: Developing a different narrative for England’s higher education sector’, International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, Vol. 21 Issue: 2, pp.112-126,
O’Leary, M. & Wood, P. (2019) ‘Reimagining teaching excellence: why collaboration, rather than competition, holds the key to improving teaching and learning in higher education’, Educational Review, 71(1), 122-139.
O’Leary, M. & Smith, R. (eds) (2018) Editorial for special issue of Research in Post-compulsory Education, 23(1), 1-3.
O’Leary, M. (2018) ‘Subverting the pseudo-science of inspection with research-informed practice and pedagogic principles – An ungraded approach to the evaluation of teachers’, chapter in Bennett, P & Smith, R. (eds) (2018) Identity and Resistance in Further Education. Abingdon, Routledge, 151-60.
French, A. & O’Leary M. (eds) (2017) Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.
O’Leary, M. (2017) ‘Monitoring and measuring teaching excellence in higher education: from contrived competition to collective collaboration’, chapter in French, A. & O’Leary M. (eds) (2017) Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 75-107.
French, A. & O’Leary M. (2017) ‘Introduction’ in French, A. & O’Leary M. (eds) (2017) Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 1-3.
French, A. & O’Leary M. (2017) ‘Conclusion’ in French, A. & O’Leary M. (eds) (2017) Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 137-9.
O’Leary, M. & Rami, J. (2017) ‘The impact of austerity in Further Education: Cross-cultural perspectives from England and Ireland’, chapter in Bartram, B. (Ed) (2017) International and Comparative Education. Abingdon: Routledge, 74-86.
O’Leary, M. & Wood, P. (2017) ‘Performance over professional learning and the complexity puzzle: lesson observation in England’s further education sector’, Professional Development in Education, 43(4), 573-591.
O’Leary, M. (Ed) (2016) Reclaiming lesson observation: supporting excellence in teacher learning. London: Routledge.
O’Leary, M. (2016) ‘Reclaiming lesson observation as a tool for teacher learning’, chapter in O’Leary, M. (Ed) (2016) Reclaiming lesson observation: supporting excellence in teacher learning. Abingdon: Routledge, 1-9.
O’Leary, M. & Price, D. (2016) ‘Peer observation as a springboard for teacher learning’, chapter in O’Leary, M. (Ed) (2016) Reclaiming lesson observation: supporting excellence in teacher learning. Abingdon: Routledge, 114-123.
O’Leary, M. (2015) ‘Watch and learn: the new way to observe lessons’, Times Educational Supplement, 11th December 2015.
O’Leary, M. (2015) ‘Resilience, resistance and reclaiming professionalism’, FE News, 26th May 2015.
O’Leary, M. (2015) ‘Breaking free from the regulation of the State: the pursuit to reclaim lesson observation as a tool for professional learning in Further Education’, chapter in Daley, M., Orr, K., & Petrie, J. (eds) Further Education and the Twelve Dancing Princesses, London: IoE Press, 73-88.
O’Leary, M. (2015) ‘Measurement as an obstacle to improvement: moving beyond the limitations of graded lesson observations’, chapter in Gregson, M., Nixon, L., Pollard, A. & Hillier, Y. (eds) Readings for Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult and Vocational Education, London: Bloomsbury, 281-284.
O’Leary, M. & Smith, R. (2015) ‘Partnership as cultural practice in the face of neoliberal reform’, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 47(2), 174–192.
Gleeson, D., Hughes, J., O’Leary, M. & Smith, R. (2015) ‘The state of professional practice and policy in the English Further Education system: a view from below’, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20(1), 78-95.
O’Leary, M. (2014) ‘Ofsted has questions to answer on graded lesson observations’, TES Opinion, 3rd October 2014:
O’Leary, M. (2014) ‘Power, policy and performance: learning lessons about lesson observation from England’s Further Education colleges’. Forum, 56(2), 209-222.
O’Leary, M. (2014) ‘In Defence of UCU’s graded lesson observation report’, FE Week, 25th June 2014.
O’Leary, M. (2014) ‘We must take a bold step to change the use of lesson observations in FE’, The Guardian, 12th June 2014.
O’Leary, M. & Brooks, V. (2014) ‘Raising the stakes: classroom observation in the further education sector’. Professional Development in Education, 40(4), 530-545.
O’Leary, M. & Gewessler, A. (2014) ‘Changing the culture: beyond graded lesson observations’. Adults Learning – Spring 2014, Vol. 25, pp. 38-41.
O’Leary, M. (2014) Classroom Observation: A Guide to the Effective Observation of Teaching and Learning. London: Routledge.
University and College Union (UCU) (2013) Developing a National Framework for the Effective Use of Lesson Observation in Further Education. Project report, November 2013. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1751.7286
Gewessler, A. & O’Leary, M. (2013) ‘Cross-cultural learning for teachers: the use of lesson observation in adult education in Austria’. CPD Matters/InTuition – IfL, Issue 10, Winter 2013, pp. 18-20.
O’Leary, M. (2013) Expansive and restrictive approaches to professionalism in FE colleges: the observation of teaching and learning as a case in point. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 8(4), 348-364.
O’Leary, M. (2013) ‘Qualifying – the FE teacher argument’, FE Week, September 2013.
O’Leary, M. (2013) Surveillance, performativity and normalised practice: the use and impact of graded lesson observations in Further Education Colleges. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37(5), 694-714.
Smith, R. & O’Leary, M. (2013) New Public Management in an Age of Austerity: Knowledge and Experience in Further Education, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 45(3), 244-266.
O’Leary, M. (2013) ‘Embracing expansive approaches to the use of lesson observation’. CPD Matters/InTuition – IfL, Issue 8, Summer 2013, pp. 21-22.
O’Leary, M. & Smith, R. (2012) Earthquakes, Cancer and Cultures of Fear: qualifying as a Skills for Life teacher in an uncertain economic climate. Oxford Review of Education, 38(4), 437-454.
O’Leary, M. (2012) Exploring the role of lesson observation in the English education system: a review of methods, models and meanings. Professional Development in Education, 38(5), 791-810.
O’Leary, M. (2012) ‘Time to turn worthless lesson observation into a powerful tool for improving teaching and learning’. CPD Matters/InTuition – IfL, Issue 9, Summer 2012, pp. 16-18.
O’Leary, M. (2009) 'Preparing for your Teaching Practice - Taking Feedback for CertTESOL' - Study Skills Module for Trinity College London CertTESOL.
Baig, R., Dye, V.L., Herrington, M., Hughes, J., Kendall, A., Lacey, C., O’Leary, M. and Smith, R. (2008) ‘Space, Resistance and Identities: University-based Teacher Educators Developing a Community of Practice’, Chapter in Kimble C and Hildreth P. (eds) Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators, Information Age Publishing, Feb 2008.
O’Leary, M. (2006) Can inspectors really improve the quality of teaching in the PCE sector? Classroom observations under the microscope. Research in Post Compulsory Education, 11(2), 191-198.
O’Leary, M. (2004) ‘Inspecting the observation process: classroom observations under the spotlight’. IATEFL Teacher Development SIG, Vol. 3, 1/4: pp. 14–19.
Conference Keynotes/Plenaries/Papers/Workshops Delivered
O’Leary, M. (2025) ‘Reimagining observation as a tool for understanding and improving the quality of teaching and learning’, keynote talk delivered online to DFA/ASP Master Insegnamento per il livello Secondario I Commission event, SUPSI University, Switzerland, 27th January 2025.
O’Leary, M. (2024) ‘What makes professional learning meaningful, impactful and sustainable? Identifying the golden threads of professional learning’, keynote talk delivered at IPDA International Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 15th November 2024.
O’Leary, M. (2024) ‘Exploring Unseen Observation’, keynote talk delivered at LSRN Black Country Colleges Event 4th Annual Research Conference, Walsall College, Walsall, West Midlands, UK, 7th November 2024.
O’Leary, M; Cui, V; Jones, J; Monserrat-Revillo, S; Pearce, A; & Yang, Y. (2024) ‘Supporting and recognising staff who engage students as partners’, presentation delivered online to QAA members at the QAA Student Engagement Festival, 17th October 2024.
O’Leary, M. (2024) ‘Authentic insights into student engagement with learning and teaching through innovative pedagogical relationship building ’, Paper presented at EAIR 46th Annual Forum, 22nd August 2024, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
O’Leary, M; ; Carey, W; Cui, V; Gohil, S; Godridge, N. Gou, S; Jenkins, L; Jones, J; Monserrat-Revillo, S; Pearce, A; Rayner, M; Warren, J; Wright, R; Wright, V; M. Yahuzah & Yang, Y. (2024) QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project, Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through Collaborative Observation (ELTQCO) launch event, presentation delivered online to QAA members, 5th July 2024.
O’Leary, M; ; Cui, V; Gohil, S; Gou, S; Jones, J; Monserrat-Revillo, S; Pearce, A; Pickford, H; Rayner, M; Warren, J; Wright, V & Yang, Yanning. (2024) ‘How pedagogical relationship building can provide authentic insights for students and academic staff into learning and teaching experiences’, external talk delivered at the QAA Quality Insights Conference, 23rd February 2024.
O’Leary, M. (2023) ‘Reimagining observation as a tool for understanding and improving the quality of teaching and learning’, keynote talk delivered at Congreso Internacional O B S E R V A _ A C C I Ó N, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, 4th October 2023.
O’Leary, M. (2023) ‘Using observation to improve the quality of your teaching and the student learning experience: a research-informed, developmental approach’, external talk delivered at the Midlands Academic Practice Group Forum (online), 19th April 2023.
O’Leary, M. (2023) ‘Classroom Observation: A Guide to the Effective Observation of Teaching and Learning’, external talk delivered at the World Education Summit (online), March 2023.
O’Leary, M. (2023) ‘Using observation to improve the quality of your teaching and the student learning experience: a research-informed, developmental approach’, external talk delivered at the QAA College HE Network event (online), 9th February 2023.
O’Leary, M. (2022) ‘Using innovative observation to improve teaching and learning: a collaboration between students and academic staff ’, Paper presented at EAIR Annual Forum Malta 2022, 7th September 2022, MCAST, Malta.
O’Leary, M. (2022) Panellist at the Inside Government: The TEF Reset Conference 2022, Thursday, 30th June 2022, Chancery Lane, London, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2022) ‘Using observation to develop university teachers and to improve the quality of teaching and learning: a research-informed approach’, Online webinar delivered for The European Higher Education Society (EAIR), Wednesday, 28th June 2022.
O’Leary, M. (2021) Panellist at the Westminster Higher Education Forum policy conference: Next steps for the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework, Wednesday, 12th January 2022.
O’Leary, M; Cui, V; Tran Kiem, Minh; Tien Dang, Dung; Thi Huong Nguyen, Giang; Thi Hoang, Kim Hue (2021) ‘Moving beyond academic imperialism: cross-cultural collaboration on the role of classroom observation in the development of Vietnamese secondary school teachers’, Paper presented at IPDA Annual Conference online, 25th November 2021.
O’Leary, M. (2021) Keynote at Universidad del Norte in Colombia, Forum on Public Policy and Education, organised by the Caribbean Observatory of Education, 22 July 2021.
O’Leary, M. & Cui, V. (2021) Joint keynote with Vanessa Cui at SRHE/CSPACE/UCLan online event ‘Qualifying the debate on quality’, 22nd-23rd June 2021.
O’Leary, M. (2021) Keynote at Coleg Sir Gâr a Coleg Ceredigion CPD online event for FE researchers, ‘What is the value of practitioner research in further education and why is it important to get involved?’ (22nd April 2021)
O’Leary, M. (2021) Keynote at AoC/ETF online conference, ‘Capturing what “quality” teaching and learning looks like in a virtual environment and how best to support it, 21st October 2020.
O’Leary, M. (2020) ‘Three reasons why teachers needs to engage with research: criticality, empowerment and growth’, Keynote speech delivered at #FEResearchMeet event, 29th June 2020, Solihull College (online via Microsoft Teams)
O’Leary, M. (2020) ‘Three reasons why teachers needs to engage with research: criticality, empowerment and growth’, Keynote speech delivered at #FEResearchMeet event, 17th January 2020, Halesowen College, Halesowen, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2020) ‘Understanding, recognising and rewarding teaching quality in higher education: an exploration of the impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence Framework’, Keynote speech delivered at the MeCCSA annual conference, 9th January 2020, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2019) ‘Breathing new life into the observation of teaching and learning in higher education: moving from the performative to the informative’, Keynote speech delivered at Staff Development seminar, 4th February 2019, Solent University, Southampton, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2019) ‘Breathing new life into the observation of teaching and learning in higher education: moving from the performative to the informative’, Seminar delivered at School of Education, Centre for Educational Research, 16th January 2019, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.
O’Leary, M. & Cui, V. (2018) ‘Improving learning and teaching through collaborative observation’, Paper delivered at SRHE Annual Conference, 8th December 2018, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, Wales, UK.
O’Leary, M., Cui, V., and French, M. (2018) ‘Understanding, recognising and rewarding teaching quality in higher education: an exploration of the impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence Framework’, Paper Presented at SRHE Annual Conference, 6th December 2018, Newport, Wales, UK.
O’Leary, M. & Cui, V. (2018) ‘Academics and students making sense of authentic teaching and learning via collaborative observation’, Paper presented at ISSOTL Conference, 26th October 2018, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
O’Leary, M., French, A. & Djerasimovic, S. (2018) ‘What does the TEF mean to you? Exploring the impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence Framework on HE learning and teaching policy and practice’, Panel presentation at BERA Annual Conference, Northumbria University, 12th September 2018, Newcastle, UK.
O’Leary, M., Cui, V., Pressick, I., Turville, N., Walsh, A., Rogers, S., & Bibi, A. (2018) ‘Improving learning and teaching through student-staff collaborative observation’. Symposium delivered at Change Agent Network Conference 2018 – Championing Student-Staff Partnerships in an Age of Change, 20th April 2018, University of Winchester, Winchester, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2018) ‘Understanding and improving learning and teaching in higher education through collaborative observation’, 2 workshops delivered at the LTE Group Teaching and Learning Conference 2018, 16th February 2018, The Manchester College, Nicholls Campus, Manchester, UK
O’Leary, M. (2018) ‘Thinking outside the assessment box: using classroom observation to improve teaching and learning’, Plenary at BBELT 2018 conference, 10th February 2018, Hilton Hotel Reforma, Mexico City, Mexico.
O’Leary, M. & Cui, V. (2017) ‘Improving learning and teaching through collaborative observation’, Paper delivered at SRHE Annual Conference, 8th December 2017, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, Wales, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2017) ‘Learning about vocational learning and teaching through collaborative observation’, Keynote Speech at Exploring pedagogies for professional learning across international contexts conference, 7th November 2017, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
O’Leary, M. & Cui, V. (2017) ‘Improving learning and teaching in Higher Education through collaborative observation: moving from the performative to the informative’, Paper delivered at BERA Annual Conference, 6th September 2017, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
O’Leary, M. & O’Hara, M. (2017) ‘Understanding and improving teaching and learning through research-informed observation’, Paper presented at EAIR 39th Annual Forum Porto 2017, 4th September 2017, University of Porto, Portugal.
O’Leary, M., Cui, V., Taylor, M. and White, N. (2017) ‘Improving learning and teaching in Higher Education through collaborative observation’, Paper delivered at Festival of Teaching, 19th July 2017, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
O’Leary, M., Cui, V., Gould, L., Lewis, Z., Pedrelli, P., Pressick, I., Taylor, M. and Turville, N. (2017) ‘Improving learning and teaching in Higher Education through collaborative observation’, Symposium delivered at CSPACE Annual Education Research Conference, 10th July 2017, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
O’Leary, M. & O’Hara, M. (2017) ‘Removing the elephant from the room: how to use observation to transform teaching’, Paper presented at HEA Annual Conference 2017 – Generation TEF, 6th July 2017, Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2017) ‘Using observation to understand and improve practice: from performance to professional learning’, Keynote Speech at The Learning Consortium Teaching and Learning Conference, 27th June 2017, British Library, London, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2017) ‘Using observation to understand and improve practice: moving from the performative to the informative’, Keynote presentation at Education and Training Foundation Programme Leading Teaching and Learning for Maths and English Managers, 15th February 2017, Northern College, Barnsley, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2017) ‘Using observation to understand and improve practice: moving from the performative to the informative’, Keynote presentation at Education and Training Foundation Programme Leading Teaching and Learning for Maths and English Managers, 10th February 2017, Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Bristol, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2017) ‘Using observation to understand and improve practice: moving from the performative to the informative’, Keynote presentation at Education and Training Foundation Programme Leading Teaching and Learning for Maths and English Managers, 8th February 2017, Dunchurch Park Hotel, Rugby, Warwickshire, UK.
O'Leary, M. & Savage, S. (2016) ‘Observing teaching excellence in higher education: moving from the performative to the informative’, Paper presented at IPDA Annual Conference, 25th November 2016, Stirling University, Stirling, Scotland.
O’Leary, M. (2016) ‘Transitions from FE to HE in England: a Midlands’ perspective’, Keynote Speech at FET2HE Conference, Dublin City University, 21st October 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
O’Leary, M. (2016) ‘Further education at breaking point: the impact of government austerity in England’, Paper presented at the ARPCE conference, 9th July 2016, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
O’Leary, M. & Savage, S. (2016) ‘Observing teaching and learning: moving from the performative to the informative’, Paper presented at Learning and Teaching Conference, 14th July 2016, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
O’Leary, M. (2016) ‘Rethinking lesson observation as tool for professional learning: supporting NOT sorting teachers’, Keynote Speech at Newbubbles Conference, 24th March 2016, Thistle Hotel, London Heathrow, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2015) ‘Using lesson observation as a tool for informing and improving teaching and learning, Keynote Speech at Landex Quality Improvement Directors’ Event, 15th December 2015, Warwickshire College, Rugby, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2015) ‘The failings of marketised measurement in evaluating the complexity of teaching and learning’, Paper presented at IPDA Annual Conference, 28th November 2015, Aston University, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2015) ‘How can teachers make best use of lesson observation as a tool for informing and improving their practice? Keynote Speech at LLQT Conference, 6th November 2015, Halesowen College, Halesowen, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2015) ‘How educational research gets done: looking through the lens of a study into lesson observation’, Keynote Speech at CSPACE Annual Education Research Conference, 13th July 2015, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2015) ‘Using lesson observation to understand and improve teacher learning’, Keynote Speech at University of Roehampton Mentor Conference, 9th July 2015, University of Roehampton, Richmond, Surrey, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2015) ‘Using lesson observation to understand and improve teacher learning’, Keynote Speech at Liverpool John Moores University Celebrating Partnership Conference, 2nd July 2015, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2015) ‘Lesson observation: new approaches, new possibilities’, Keynote Speech at CRADLE Conference on Lesson Observation, 17th June, University of Wolverhampton, Walsall, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2015) ‘How educational research gets done: looking through the lens of a study into lesson observation’, Paper presented at ‘Research Conversations’ Seminar Series, 24th March 2015, University of Staffordshire, Stoke, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2014) ‘The Effective Use of Lesson Observation in Assessing, Understanding and Improving Teaching and Learning’, Paper presented at ‘Meeting New Standards in Teaching, Learning & Assessment in the FE & Skills Sector conference’, 27th November 2014, University of Aston, Birmingham.
O'Leary, M. & Smith, R. (2014) ‘Vocational Pedagogy: policy fad or practitioner-focused?’ Paper presented at the Edge Research Conference, 14th November 2014, The Skills Show, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2014) ‘Developing a National Framework for the Effective Use of Lesson Observation in Further Education – Key Findings from UCU Project Report’, Paper Presented at UCET Annual Conference, 4th November 2014, Hilton Metropole, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2014) ‘Lesson observation in England’s Further Education colleges: why isn’t it working and what needs to change?’ Paper presented at the Research in Post-Compulsory Education Inaugural International Conference: 11th –13th July 2014, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2014) ‘The Use of Lesson Observation in Assessing and Understanding Teaching and Learning’, Keynote Address at the North West Quality Network Annual Conference, Northcote Manor Hotel, Lancashire, 13th June 2014.
O'Leary, M. (2014) ‘Power, policy and practice: learning lessons about lesson observation from England’s FE colleges.’ Paper delivered at ResearchED1 conference, 5th April 2014, Birmingham, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2014) ‘To grade or not to grade? The use of lesson observation in assessing and understanding teaching and learning.’ Paper delivered at Association of Colleges (AoC) Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, 30th January 2014, London.
O'Leary, M. (2014) ‘Does Ofsted matter? Observations and beyond.’ Presentation delivered at North of England Education Conference (NEEC), 14th January 2014, Nottingham, UK.
O'Leary, M. (2013) ‘Restrictive and Expansive Approaches to Lesson Observation in Further Education’. Paper delivered at Newbubbles National Teacher Training Conference in FE, Croydon, Surrey, UK, 6th December 2013.
O'Leary, M., Smith, R., Hughes, J. & Gleeson, D. (2013) ‘Teacher education and training in the lifelong learning sector: the hokey–cokey model of educational change.’ Paper delivered at BERA Conference, University of Sussex, UK, 4th September 2013.
O'Leary, M. & Smith, R. (2013) ‘CRADLE rocks.’ Paper delivered at School for Education Futures Annual Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, Walsall Campus, Walsall, UK, June 2013.
O'Leary, M. (2013) ‘Moving beyond measurement: alternative approaches to graded lesson observations in the FE sector’. Keynote speech delivered at the Association of Colleges (AoC) Annual Conference, ICC, Birmingham, 19th March 2013.
O'Leary, M. (2012) ‘Challenging the hegemony of performative lesson observation in Further Education colleges: the pursuit to recapture observation as a tool for professional learning and development’. Paper delivered at Ipda Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 1st December 2012.
O'Leary, M. (2012) ‘Raising the Assessment Stakes: the Use of Classroom Observation in Further Education’. Paper delivered at BERA Annual Conference, University of Manchester, 4th September 2012.
O'Leary, M. (2012) ‘Measurement as an obstacle to improvement: the observation of teaching and learning as a case in point’. Keynote speech delivered at Education Annual Research Conference, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, 12th July 2012.
O'Leary, M. & Smith, R. (2012) 'Funding cuts and professional identities: New Public Management and the Skills for Life student teacher’. Paper delivered at WMLSRN Conference, The Hawthorns Conference Centre, West Bromwich, UK, 4th July 2012.
O'Leary, M. (2011) 'Restrictive and expansive approaches to professionalism and the professionalization of tutors in FE colleges.' Paper delivered at School of Education Annual Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, Walsall Campus.
O'Leary, M. & Smith, R. (2011) 'The return of the Cinderella service: The impact of policy and funding changes on SfL tutors in FE.' Paper delivered at School of Education Annual Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, Walsall Campus.
O'Leary, M. (2010) 25 November 2010 – LSRN Annual Conference, London: ‘Surveillance and normalised practice: the use and impact of graded lesson observations in Further Education colleges’.
O'Leary, M. (2009) 29 September 2009 – University of Vienna, ECER Annual Conference: ‘Playing the game of panoptic performativity? Perspectives on the grading of observations of teaching and learning in Further Education colleges in England.’
O'Leary, M. (2009) 22 June 2009 – University of Wolverhampton, CPD Conference; 6th May 2009 – School of Education Annual Research Conference: ‘Playing the game of panoptic performativity? Who are the winners and losers of lesson grading in classroom observations in Further Education colleges?’
O'Leary, M. (2006) 6 September 2006 – BERA Annual Conference, University of Warwick: “Classroom Observation – ‘A means of improving professional practice in the PCE sector or a managerialist mechanism of controlling teachers?’
Media Work
Sample Citations in the Press
‘Profiles – Matt O’Leary, Professor of Education’, by Jess Staufenberg, FE Week, 23rd June 2020:
‘England to drop class 'bubbles' and pupil caps from September’, by Richard Adams, The Guardian, 19th June 2020:
‘Time to call time on predicted grades?’, by Jen Steadman, Red Brick Research, 18th May 2020:
‘Profile of Ali Hadawi – Principal of Central Bedfordshire College, by Jess Staufenberg, FE Week, 19th November 2019:
‘Collaboration more useful than Ofsted, say FE teachers’, by Julia Belgutay, TES Online, 6th June 2019:
‘Spielman: Lack of FE research 'depressing and disappointing' ‘, by Stephen Exley, TES Online, 16th May 2019:
‘What do academic staff think of the TEF?’, by Matt O’Leary, WONKHE, 14th February 2019:
‘TEF means more work but not better teaching, union members say’, by Anna McKie, Times Higher Education, 14th February 2019:
‘To improve teaching, give academics a better deal’, by Matt Waddup, Times Higher Education, 14th February 2019:
'Ofsted's evidence base must include FE', by Stephen Exley, TES Online, 30th January 2019:
‘Watch and learn: the new way to observe lessons’, by Matt O’Leary, TES Magazine, 11th December 2015:
‘Ofsted don’t use lesson observations to label teachers’, by Stephen Exley, TES, 28th October 2015:
‘Reclaim lesson observation from Ofsted, expert tells FE teachers’, by Darren Evans, TES, 11th July 2015:
‘Don’t stop grading lesson observations, Ofsted tells providers’, by Stephen Exley, TES, 24th June 2015:
‘Watch out lesson observation – we’re coming to get you’, by Lorna Page, FE Week, 22nd June 2015:
‘Lesson observations could be used to force staff out, expert warns’, by Darren Evans, TES, 17th June 2015:
‘Ofsted to scrap graded lesson observations in FE’, by Nick Morrison, TES Connect, 22nd May 2015:
‘Checking up on teaching standards ‘, by Jack Grove, Times Higher Education, 5th March 2015:
‘Graded lesson observation – let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater’, TES Opinion, 5th February 2015:
‘Why the score is not even on graded lessons’, by Stephen Exley, TES Connect, 19th September 2014:
‘In defence of criticisms of UCU’s graded lesson observation report’, by Dr Matt O’Leary, FE Week, 25th June 2014:
‘Lesson observations: To grade or not to grade …’ by Matt Bromley, Sec Ed, 12th June 2014:
‘Graded lesson observations are a major cause of stress for FE teachers’, by Michael Allen, The Guardian, 11th June 2014:
Links and Social Media
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