Blog Article

Exploring the factors behind falling rates of STI home test kit returns in Birmingham and Solihull.
- Dr Annalise Weckesser
- Gemma Williams
- Dr Anita Hughes
Study background
In Birmingham and Solihull, nearly half (41.6%) of those who order home STI (sexually transmitted infections) self-tests online do not return the kit. However, in similar UK-wide home STI self-test schemes, only 27.5% do not return the kit. Thus, understanding why those who have ordered self-test kits to do at home, but do not return them is a priority for improving return rates for Birmingham and Solihull sexual health services.
Research aims
The aim of this study is to improve the home STI self-test kit service and kit return rates in Birmingham and Solihull.
To do this, the study is asking for users to anonymously share their experiences to help improve the STI self-test kit service.
Order an STI kit to do at home, but not return it? Share your experience so we can improve the service!
- Take part in a 15-20 minute interview about your experience of the STI home test kit service
- Receive a £10 Amazon voucher as a thank you
- Participation is completely anonymous
If you are 18 or over, and you ordered an Umbrella STI kit for yourself and not returned it, you can take part!
To learn more or to take part, email: Annalise.Weckesser@bcu.ac.uk or Text: 0789 521 4735.
Download the Participant Information Sheet
Ethical approval
This study has been reviewed and received approval from the NHS Health Research Authority and Birmingham City University’s Faculty of Health Education and Life Sciences Research Ethics Committee (Ref: IRAS 266059).