Research projects

Find out more about the RDUES' current, recent or active projects below. You can also find our completed and archived projects.

Past projects

RDUES' past projects have investigated language change, word semantics and textual topic.
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WebCorp: harnessing the web as linguistic resource in research, teaching and beyond

The WebCorp suite of tools is comprised of three versions of the software that build on one another to provide linguis...

eMargin: collaborative text annotation tool

eMargin is an online collaborative annotation tool that lets you highlight, colour-code, write notes and assign tags t...

OurSurveySays: online dashboard for the analysis of text-based survey responses

OurSurveySays is an online service for the analysis of open-text survey questions using Corpus Linguistic techniques. ...


To detect and monitor terrorist activity, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) increasingly rely on social media intelligenc...

Repulsion: The investigation of an organising force in text

Exploring the instances of language whereby pairs of words are discouraged from appearing together, or are 'repulsed' ...

XTranscript and the CASE XML Conversion Tool

The Research Development Unit for English Studies have developed a number of tools to assist quantitative language rese...

TRAC:COVID – Trust and Communication: A Coronavirus Online Visual Dashboard

Developing a dashboard to track hitherto under-explored online conversations surrounding COVID-19, to provide valuable...