Research and Development Unit for English Studies
The Research and Development Unit for English Studies (RDUES), based in the School of English at Birmingham City University, is a corpus linguistic research group comprising of corpus linguists, software engineers and statisticians. While alternative branches of linguistics rely on cherry-picked or invented examples of language use, corpus linguistics uncovers real-world linguistic patterns and trends evidenced in a large-scale digital collection of texts (a ‘corpus’).
We carry out fundamental and applied research in corpus linguistics. We have built an international reputation through our work, developing novel computational, statistical and linguistic methods, with a particular focus on the automatic identification of word meaning, textual topic and language change. To enable others to engage with our research, we have released the free-to-use WebCorp Live, WebCorpLSE and eMargin software.

Research projects
RDUES' research projects have produced many influential online linguistics tools, including WebCorp, eMargin and OurSurveySays.
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Neologisms in Journalistic Text
We are providing a series of lists of neologisms in context for the benefit of teachers of English language.
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Our people
Learn more about the academic team working in RDUES.
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