Academic visitors
At Birmingham City University, we welcome applications to take part in our Academic Visitor Scheme from overseas institutions in the following categories: research, pedagogy, administration or enterprise.
Academic Visitors can conduct a number of activities during their stay. This includes, collaborating with members of staff in research projects, sharing knowledge or experience, holding academic discussions, observing teaching pedagogy, learning new management styles and how we run our courses, establishing academic networks with university staff, and exploring possibilities for joint ventures and projects.
Our Academic Visitor Scheme is open to members of staff from all overseas institutions, however there is a limit to the number of available places and priority will go to partner institutions of the University.
Interested in being a visiting academic? Find out more by emailing
If you are interested in coming to Birmingham City University as an academic visitor, please read the information available on our website to ensure that you meet the requirements.

Facilities and Benefits
Find out about the facilities and benefits you will be entitled to as an academic visitor.
Facilities and Benefits >>
Download Application Form
Interested in coming to Birmingham City University as an academic visitor?
To apply for a place on the Academic Visitor Scheme Please ensure that you provide us with the following information:
Please note that if you provide us with an incomplete application we will not be able to process your request.
A completed visiting academics application form |
Passport photocopy |
Certificate of English language proficiency |
Personal statement (500 words maximum) |
Research proposal (1000 words maximum) |
Portfolio of work (if you are applying for subject areas in art, design, visual communications, music and performance) |
Two references, one of which from your Dean or Head of Department |
Your CV |
Please send the completed forms and supporting documents to
Please submit your application with the email subject reading:
“Academic Visitor Application: Name, Institution, Proposed duration”
Upon receiving your application, our Visiting Academic Assessment Panel will arrange a video interview with you. During this interview you will be expected to explain the outcomes of your intended visit and clarify any areas of your research proposal that the panel may have. An assessment of your English language proficiency will also be undertaken during this interview.
We strongly advise you to plan your academic visit either by the beginning of September/October or January/February to coincide with the beginning of our academic semesters. However, if you are doing joint research with a member of our staff, the starting times may be more flexible.
Please note that the University does not provide accommodation for Academic Visitors, and you will need to make your own arrangements for accommodation for your time in the UK.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the International Partnerships Team, who will be able to provide you with guidance and support throughout the process.