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Introduction to the Metaverse and Digital Leadership CPD module India

Currently viewing course to start in 2024/25 Entry.

The Metaverse is a collective virtual environment which bridges the fields of virtual and augmented reality and the internet. Students in Ludhiana in India are now being offered the opportunity to study an exciting introductory course to the Metaverse and Digital Leadership....

  • Level CPD
  • Study mode Short Course
  • Location MBCIE
  • Award N/A
  • Start date September 2024
  • School
  • Faculty

This course is:

Open to International Students


The Metaverse is a collective virtual environment which bridges the fields of virtual and augmented reality and the internet. Students in Ludhiana in India are now being offered the opportunity to study an exciting introductory course to the Metaverse and Digital Leadership.

The Introduction to the Metaverse course can be studied as a standalone course at the Munjal Birmingham City University Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MBCIE) in Ludhiana.

This course is open to International students.

What's covered in this course?

This introductory set of modules will leave participants with a greater understanding of the fundamental principles of the metaverse, the metaverse ecosystem and its economies. After completing this introduction, students will have a sound understanding of how the metaverse can potentially be applied in real-world business settings.

As the metaverse is being used more to undertake virtual commerce, create immersive brand engagement, host virtual events and experiences and train staff through simulation, it is an important tool for many businesses.

Students will learn how inter-connected platforms and technologies drive the metaverse, including the use of digital currencies, cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens. The course will cover the challenges of managing digital assets in the constantly evolving metaverse.

On successful completion of the Introduction to the Metaverse and Digital Leadership course in Ludhiana, students will have the option of applying for advanced standing to Birmingham City University’s MSc in Applied Metaverse and Digital Leadership, where they will be able to study for an additional two semesters subject to meeting the criteria for studying in the UK. All usual international entry requirements will apply.

Fees & How to Apply

Visit the MBCIE website for information on fees and how to apply.



  • To upgrade, sharpen and enhance skills of the youth so that they are more readily employable in the national and international market
  • To drive innovation across industrial clusters based in India’s northern states
  • To create an ecosystem that allows start-ups and entrepreneurs to flourish
  • To develop potential knowledge-intensive businesses in Punjab

Facilities & Staff

Munjal family run BCM Foundation and Birmingham City University have established the Munjal Birmingham University Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MBCIE) at Ludhiana to promote innovative education, business innovation and start-ups in the region.

MBCIE is lead by eminent leaders. Mr Sunil Kant Munjal (Chairman Hero Enterprise) is Chairman of MBCIE. The Centre provides an opportunity to change the stereotypical ways of teaching and learning in schools and colleges – it emphasises more engaging, participatory, and socially relevant approaches. As part of that we have also established a well equipped Incubation Centre to enable young entrepreneurs to launch their start-ups with expertise and backing of BCM Foundation and Birmingham City University.


For more information, contact us at or +91- 90419-90400