Claire Perkins
Claire trained as an undergraduate registered nurse in multiple hospitals in London 1993-6. Subsequent clinical registered nursing roles in A & E and multiple HDU’s and ITU’s across the West Midlands, including a Senior Sister post in critical care at University Hospital Birmingham. During a post-registration intensive care course (ENB 100) in 1999, experience was gained in multiple specialist critical care units including the PICU at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Specialist nursing knowledge was further developed through successful completion of an MSc in Nursing in 2006 and some international clinical and education visits. Clinical skills recently refreshed in a local private critical care unit.
Claire has a long standing interest in nurse education which began with employment as part of the link teaching initiative (at UCE 1998-2003), a role created to develop the application of physiology to clinical practice within the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Education skills were then further developed between 2001-2004 in both junior and senior professional development posts within the NHS. A lecturer role in higher education was commenced in 2004 and senior lecturer in 2005, following successful completion of a PG Cert in higher education. Multiple further courses have been studied since to ensure both education and clinical skills continue to evolve. Recognition of this via fellowship of the higher education academy has been achieved.
Claire's key area of interest remains the application of physiology and pharmacology to clinical nursing practice, with a particular emphasis on the recognition and management of acute physiological deterioration.