Smythe, A, Jenkins, C., Bentham P. & Oyebode JR (2015). The experiences of staff working within a specialist mental health service in relation to development of the skills for the provision of person centred care for people with dementia. Dementia Vol. 14(2) 184–198
Jenkins, C, and Poole, C, (2015) The uniqueness of mental health nursing. Ch 6 in Poole, C (2015) Choosing Nursing: From application to offer and beyond Abingdon. Routledge
Jenkins, C, Ginesi, L and Keenan, B (2016) Dementia Care at a Glance Chichester. Wiley.
Bunting, M and Jenkins, C (2016) Transcultural nursing strategies for carers of people with dementia Nursing Older People 28 (3) 21-25
Jenkins, C, Smythe, A, Galant Miesznikowska, M, Bentham, P and Oyebode, J (2016) Overcoming the challenges of conducting research in Nursing homes Nursing Older People 28 (5) 16-23
Ginesi L., Jenkins C, Keenan B, (2016) Dementia 1: How dementia differs from normal ageing Nursing Times 112 (24) 12-15
Ginesi L., Keenan B, Jenkins C, (2016) Dementia 2: New approaches to understanding dementia: Nursing Times 112 (25) 16-19
Keenan B, Jenkins C, Ginesi L. (2016) Dementia 3: Preventing and diagnosing dementia. Nursing Times; 112 (26) , 22-25
Jenkins C, Keenan, B and Ginesi, L. (2016) Dementia 4: The nurse’s role in caring for people with dementia. Nursing Times; 112: 27/28, 20-23.
Smythe et al (2016) The effectiveness of a Person-Centred (PC) ‘dual-element’ training intervention designed to reduce burn-out for nurses working with people with dementia in nursing homes. (Report for the Burdett Trust for Nurses)
Smythe A., Jenkins C., Galant-Miecznikowska M., Bentham P., & Oyebode J. (2017). A qualitative study investigating training requirements of nurses working with people with dementia in nursing homes. Nurse Education Today. 50, 119-123.
Maher, M, Bell, L, Rivers-Downing, N, and Jenkins, C (2017) How a service-user educator can provide insight into the recovery experience Mental Health Practice 20 (6) 27-31
Jenkins, C. and Feldman, G. (2018), Recognition of pre-clinical signs of dementia: A qualitative study exploring the experiences of family carers and professional care assistants. J Clin Nurs.. doi:10.1111/jocn.14333
14.5.18 PROSPERO Systematic review registration: How do registered health and social care practitioners who have attended Mental Capacity Act Training change their practice post-training? A narrative review Registration number : CRD42018094478
Jenkins, C and Germaine, C (2018) Solution-orientated learning to build resilience in mental health nursing students and recently qualified nurses Mental Health Practice 21 (7) 24-27
Dey, L, Gault, C, Mangena, L and Jenkins, C (2018) Peer-learning seminars: Developing mental health nursing students’ understanding of physical and mental health problems through formative self and peer-assessment Mental Health Practice 22, 2 38-42
Jenkins, C and Germaine, C (2018) (CPD article) Solution Orientated Learning: An innovative approach that promotes motivation and resilience Mental Health Practice 21 51-58 doi: 10.7748/mhp.2018.e1291
Bale, L and Jenkins, C (2018) Nursing students’ experiences of delivering dementia friends sessions to peers Nursing Older People 30, 6 doi: 10.7748/nop.2018.e1046
Webster, N, Oyebode, J, Jenkins, C and Smythe, A (2019) Using technology to support the social and emotional wellbeing of nurses: A scoping review protocol Journal of Advanced Nursing 75, 898-904.
Jenkins, C and Germaine, C (2019) Living well in older age: What can we learn from the Japanese experience Nursing Older People 31 (1) 30-35
Webster, N, Oyebode, J, Jenkins, C and Smythe, A (2019) Experiences of peer support for newly qualified nurses in a dedicated online group: Study protocol Journal of Advanced Nursing JAN-2018-0641.
Webster, N. L., Oyebode, J. R., Jenkins, C., Bicknell, S., & Smythe, A. (2020). Using technology to support the emotional and social well-being of nurses: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 76, 109-120.
Jenkins, C., Webster, N., Smythe, A., & Cowdell, F. (2020). What is the nature of Mental Capacity Act training and how do health and social care practitioners change their practice post-training? A narrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 29, 2093-2106.
Jenkins, C, Oyebode, J, Bicknell, S, Webster, Bentham, P and Smythe, A. (2021) Exploring Newly Qualified Nurses’ Experiences of Support and Perceptions of Peer Support Online: A Qualitative Study. Journal of clinical nursing 30.19-20 2924–2934.