Dr Isabella Romeo-Melody

Isabella Romeo-Melody

Assistant Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences

School of Health Sciences

Dr Romeo-Melody completed a BSc in Biology at the University of Portsmouth. Whilst completing her PhD ‘Antimicrobial efficacy of XF-73 and photo-activated XF-73 against clinically relevant microorganisms in planktonic and biofilm modes of growth’ at Aston University, she joined BCU as a research technician and became a project manager for a Citizen Science project ‘Exploring the chopping board microbiome’ at Aston University.

Upon completion of her PhD Isabella then joined the academic team as an assistant lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, where she teaches Essential Skills and Microbiology at Level 4 and Academic Skills and Career Development at Level 5, and she also supervises microbiology-based research projects at Level 6. Recently Isabella was awarded Pilot Project funding and will begin her research career investing the microbiological function of a 3D skin aging model designed by Dr Figgitt as an in-vitro wound model for a range of skin-based healthcare-associated infections.

Areas of Expertise