Blog Article

The minutes from the Diaspora Screen Media Network online interim event, which took place on 9th December.
In Attendance
This was a virtual meeting held via Collaborate. Those who took part in the meeting were project leads Janet Wilson (PI), Rajinder Dudrah (Co-I), and David Simmons (Re-Co). Also in attendance were:
Steering committee members:
Amy Smart
Professor Dina Iordanova
Sian Hunter
Karen Wilkes
Mattias Frey
Nathan Dodzo
Ellie Tomsett
10.30-11.45 Discussion of first episode of I May Destroy You: (Chaired by Co-I Professor Rajinder Dudrah). Dina recommended precursor, generational readings; also as a comparison, Small Acts.
12.00-12.15 Website (Chaired by Research Coordinator, David Simmons).
New developments: website has moved to BCU with Janet Wilson’s appointment as Honorary Professor at BCU. Change in role of UN administrator Meriem Lamara, who will now become a member as no longer maintain website. DSMN will be formally hosted by BCU henceforth. Additions to virtual exhibition, blogs since last meeting
Action : attendees and members invited to write website blogs (see one by Amy Smart) on ways of accessing media for entertainment in lockdown; and to send profiles for the website
12.15-12.30 New networks and partnerships (Chaired by Co-I)
Co-I gave an overview of the network’s interests, aims and achievements as well as detailing the involvement of participants from the academic and creative communities.
The Co-I opened discussion to attendees to highlight any networks, groups organisations or individuals that might be of interest to the network. The Co-I stressed how important hearing from a diversity and range of voices is important to the DSMN.
Nathan Dodzo Spoke about his work with Nigerian and Zimbabwean film networks that are interested in feature length work with an educational purpose. It was agreed that DSMN should make contact (via Nathan) with participants in these networks to explore areas of shared interest.
The ReCo noted the creation of a GEM network at the University of Northampton (see https://www.northampton.ac.uk/news/blackintheivory-conference-is-centrepiece-of-black-history-month-at-uon/) and attendee and GEM network member, Nathan Dodzo discussed the work currently being carried out by the GEM network. (see https://mypad.northampton.ac.uk/uongem/ ). It was felt by the DSMN members that there is a great deal of overlap between the two networks and that we should explore ways of sharing content and material between the two where advantageous to both groups.
Attendees Sian Hunter and Karen Wilkes suggested that they would carry out some research into relevant work being done in their respective geographical areas and institutions.
In light of the discussion of I May Destroy You (2020) and work being carried out by the GEM UON network, Nathan Dodzo proposed the idea of putting together a short film documenting what people have been watching during lockdown. The PI, Co-I and ReCo were all very keen on this idea and the Co-I proposed working with Nathan and the ReCo to facilitate this. Nathan Dodzo also mentioned his involvement with the Belgrade Theatre and its work on the ‘More than just a Moment’ initiative (see https://www.culturecentral.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/More-Than-A-Moment-The-Pledge.pdf ). Steering committee member, Amy Smart also noted her involvement with the pledge.
It was agreed that this pledge is something that speaks to the network’s interests and that the Co-I would make contact with relevant stakeholders.
Attendee Karen Wilkes stated that she will get in contact with a colleague who she has worked with in screening the film Sapphire (1959)
Amy Smart suggested that the DSMN might check out the work of We Are Parable (see http://www.weareparable.com/about-us/) and make contact about shared interests and work opportunities.
Action: DS/ReCo to make contact with Nathan D to discuss ways of sharing with GEM: e.g. website links, upcoming events, themes
Action: Co-I and Re-Coordinator to liaise with Nathan on short film. The blogs written by the investigators about lockdown might be used;
Action: Co-I t and Re Coordinator to make contact with Belgrade Theatre (re ‘More than just a Moment’) ; and We Are Parable , about liaison opportunities
Action: Karen Wilkes to contact colleague who has worked on Sapphire; with Sian Hunter to carry out research in their respective institutions on potential partnerships and network members
12.30-13.00 Planning the next workshop at BCU (Chaired by PI Professor Janet Wilson)
The PI started by giving an outline of the previous workshop event held at UON in February 2020, including discussing the outcomes from that event and the suggestions of points of focus that attendees suggested they would be interested in seeing at the next workshop.
The PI acknowledged that given the ongoing situation, it was important for the network and its upcoming events to recognise the influence and impact that COVID has had on participants and the industry more broadly.
It was agreed that themes of intersectionality, LGBTQ+ and identity politics should play a prominent part in the next workshop.
The PI outlined a possible schedule for the next event based on the previous (successful) workshop event. This is the BCU workshop now rescheduled for w.b. 28 June or 5 July. Topic: ‘Social Networks and New Media’ – there will be a stress on representation (gender, ethnicity) , with reference to COVID, and Black Lives Matter movement. Invite Roger Shannon and Paul Long- to talk about changing roles and formats (an historical view)
None of the attendees had any issue with the basic format of the workshop.
- A relevant visual text will be suggested in advance;
- Morning: opening provocations (by SC members, or convenors) on the topic; discussion.
- Afternoon: workshop break-out groups followed by general discussion.
This will be followed by the two-day symposium at BCU. Topic: ‘Globalising the Local in Diaspora Cinema and Media’. Now scheduled for w.b. 14 February 2022
The PI also spoke about the outputs for the network (academic and non-academic and reiterated the wish to encourage anyone with relevant material to contribute to the network’s website).
13.00-13.15. Publications and Future Planning.
- Publication for 1 scheduled for May 2023.
- Apply for ongoing funding
- Consider BCU small project funding- make a bid
The event finished with thanks given to all of those involved. A date and time (6th January at 10am) were set for the next planning meeting.