Novia Samuels
Novia has experience in all areas of midwifery and has a specialist interest in enhance midwifery care. She has worked in intrapartum care for over 13 years. She has been a Core High Dependency Unit midwife in one of the UKs large maternity units for over 11 years on a delivery suite and caring for women with extremely complex medical histories. This role also involved supporting junior members of the team to become confident in HDU care.
Novia has been an Obstetric Emergency Trainer within the Trust. She was also trained as a Hospital Life Support Trainer and assessed colleagues within the Trust. She has ensured that some clinical hours have been maintained alongside a full time post at BCU in order to remain current in clinical practice.
When full time within the Trust Novia took part in the interviewing of newly qualified midwives and worked as part of a team to train and assessment maternity support workers.
Novia became a visiting lecturer and kept the post for 7 years at BCU whilst working on delivery suite full time, before becoming a secondment lecturer and is now a full-time lecturer at BCU.