University News Last updated 17 July 2019

The School of Jewellery recently joined with key members of the jewellery industry to celebrate the work of graduating students as part of the Inspired Festival.
The graduate show demonstrates the School’s strong and longstanding links with businesses within the Jewellery Quarter as well as with international companies through the number of sponsored prizes given to students across all disciplines.
The show was opened by Head of School Professor Stephen Bottomley, with guest speaker and newly-appointed Visiting Professor of Ancient Jewellery, Material and Technology, Dr Jack Ogden. Professor Bottomley and Dr Ogden awarded more than 40 industry sponsored prizes to students, including cash, pens and watches. Sponsors included luxury brands Cartier and LVMH.
Highlights from the awards included four BA (Hons) Jewellery and Objects students winning a Lustre Young Meteor prize, giving them access to the Young Mentor’s Programme. HND Jewellery and Silversmithing prizes included a number of cash awards and gift vouchers.
BA (Hons) Horology student William Daw took home two of the awards from the evening, including the Antiquarian Horological Society Award and Christopher Ward Prize for Technological Exploration, both with substantial prizes. Kester Crockett won the LVMH Group Horology prize for the best performance over all three years of the degree.
For BA (Hons) Jewellery and Silversmithing – Design for Industry students, Fabulous Futures awarded £200 mentoring support with work experience for a student. Huub Boekhurst was given three awards for their work, including a place on the Getting Started Business course from the Goldsmiths Company.
Fellows and Sons awarded a prize to Emily Jones from BSc (Hons) Gemmology for the best student in jewellery valuation, which included a £250 prize.
There were a host of national and local industry leaders such as Executive Director of the Crafts Council Rosie Greenlees, Director of the Goldsmith’s Centre and soon to be BCU Honorary Doctorate Peter Taylor OBE, Honorary Doctorate Roger Smith and Chairman of the Association for Contemporary Jewellery Terry Hunt.
Associate Professor and Deputy Head of School Jeremy Hobbins said afterwards:
"The evening is not only a chance to celebrate the fantastic work of our students, which has been widely applauded this year, but also provides a brilliant opportunity for them to network and meet potential employers. Many successes and much to celebrate.”