Publications since 2020
Creative Practice and Doctoral Education (2025) special issue of Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education guest editor with J Taylor.
‘Creative contagion or missing story? – examining the REF archives for evidence of provision for creative practice in doctoral study’, (2025) Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, vol.16:2, [DOI: 10.1108/SGPE-10-2024-0107]
‘Privilege and practice – challenges for doctoral education in art and design’ (2024) The International Journal of Art & Design Education, vol 43:1, pp146-58[DOI: 10.1111/jade.12497]
Musings on the Place of a Space for an Archive Encounter’ (2022) peer-reviewed catalogue essay in A. Bracey & D. Maier (eds) Bummock: Tennyson Research Centre, Waddington: FTB Press, pp. 86-97 [ISBN:978-1-9998830-2-7]
‘Practice submissions – are doctoral regulations and policies responding to the needs of creative practice?’, (2021) Research in Post-Compulsory Education, Vol.26 No.3, pp. 333-352, [DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2021.1920262]
Vaughan, S., Blackburn, C. & Curzon, R (2021) ‘Continuing Conversations: moving support for doctoral supervisors’ professional development online’, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol.58 No.6, 716-726, [DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2021.1991423]
Hill, G. & Vaughan, S. (2021) ‘Cirque du Research Supervision: New research approaches for research supervisor professional development’,in Housten, G. & Halliday, D. (eds) 3rd International Conference on Developments in Doctoral Education & Training: Conference Proceedings, pp. 77-90.
‘Understanding Doctoral Communities in Practice-Based Research’, (2021) in C. Vear, L. Candy & E. Edmonds (eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Practice-based Research, London: Routledge, pp. 122-138 [ISBN: 978-3-367-34143-5]
‘Community-building for Practice-based Doctoral Researchers: Mapping Key Dimensions for Creating Flexible Frameworks’, (2021)in C. Vear, L. Candy & E. Edmonds (eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Practice-based Research, London: Routledge, pp. 544-554 [ISBN: 978-3-367-34143-5]
Vaughan, S. & Hill, G. (2021) ‘Blending online and offline in a Community of Practice model for research degree supervisor development’ in J. Sheldon & V. Sheppard (eds) Online Communities for PhD Researchers: Building Engagement with Social Media, London: Routledge, pp. 95-109 [ISBN: 978-0-367-22409-7]
‘Confidence in Practice: positioning institutional and individual creative research as para-academic’,(2020)in C. Rito & B. Balaskas (eds), Institution as Praxis: new curatorial directions for collaborative research, Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 200-213 [ISBN: 978-3956795060]
Conference Papers since 2020
‘The Hidden Curriculum of creative practice in the doctorate: learning across disciplines’ (2025) 9th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates: Professional & Practice Based Doctorates - A Creative Force for Change, London.
‘Challenging expectations and acting differently: practice research within/outwith university research culture’ SRHE International Conference: Higher Education: A Place for Activism and Resistance? Nottingham.
‘Research Culture as Instituent Practice: the possibilities of thinking differently?’ (2023)SRHE International Conference: Higher Education Research, Practice, and Policy: Connections & Complexities, Birmingham.
‘Creative contagion – what can we learn from the REF about doctoral education?’ (2023)SRHE International Conference: Higher Education Research, Practice, and Policy: Connections & Complexities, Birmingham.
‘Community in practice - necessary dialogues for doctoral education in art and design’ (2022) Belonging: Dialogues for a culturally responsive art and design curriculum - International Journal of Art and Design Education conference, online, hosted by University of Chester.
‘Supporting the jugglers: the challenges and barriers for academics in creative disciplines becoming research active’ (2022) 8th Annual Researcher Education and Development Scholarship Conference -'How do we stop losing talent in research careers?', online, hosted by University of Leeds.
‘History and memory: the contemporary artist as archivist’ (2022) panel co-convenor and presentation Association for Art History 48th Annual Conference, online.
‘Transitioning with practice: supervising doctoral creative practice as a non-practitioner’ (2022), 8th Biennial Postgraduate Supervision Conference - Transitions, Trajectories and Transformations in Postgraduate Supervision: The Times They Are A-changing, online, hosted by Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
‘Learning from practice: maintaining practice-based doctoral research remotely’ (2021) ) SRHE International Conference:(Re)connecting, (Re)building: Higher Education in Transformative Times, online.
‘Disrupting the Doctorate: Building a Postgraduate Research Culture’ (2021) with J. Taylor & O. Carter, Researcher Education and Development Scholarship Conference - Inclusive research cultures: How do we develop them? online, hosted by University of Leeds.
‘Making Doctoral Supervisor Development Meaningful – engaging in conversations’ (2021) 7th International Academic Identities Conference: The Meaningful University, online hosted by Roskilde University, Denmark.
‘Practice submissions – flexing the doctoral regulations’ (2021) 7th International Conference on Professional & Practice-Based Doctorates, UKCGE, York.
‘Becoming comfortable with the unknown: Supervising practice-based research as a non-practitioner’ (2020) Researcher Education and Development Scholarship conference, online, hosted by University of Leeds.
A full list of earlier publications and conference contributions is available via BCU’s PURE portal here