University News Last updated 22 November 2023

CEBE triumphed at the TIGA Games Industry Awards in London last week, where Director of Future Games and Graphics Dr Carlo Harvey and the Games team were honoured with the award for Best Educational Initiative and Talent Development.
This accolade recognises the ongoing best practice in industry engagement opportunities afforded to Games students, using the STEAMhouse Building as a platform for employability initiatives.
The award is the fourth award celebrating the success of the Games team, who last year received accolades for Best Educational Institution and Excellence in University-Industry Collaboration. Carlo was also awarded Outstanding Games Lecturer in 2022.
The Challenge Week initiative devised by Senior Lecturer in Computer Games Dr Xi Guo and Assistant Lecturer in Computer Games Technology Nathan Dewell was recognised as sector-leading best practice.
TIGA Chief Executive Officer Dr Richard Wilson praised the Games curriculum that receives outstanding student satisfaction and graduate outcomes, and is held in high esteem by the industry.
Dr Carlo Harvey said: “We are immensely proud to receive the TIGA Games Industry and Education Awards, a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence in games education. This accolade is not just about recognition; it's a celebration of our team's dedication to nurturing talent and innovation. Through our unique blend of industry engagement, cutting-edge teaching methodologies, and a strong focus on studio practice, we have created an environment where students can thrive and transform into industry-ready professionals.
“This award underlines our success in not only achieving high graduate employment rates but also in shaping a curriculum that resonates deeply with the needs of the games industry. It's an honour to be acknowledged for our efforts in paving the way for the next generation of game developers.”