Which Jewellery course is right for you?

Choosing the right course can be a difficult decision. To make sure you start off on the right path, we’re taking a look at the different courses available at Birmingham School of Jewellery, to show you how diverse and exciting this area of study is.

Student working with metal

Jewellery and Objects

Key modules

  • Specialist Techniques
  • Body and Identity
  • Studio Perspectives

Our BA (Hons) Jewellery and Objects course gives you the freedom to develop your own creativity by encouraging you to experiment with a variety of ideas, materials, processes and techniques. It’s perfect for creative and inquisitive individuals, with an experimental approach to concepts and outcomes. You’ll get the opportunity to explore theoretical and practical aspects of jewellery making.
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Gemmology and Jewellery Studies

Key modules

  • Gemmology and Diamond Practical
  • Applied Gemmology
  • Advanced Gemmology and Analytical Techniques

Our BSc (Hons) Gemmology and Jewellery Studies degree is one of the only courses of its kind in the world. During the course we aim to equip you with the highest level of professionally-recognised gemmological skills. This course is for those with a detail-oriented nature, as we offer the opportunity to learn about all facets of Gemmology, such as valuation science, analytical techniques and industry studies. 
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Key modules

  • Specialist Horological Skills
  • Commercial Servicing Skills
  • Employment Skills

Horology is the art and science of making, repairing and restoring timepieces. A specialised and centuries-old craft, horologists need the skills to work with traditional techniques and new technology alike. Combining traditional craftsmanship with the latest technology, you’ll explore the theory of horology, as well as developing the valuable restoration skills that are in demand within the industry. 
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Jewellery and Silversmithing HND

Key modules

  • Fundamental Hand Skills
  • Faculty Live Project
  • Specialist Practice

Our Jewellery and Silversmithing HND course is based around traditional techniques and projects with a particular focus on manipulating metals. This is the course for you if you appreciate the practical yet intricate nature of the craft of Silversmithing. A craft very much developed through hands-on experience, BCU’s School of Jewellery offers live demonstrations given by experienced practitioners in the field. We also offer Jewellery and Silversmithing – Design for Industry, a Level 6 top-up course for those who want to work as a designer or creative entrepreneur. 
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Foundation year

Key modules

  • Introduction to School of Jewellery
  • Applied Visual and Workshop Practice
  • Signature Project

If you're new to jewellery or still undecided about which course to pursue, our foundation year gives you the opportunity to get hands-on experience and learn specialist skills in gemmology, horology and jewellery making. You will gain an understanding of some of the key principles and relevant technical terminology in the jewellery industry, and have the opportunity to develop basic skills alongside your critical and reflective skills.

Our foundation year can lead to Gemmology and Jewellery StudiesHorology or Jewellery and Objects degrees.

Find out more about courses at the School of Jewellery