3 courses found

3 courses found, showing results 1 to 3

  • Creative Writing

    Postgraduate Taught - MA - 2024/25 entry

    Our MA in Creative Writing helps you to develop your potential as a novelist, poet, scriptwriter or non-fiction author. It is taught by distinguished writers, with the support of a superb range of guest seminars and masterclasses...

    Creative Writing, Postgraduate Taught - MA - 2024/25 entry
  • English Linguistics (Distance Learning)

    Postgraduate Taught - MA - 2024/25 entry

    The MA in English Linguistics is a flexible distance-learning programme. You can work at your own pace fitting your study around work and other commitments. The programme is well established, having been introduced in 1992, but...

    English Linguistics (Distance Learning), Postgraduate Taught - MA - 2024/25 entry
  • English Literature

    Postgraduate Taught - MA - 2024/25 entry

    Our MA in English Literature is taught by a team of distinguished critics, scholars and creative writers, all working at the cutting edge of their disciplines. As well as developing your skills as a critical thinker, you will...

    English Literature, Postgraduate Taught - MA - 2024/25 entry