Jayne Robbie
Jayne qualified as a podiatrist from Brighton Polytechnic in 1987 and has had a varied career in primary and secondary care working extensively as a diabetes specialist in multi-professional teams as well as having experience managing a large primary care podiatry unit.
Jayne was one of the first intake of podiatrists to gain a degree in podiatric medicine which she completed in 1989, and developed the learning bug having studied for a PGCE and went on to complete an MSc in Health Care. She was the first podiatrist from the West Midlands to take part in the NIHR funded Masters to PhD Bridging Program which developed her research skills and is passionate about the prevention of diabetic foot complications and interventions aimed specifically at diabetic foot disease and ulceration; the main cause of hospital admissions for diabetes in the UK.
Jayne joined Birmingham City University in October 2020 as a part-time senior lecturer in diabetes care, whilst continuing to work as a specialist podiatrist in the multi-disciplinary team at University Hospitals Birmingham.
Current Activity
- Diabetes UK Council of Healthcare Professionals.
- DUK Diabetes Clinical Champion
- English Diabetic Foot Network (EDFN) committee
- Royal College of Podiatry Vascular Special Advisory Group
- Foot in Diabetes UK (FDUK) executive committee
- NICE specialist foot panel for CG19 guideline update
- Chair of leadership sub-group for FDUK
- Diabetes UK Professional Conference Organising Committee – 2022 -2023
- Diabetes UK Healthcare Inequalities Commission
- DUK professional conference abstract reviewer
- Insights in Diabetes Education Access and Learning (iDEAL) expert panel
- Fellow of Faculty of Podiatric Medicine; Royal College Physicians & Surgeons (Glasgow) FFPM RCPS(Glasg)
- Fellowship of Royal College of Podiatry in Podiatric Medicine (FRCPodM)
- Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatrists
Areas of Expertise
- Diabetic foot disease
- MDT working
- Vascular
- Leadership
- MSc
- BSc (Hons)
- POMs prescribing for podiatrists online course (MSc module)
- Fellow of Faculty of Podiatric Medicine; Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians (Glasgow)
- Royal College of Podiatry
- Diabetes UK
- Fellowship of the Royal College of Podiatry in Podiatric Medicine (FRCPodM)
- Advance HE Senior Fellowship
- Course Lead for MSc in Advancing Practice in Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Advancing Diabetes Care post graduate modules and MSc programme
- Post registration nursing programmes
- Tissue viability and debridement
- Diabetic foot disease
- Multi professional attitudes to foot disease
- Healthcare inequalities
- ‘missingness’
- Robbie, J et al. (2019). An Unusual Complication of a Foot Burn in a Patient with Diabetes. Wounds UK 15.2: 30–33.
- Edmonds M, Phillips A, Holmes P, Odiase C, Robbie J, Grumitt J, Halloum H (2020) To halve the number of major amputations in people living with diabetes, “ACTNOW”. Diabetes & Primary Care (22)
- Robbie J, Tomkins D, Mitchell L et al (2020) A 2-year prospective audit of patients admitted into an acute hospital from an outpatient podiatry clinic – trends and outcomes. The Diabetic Foot Journal, Nov 2020. 23(4): 32–35
- Edmonds M, Phillips A, Holmes P, Odiase C, Grumitt J, Halloum H, Beckwith A, Docherty Y (2020) iDEAL Group Position Statement; ACTNOW! Diabetes and Foot Care Assessment and Referral – Nov 2020
- Phillips A, Edmonds M, Holmes P, Robbie J, Odiase C, Grumitt J (2020) ACTNOW in Diabetes and Foot Assessments: an essential service, Practice Nursing, 31, 12, 476-479. Reprinted in; J. Comm. Nursing March 2021
- Robbie, J. (2021) Managing foot care for people with diabetes. Journal of Practice Nursing; Diabetes supplement p.3-9 C
- Phillips A, Odiase C, Diggle J, Grumitt J, Holmes P, Beckwith A, Robbie J, Walker K (2021) How to maximise the impact of diabetes consultations: The perspective of people living with diabetes, www.idealdiabetes.com
- Robbie J. Edmonds P, Phillips A, Holmes P, Odiase C, Aldred C, Grumitt J, Walker K, Beckwith A (2021). ACT NOW! Reducing amputations during the Covid pandemic and beyond, The Diabetic Foot Journal Vol 24 No 2 : 8 – 11
- Robbie J. (2021). Foot care for people with diabetes. BNJ Inform – Oct 2021.https://www.bjninform.com/clinical-a-z/foot-care-for-people-with-diabetes/
- Robbie J et al. (2022). ACT NOW! A practical toolkit for amputation reduction. Current issues in diabetes care. S10-13
- Braden N, Tomkins D, Mitchell L, David M, Babwah F, Saeed M, Robbie J, Tiwari A. (2022). Bilateral calcanectomy: two case histories presenting a useful option for limb salvage in the multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic ; The Diabetic Foot Journal Vol 25 No 1; 20-23
- Robbie J, Edmonds M, Phillips A et al. ACT NOW! A practical toolkit for amputation reduction. British Journal of Healthcare Management. 2022. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjhc.2022.0055
- Robbie J. Edmonds P, Phillips A. et al. 2021. ACT NOW to save feet. The Podiatrist. May/June. 40-42
- Robbie J, Bewsey C, Edmonds M (2022). Editorial: Why are some patients failing to engage with foot services earlier. Diabetic Foot Journal Vol 25 No 3; 5-6
- Robbie J (2022). ACT NOW Diabetes UK Update
- Co-author of Vascular Matters – a Special Advisory Group update; published in The Podiatrist, Nov 2022, p 34
- Robbie J, Tiwari A (2022) The development of a new and innovative MSc programme in Advancing Practice in Peripheral Vascular Disease. The Diabetic Foot Journal 25(4): 22–5
- Robbie J (2023)- book chapters 30-33 & 40 in Diabetes at a Glance (edited by Prof Anne Phillips; BCU). Published by Wiley Blackwell
- Co- author of chapter; The evolution of diabetes and treatments in India since 1947; published in India at 75: Thoughts and Reflections edited by Makhan Singh, Steven McCabe & Beverley Neilsen. Published by Bite Sized Books Ltd.
- Robbie J, Bewsey C, Stang D, et al (2023) Zero All Preventable (ZAP) amputations: FDUK position statement on “missingness” and reducing major amputations in the acute diabetic foot pathway. The Diabetic Foot Journal 26(1): 18–24
Oral presentations;
- Admissions audit - UHB Therapies Got Talent event – March 2020.
- DUK professional conference webinar - April 2021, How to reduce amputations in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Session title: The importance of diagnosis of infection and the role of the hot foot clinic; with Mike Edmonds, Paul Chadwick, Martin Fox
- “Mortality in people with diabetes attending a high risk MDT ‘hot’ clinic during COVID19” - EDFN conference May 2021
- ACT NOW webinar - Jayne Robbie, Prof Mike Edmonds & Anne Phillips at the D-Foot International; June 2021. (d-foot.org)
- ACT NOW presentation at The Health Service Journal Awards Conference - Jayne Robbie, Prof Mike Edmonds & Anne Phillips; June 2021
- Co-presenter with Mike Edmonds/Anne Phillips ‘Delays in reaching specialist foot care lead to poor outcomes’ at 1st International Conference on "Innovations by NGOs in Diabetes Care" 13/8/2021
- Diabetes UK oral presentation – Putting Feet First – Nov 2021
- 1. The ACT NOW acronym: an innovative educational infographic for people with diabetes 2. health care professionals to recognise the warning signs of foot complications and address health inequalities and 3. panel debate/Q&A Early successful below-knee amputation as a patient choice. Foot in Diabetes UK conference – November 2021
- 1) A case history presenting early amputation as a patient choice 2) ACT NOW! Delays in reaching specialist foot care lead to poor outcomes (panel presentation in podiatrists specialist pathway) – Diabetes UK professional conference 2022
- National Primary Care & Public Health Conference - Diabetic Emergencies – what to refer and when. May 2022
- ACT NOW in diabetes and foot assessments: an essential service and a new educational tool for people with diabetes and health care professionals to recognise the warning signs of foot complications. BCU Annual Health Conference. May 2022
- ACT NOW in diabetes and foot assessments: an essential service and a new educational tool for people with diabetes and health care professionals to recognise the warning signs of foot complications – BCU teaching and learning conference workshop – July 2022
- ‘Missingness’ - who is missing from our services and why?’. Foot in Diabetes UK conference - Nov 2022
- An innovative multi-professional MSc programme in advancing practice in peripheral vascular disease - HELS Educational Impact Conference; April 2023
Conference Posters;
- Mortality audit - Nov 2021.
- 2 year audit data - DUK professional conference – March 2020
- Co-author DUK conference 2021 ‘A new educational tool for people with diabetes and health care professionals has been created: ACTNOW to recognise warning signs of foot complications and reduce delays in people with diabetes reaching specialist help and timely treatment to avoid amputation.’ With Mike Edmonds, Anne Phillips et al.
- Co-author DUK for e-poster at professional conference 2021 - Reaching out to share best practice with an India/UK partnership for advancing diabetes care: a collaborative approach to cascade clinical knowledge and develop skills in specialist diabetes care delivery through an online MSc for 100 doctors practicing in diabetes care across India. With Anne Phillips, Theresa Smyth, Wasim Hanif, Martha Stewart, Richard Smith
- “ACT NOW in diabetes and foot assessments: an essential service and a new educational tool for people with diabetes and health care professionals to recognise the warning signs of foot complications” - EDFN conference May 2021
- ACT NOW collaborative e-poster at Diabetes India 2021 virtual conference June 2021 – with iDEAL panel
- 1) The case for bilateral calcanectomy: a useful tool for limb salvage in a multidisciplinary diabetic foot service 2) A case report: Early successful below-knee amputation as a patient choice oral presentation 3) The ACT NOW (Accident, Change, Temperature, New pain, Oozing, Wound) acronym: an innovative educational infographic for people with diabetes and health care professionals to recognise the warning signs of foot complications and address health inequalities – Diabetes UK professional conference 2022
- ACT NOW in diabetes and foot assessments: an essential service and a new educational tool for people with diabetes and health care professionals to recognise the warning signs of foot complications. RCPod annual conference – July 2022
- ACT NOW - Multi-disciplinary research conference. Birmingham. Oct 2022
- An innovative multi-professional MSc programme in advancing practice in peripheral vascular disease. https://societyoftissueviability.org/person/jayne-robbie/ - Society of Tissue Viability 2023 Conference – April 2023
- 1) Missingness - or why are some people failing to engage with foot services in time? J Robbie*, C Bewsey, ME Edmonds 2) Hypobox provision at the 2022 Commonwealth Games (with Phillips A, Walker K, Roberts A, Smith R) – Diabetes UK conference, April 2023
- Diabetic Foot Problems: Prevention and Management – Guideline Update. Primary Care Conference, May 2023.
Other activities;
- Interview shortlisting for Clinical Champions programme
- UHB Trustwide Practice update Aug 2020 - Clinical Diabetic Foot Assessment
- DRWF/iDEAL foot care podcast
- Wounds UK Excellence award –WoundsUK conference
- Panellist on The Carlton Phillip Diabetes Webinar and Diabetic Foot presentation in National Diabetes Webinar with University Partners in The Caribbean and Diabetes Association in Trinidad and Tobago (DATT)
- DUK project groups ; remote consultations and Ageing Well with Diabetes
- Diabetes UK (2021) Nursing and Allied Healthcare Professional Diabetes Research Poster Award Winners: Edmonds P, Robbie J, Phillips A, Holmes P, Odiase C, Aldred C, Grumitt J, Walker K, Beckwith A
- Diabetes UK Health Care Professionals interview + Q&A ‘what is it like to work in diabetes at the moment?’ – July 2021
- Diabetes UK Update editorial – personal profile
- Diabetes UK interview panel for health inequalities lead
- Workshop contributor for Ageing well with diabetes working group and subsequent publication; Wylie TAF, Morris A, Robertson E, et al. Ageing well with diabetes: A workshop to co- design research recommendations for improving the diabetes care of older people. Diabetes Med. 2022;00:e14795
- EDFN podcast. https://edfn.org/2022/04/19/latest-edfn-podcast-delves-deeper-into-award-winning-act-now-programme/
- FDUK blog with David Wylie
- Evidence based nursing blog – ACT NOW in diabetes and foot assessments: an essential service and a new educational tool for people with diabetes and health care professionals to recognise the warning signs of foot complications. https://blogs.bmj.com/ebn/2022/07/03/2363/
- Diabetes UK Leadership fishbowl
- Chair; Diabetes UK professional conference 2023 - multi-professional workshop ; my feet are killing me. (with vascular surgeon from UHB, podiatric surgeon UHB and Royal College of Podiatry Head of Education)
- Chair; Diabetes UK conference 2023 podiatrist special interest group; (with Krishna Gohil; Clinical Lead: Lower Limb Workstream. National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP)
Work With Industry
- Diabetes UK Clinical Champion
- Diabetes UK Council of Healthcare Professionals
- Urgo foundation award winner; Evidencing the impact of ACT NOW resources in reducing delays in accessing specialist foot services.
Links and Social Media
- Twitter - @darciedot