Professor Theresa Smyth

Honorary Visiting Professor in Diabetes Care
Theresa is Nurse Consultant in Diabetes at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and an Honorary Visiting Professor in Diabetes Care at Birmingham City University.
She co-leads and teaches on post-registration, BSc and MSc, courses on diabetes.
She has held positions representing diabetes nursing on national and international level and is currently on the editorial board of Medicine Matters - Diabetes, a contemporary online resource for members of the inter-professional team.
She has presented extensively and widely at diabetes conferences.
Areas of Expertise
- Diabetes Care in preconception and pregnancy
- End of Life care in Diabetes
- Medication in Diabetes
- Multi-cultural issues
- Inpatient care
- Health Education in Diabetes
- MSc in Advanced Practice (Nursing)
- Post Graduate Certificate in Education (HE)
- BSc (Hons) Clinical Nursing Studies – 1st Class
- Registered General Nurse
- Independent and Supplementary Prescribing
- Essential Management Skills Programme – Institute of Leadership and Management
- Specialist Practitioner Award – Adult
- National Nurse Consultants in Diabetes Group
- Advisory Board Member of the Diabetes Medicine Management Advisory Group.
- Member of Pan Birmingham Network
Theresa works with Anne Phillips, Associate Professor in Diabetes Care, and clinical colleagues in co-leading and delivering courses in diabetes care.
Book chapters
Smyth, T & Smyth, D (2017) Managing diabetes in palliative and end of life care, Chapter 30 in Phillips A (Ed) Principles of Diabetes Care: Evidence based practice for Health Care Professionals (2nd edition) Quay Books. London
Smyth, D & Smyth T (2012) Diabetes and palliative care, Chapter 28 in Phillips A (Ed) Principles of Diabetes Care: Evidence based practice for Health Care Professionals, Quay Books. London
Gadsby, R and Smyth, T (2006) Chapter 13, Multiprofessional Care, in Barnett, A (Editor) Diabetes - Best Practice and Research Compedium, Elservier: London
Smyth T (2018) CPD: Effective management of hypoglycaemia. Nursing Standard doi: 10.7748/ ns.2018.e11235
Smyth T (2018) Case Study: Acute illness while on a SGLT2 inhibitor and keto diet, Medicine Matters Diabetes (accessed 22/1/20)
Smyth T, Thomas D, Stewart M, Flavell H, Skeldling R, Ghosh S (2017) Diabetes Back to the Floor – An innovative approach to drive organisational learning and improve quality of patient care. Diabetes UK (accessed 22/1/20)
Smyth, T and Smyth, D (2017) Chapter: Managing Diabetes in Palliative and End of Life Care, in Philips, A (Editor) Principles of Diabetes Care: Evidence Based Management for Health Professionals 2nd Edition, Quay Books, London.
Smyth T; Blackwood K. (2016) Practical considerations when initiating insulin. Nurse Prescribing 14 (10): S16-21
Smyth T; Blackwood K (2016) Practical considerations when initiating insulin. Independent Nurse (accessed 22/01/2020)
Narendran P and Smyth T (2016) Glucose control with non-insulin based therapies for type 1 diabetes. Nurse Prescribing 14(1): 24-32
Smyth, D & Smyth, T (2014) Diabetes and coeliac disease: implementing a gluten-free diet Practice Nursing 25(6): 292-297
Smyth, D & Smyth, T (2012) Legal considerations in the care of people living with diabetes Practice Nursing, Vol. 23, Iss. 11, 02 Nov 2012, pp 547 – 552
Smyth, T & Smyth, D (2011) Considering palliative and end-of-life care for people with Diabetes Practice Nursing, Vol. 22, Iss. 11, 04 Nov 2011, pp 578 – 586
Smyth, T (2010) 2010 Annual Evidence Update on Diabetes Commentary on Diabetes – Technology, NHS Evidence – Diabetes
Smyth, T (2010) NPSA issues safety guidance to decrease incidence of insulin errors. RCN Diabetes Nursing Forum.
Smyth, D & Smyth, T (2005) The relationship between diabetes and cancer Journal Of Diabetes Nursing 9(7): 269-273
Smyth, D & Smyth, T (2005) How to manage diabetes in advanced terminal illness Nursing Times 101(17); 30-32
Dunne, F; Brydon, P; Smith, T; Proffitt, M; Gee, H; Holder, R (2001) Approaching St Vincent. Working toward the St Vincent targets. Diabetes Medicine 18(4):333-4.
Brydon, P; Smith, T; Proffitt, M; Gee, H; Hoder, R; Dunne, F (2000) Pregnancy outcome in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus needs to be addressed. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 54(7):418-9
Dunne, F; Brydon, P; Smith, T; Gee, H (2000) Fetal and maternal outcomes in Indo-Asian compared to Caucasian women with diabetes in pregnancy. QJM 93(12):813-8
Dunne, F; Brydon, P Smith, T; Essex, M; Nicholson, H; Dunn, J (1999) Pre-conception diabetes care in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. QJM 92(3):175-6.
Dunne, F; Chowdhury; Smith, T; Brydon, P; McConkey, C (1999) Pregnancy outcome in women with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus complicated by nephropathy. QJM 92(8): 451-4
Conference presentations:
April 2019 (London) presented at “Monitoring and Preventing Medication Errors, National Conference’ on ‘Insulin Safety’.
February 2019 (London) presented at ‘Making Hospital Safe for People with Diabetes UK Healthcare Conference’ on ‘Training and Educating Frontline Staff’.
July 2018 (Birmingham) presented at GP event on ‘GLP1s and type 2 diabetes medication’
May 2018 (Barcelona, Spain) presented at the European Endocrine Congress: ‘Using innovative technology to improve the care of patients with Diabetes’
September 2017 (London) presented and poster presentation at National Inpatient Conference ‘Diabetes Back to the Floor – An innovative approach to drive organisational learning and improve quality of patient care’
October 2016 (Birmingham) South Asian Health Foundation National Conference Masterclass 4: Overcoming cultural barriers to injectable therapies
2015 – 2016 (Various locations around the UK). ‘Black and Minority Ethnics (BME) National Conference on Diabetes’ presented on ‘Promoting Self-Management’
October 2014 (Birmingham) South Asian Health Foundation National Conference Masterclass: Travel and Diabetes.
2014 Abracadabra National conference (Birmingham)– ‘Diabetes in Pregnancy’ presentation
2012 Abracadabra National conference (Birmingham)– ‘Living with diabetes’ Presentation
2011 Diabetes Nursing Conference (Birmingham) – ‘Diabetes Ketoacidosis’ presentation
2008 Abracadabra National conference (London and York) – Diabetes and Surgery.
2005 UK Symposium presentation (Washington, USA) – American Diabetes Educators Conference
Previously ran courses for doctors and nurses in Pakistan, Karachi and Lahore: 1998 and 2002.
Numerous other local presentations on various topics related to diabetes.
Other relevant activities:
Chaired the blood glucose monitoring project group (sub-group of DMMAG) that won the ‘Diabetes Collaboration of the Year – Adults Award’ Quality in Care Diabetes 2018: (accessed 16/1/19)
Poster on ‘Diabetes Back to the Floor’ is on the Diabetes UK website as a Shared Practice example
Work With Industry
- Theresa is on the UK Advisory Board for Diabetes section of Medicines Matters