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Throughout the year there is no shortage of cultural or religious celebrations that light up the streets and the skies of the city including celebrations for Chinese New Year, Vaisakhi, the International Dance Festival, Diwali and many more. The accessibility to these events allow you to find like-minded people who share your culture or allow you to even mingle with those from a different background. Religion and culture isn’t however the only way you can celebrate with the community of the city. In recent years Birmingham has also hosted events such as Pride, the International Dance Festival, the Great Birmingham Run and many different festivals to cater for your style and taste.
Places of worship
Celebrations aren’t the only time you can speak with those from a similar background as yourself. Birmingham is home to many religions meaning there are places of worship dotted all around the city for you to visit. Many of these places of worship also hold regular events which encourage the local community to congregate and spend time with one another, almost like a family.
Students' Union societies
Birmingham City University itself is home to many different communities from all over the world. Students' Union (SU) societies are the best way to connect with those from that share the same interests as you. An example of some of the societies we have are Sikh Society, Indian Society, eSports society and Women’s Society. Should not there be a society for you in the 100+ list, the SU allows students to come together and form their own society based on their own interests.
A diverse and global city
Simply by living in the city you will be immersed you in the community that Birmingham holds. Being a university that’s based in the city centre, out students get to live in the middle of such a rich community and experience a culture that is so unique to the city but quickly makes them feel at home.