Project Network

Who are we?

We are a group of women academics from Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, University of Education Vietnam National University (Hanoi) and Birmingham City University in the UK committed to working together to make higher education a more inclusive and enabling space for women and people of all genders.

CSPACE, Birmingham City University:
  • Professor Alex Kendall
  • Dr Amanda French
  • Dr Kate Carruthers Thomas
  • Dr Julia Everitt
University of Education, Vietnam National University (Hanoi)
  • Dr Tran Thi Hoai
  • Dr Pham Thi Thanh Hai
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
  • Dr Trang Tri Thu Nguyen

A close-up of a hand writing on paper

Network background

EnPOWER builds on a strong, well-established network of collaborative partners. Kendall (BCU) and Pham (VNU) have been working together as part of a wider collaborative research and practice development partnership since 2017. In 2020 BCU worked closely with Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam on the teacher education research capacity building strand of the ETEP project with Professor Kendall working as the primary consultant for the project. Supported by ETEP PMU this work built a network of academics across six Universities across Vietnam to undertake 6 collaborative research projects that responded to priorities identified by the teacher education community.


The key stakeholders in EnPOWER are:

  • Women leaders
  • Aspiring women leaders
  • Leaders and managers within HE (of all genders) with responsibility for people development
  • The wider HE community of academics (of all genders) who will benefit from a more diverse and inclusive experience of leadership styles, approaches, and practices