Sian Vaughan

Sian Vaughan

Associate Professor in Research Practice


Dr Sian Vaughan is Associate Professor in Research Practice and she leads RAAD – the centre for research in art, architecture, and design at Birmingham City University, providing strategic leadership, coordination, and care for a growing community of researchers.

Sian is an internationally recognised researcher with significant experience of the strategic and intellectual leadership of research communities, the development of provision in doctoral education and researcher development, and the management of large-scale multi-institutional projects. Her research and leadership are driven by a passionate belief in the transformative power of engaging with research, and the desire to enhance understanding and provision for creative forms of research practice. She is as passionate about researchers actively engaging in teaching and she contributes to teaching at undergraduate and masters level alongside doctoral supervision and examination. Sian co-leads the Creative Pedagogies research cluster within RAAD which supports researchers and PGRs exploring how creative practice in education at all levels within and outwith formal education creates new social and material spaces and potentials for learning. The cluster also serves as an incubator for teaching colleagues to develop research careers.

Sian’s own research focuses on research practices and cultures, and on the pedagogies that underpin research in art and design. She explores artistic practices with archives, history, and institutions with a particular focus on creative research methods as knowledge generation. Her educational research has focused on the practices and pedagogies of doctoral education and how these are responding to creative practice in research. She is currently expanding this as a critical lens to consider research cultures and researcher development for practice research.

Sian is a co-opted Trustee of CHEAD. She contributes to the strategic leadership of the UK’s national Council for Higher Education in Art and Design through her active membership of the Board of Trustees and as Chair of CHEAD’s Research, Innovation, and Knowledge Exchange (RIKE) Alliance. She is a member of the AHRC Peer Review College and she reviews for several journals.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
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