Jaq Prendergast

Jaq PrendergastCourse Leader and Lecturer - BA (Hons) Horology

What is your background/experience prior to BCU?

I studied at BCU way back when. I then worked in the After-sales service centre for luxury watch brands for 10 years before deciding to teach at BCU.

What is your favourite thing about BCU?

My colleagues are some of the most skilled and kindest people to work with in this organisation.

What inspired you to teach Horology at BCU?

I wanted something that was still within my field of expertise, but a different aspect of it. I am always hungry to learn more about the subject if that’s from the historical point of view, or a different technique of how to achieve something.

What are the benefits of studying Horology in Birmingham?

The benefit from studying here is that your get such a deep understanding and foundation of what Horology is and what it encompasses that it sets you up to choose a pathway of clocks or watches, or maybe both.

What can students do to help prepare them for the course?

Get filing! As laborious as it is. It is vital to have these skills. Be prepared to get your hands dirty and polish the life out of something, Practice using hand tools and above all have enjoyment out of it.

Lastly, do you have any advice or tips for working in the industry?

Have goals and attainments within Horology and keep working towards them, and always do your best work.