Lewis Clemson
Lewis qualified as an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) in 2017. Once qualified, he worked at a Major Trauma Centre, helping to care for patients with severe life-threatening injuries. He was able to experience the perioperative care of patients undergoing complex procedures within Orthopaedics (both elective and emergency trauma), Neurosurgery, Emergency General Surgery, and Cardiac Surgery. As an Anaesthetic and Recovery practitioner, he was able help care for patients at their most stressful times. Lewis also participated in the resuscitation of patients presenting to Accident and Emergency, Cardiac Catheter Labs, and Interventional Radiology. After a short while, Lewis specialised in paediatric anaesthetics, and became the Paediatric Lead for the Orthopaedic and Trauma theatres within his department.
Due to some changes in his life, Lewis then moved to another trust, where he began to further develop his anaesthetic and recovery skills within the Head and Neck specialities. Here he was able to engage with patients experiencing compromised airways, and major life saving Oncology surgery. In January 2020, Lewis was successful in obtaining a Senior ODP role, and became the Paediatric Lead for the entire theatre department, and Laser Protection Supervisor for the Head and Neck specialities. He was able to contribute to the development of paediatric services offered by the theatre department and provide a safe working environment during the use of a Laser for the surgical procedure.
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Lewis’ usual role became very disrupted. He was redeployed to the COVID Intubation Team in the first wave. He ensured the safe intubation and transport of Covid-19 positive patients to the Intensive Care Unit, to give them the best chance of survival due to the virus affecting them so much. Once the first wave had eased, Lewis was able to return to his usual role, and develop his leadership skills. He completed various leadership training, both in house and externally, and used his new role to try and encourage his colleagues and teams to constantly strive for better. This was cut short once again, with the second wave of Covid-19. This time, Lewis was redeployed to the Intensive Care Unit. He was able to use his transferrable skills to help care for severely ill patients receiving support via ventilators. This was a very steep learning curve, but one he took in his stride. Lewis is proud of his achievements and contributions during the pandemic and would gladly be redeployed again if he knew it would make a difference to the lives of others.
Once Lewis returned to theatres, once again, he decided it was time to develop his skills within education. The Covid pandemic had shown him just how much learners need support in achieving the skills to be able to help in tricky situations, such as the one he experienced. Therefore, he took an Associate Lecturing post with another University. He was able to educate Student ODPs in his spare time, and still work full time clinically.
Lewis thoroughly enjoyed his experience with teaching in Higher Education and knew where his true passions lay. Therefore, when the post opened for a Lecturer in Operating Department Practice at BCU, he knew he just had to apply for it. Now he is a full time Lecturer for the ODP team and loving every minute of it. He is enjoying the challenges it presents and helping the Student ODPs to develop into the autonomous practitioners they deserve to be. This was certainly the right move for Lewis, and he is so excited for his future with BCU.