International Agent Application Form

Referral agents who advise and assist students wishing to study at Birmingham City University must apply to be a registered agent.

If you decide to apply to become a Birmingham City University agent, you should:

  • Complete the form below by answering ALL questions
  • Provide the contact details for two references
  • Provide proof of education agent training or qualifications
  • Provide proof of business registration from your country and
  • Provide proof of any academic qualifications or professional recognition

The standard processing time for an agent application is three to four weeks from the receipt of a completed application. Your application may be delayed if you do not provide all the required information.

If your application is approved, we will:

  • Send you the agent agreement for your signature
  • Request the signed agreement to be returned for processing
  • Provide you with the targets of students we expect you to achieve
Company information
Company director
About your organisation
Can you confirm that you are legally able/licensed to deliver the services we are contracting you for?

If Yes, please email a copy of your certificate of registration to

Sole Trader
Can you confirm if you have been involved in any significant prosecutions and what was the outcome?
Have you attended any British Council or other training events in country?
Are you on a British Council list of agents for your country?
Do you have a corporate staff handbook?

If Yes, please email a copy of handbook to

Have you and your staff read and understood the National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents and the associated business practices?

Can you upload evidence of staff having completed a range of national and institutional training sessions to

Do you work with sub agents?
Are your services chargeable?
Student recruitment history

Number of students enrolled at UK Universities last academic year

First referee

Your referees should be someone at a university or college that you currently work with. One reference MUST be from a UK institution

Second referee

Your referees should be someone at a university or college that you currently work with.

By checking this box, you declare that all the above information to be correct.