A breadth of industry knowledge and expertise in strategic fashion business management and industry practice. Skills include HE teaching, buying and merchandising, sourcing, product development, international business and graduate employability.
Following five years of retail consultancy Annette started lecturing at BCU in 2016. She lectures across a range of modules at levels 4, 5 & 6 including Fashion Business Context, Buying and Merchandising, International Retailing and Self Promotion.
Annette champions industry links including guest lectures and live retail projects, resulting in student placements and internships
Preparing undergraduate students for careers in the fashion industry, Annette plans, designs and delivers modules including assessment and feedback. She delivers teaching and learning across the course including;
- Level 4 - Buying & Merchandising (module lead), Fashion Business Context (module lead), Trend Forecasting
- Level 5 - International Retailing,
- Level 6 – Self-Promotion (module lead)
Strong research interests in International Business and Fashion Sustainability and Ethics. Currently researching and implementing ways to embed sustainability into the curriculum.
Annette is currently developing enterprise activities to share knowledge and expertise with the global community
Annette has had an extensive career in the fashion industry in both fashion design and buying. From global brands to independents and start-ups, Annette spent 12 years at Debenhams, with five years as Head of Buying for the Lingerie Division responsible for managing International, Own Brands and Designer Brands including Ted Baker, Jasper Conran and Julian McDonald.
She uses her industry knowledge and contacts to develop strong industry links and supports students in work experience and employability.